January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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The Mt. Rushmore of WWF/E Ladies. Technical ability be damned. :lol:
If Orton didn't concussed Ali, do you think he would've had the WrestleMania victory (let alone match) Kofi had?
The Internet is devouring those who said the main event wasn't good. Take off the rose colored glasses and you see it was the culmination of a bad story line. It ended perfectly. Shouldn't have closed the show.

A good point was made on CSS. Once Lynch adopted "The Man" gimmick, the underdog story should have come to a conclusion.
The Internet is devouring those who said the main event wasn't good. Take off the rose colored glasses and you see it was the culmination of a bad story line. It ended perfectly. Shouldn't have closed the show.

A good point was made on CSS. Once Lynch adopted "The Man" gimmick, the underdog story should have come to a conclusion.

The match was fine. Everything about the build-up was garbage
The Internet is devouring those who said the main event wasn't good. Take off the rose colored glasses and you see it was the culmination of a bad story line. It ended perfectly. Shouldn't have closed the show.

A good point was made on CSS. Once Lynch adopted "The Man" gimmick, the underdog story should have come to a conclusion.

Match was solid.

It shouldn't have ended the show but Steph wanna force this women's revolution down our throats.
HHH has had the longest match at WrestleMania 8 of the last 9 Wrestlemanias. His match at WM32 (27 minutes) was second longest on that card.

HHH vs Batista last night was longer than both tag title matches put together, the WWE Championship match, and the women's triple threat main event match.

If you want to talk about how to condense these shows, you have to start there.

Basically Batista should’ve won so we never get to see another HHH “legacy” match ever again :lol:
H has always been about putting himself over. He views himself in the Austin, Hogan, Rock level yet he is a solid tier below. He has been a part of some of the worst mania main events of all time (orton, rains) and only looks good when someone carries him (hbk taker). Another thing that bothers me about H is that he NEVER takes a big bump. Is getting put through the announce table the biggest bump he has ever taken? His entrances over the past few years have used every iteration of a motorcycle known to man. He needs to have one last match and have it be his last.

Yeah, I've never been able to stand him. But unfortunately, its a family business and he's weaseled himself into a prominent position, so once we're all old and our kids are watching the Hunner Hurts Helms Lee Memorial Battle Royale, they'll probably have a video package immortalizing dude and HHH Venni Vetti Vecce t-shirts for sale.
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