January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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Edge cleared for a WWE return the the ring?

Who would y'all like to see him face?

Brock Lesnar

It was a really disrespectful finish. Doesn’t help the narrative of people saying he was a bad champ..
Yeah knowing we about to get a mega washed UFC match in WWE has me already knowing FOX is going to mess this up. And I completely understand what they’re doing for more eyes but I’m not about to watch this crap then. I’ll see who gets drafted but as of right now if Cole is not on Raw then I’ll be there and I trust Heyman. Fox and Vince is going to go back and forth on a lot of stuff.

Brock doesn’t need the title for this crap fest but whatever get those headlines I guess.
Damn Kofi we had a good run. :emoji_cry:

Haven't watched it yet but reading the responses sounds like Kofi got beat in 1.5 seconds.

It was a foregone conclusion that he was gonna lose, but at least get some licks in on Brock.

Ron brining Cain out to defend his and Dominick's honor. :lol:

If they doing Brock v. Cain they should've let him interfere in the match so Kofi kept the title.

He could then drop it to someone that could use the rub like Andrade.

The WWE title doesn't need to be involved in the Brock/Cain shenanigans. Now it's being held hostage for the foreseeable future.

All in all sounds like Smackdown's Fox debutt was solid. Will watch later.
Neither should Rollins or Bryan, yet they have either been competitive in losses or competitive and actually won. He was treated like Dolph Ziggler vs Goldberg, and Rey bringing out Velazquez all but confirms Kofi being swept out the way without the thought of a rematch.

Goldberg squashed Lesnar in 2 minutes. Don't see how this hurts Kofi.

Who's to say they don't have another match?
When Kofi beat Randy Orton, at Clash of Champions, his storyline with the title was done. That was the ultimate culmination of Kofi Kingston, giving Orton his come-uppance 10 years later.

He had a long title run, it culminated where it was suppose to be. There is no other storyline for Kofi as Champion. This is the perfect way to transition to that.

Show how dominant Lesnar is, only to show there is one MORE dominant that him.

I am hyped for Lesnar vs Velazquez.
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