January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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That's probably also true.
No way that backstage show will have the same energy as tonight so..
they make a Christmas list of 5 things they want the most. I will pick one item on it. My kids very practical. They don’t really ask for outrageous stuff. My oldest actually list one of his favorite item was a set of books.

if they have a choice between an iPad or play outside. They pick play outside 9 out of 10 times.

what are you getting for yours? Niece and nephews right?
Yep Nieces and Nephews. Not sure yet, I’ll have to think of something. :emoji_thinking: :lol:

Is he sexy when the crowd is turning on him and he's crying like a chump in the corner, scared of Bray in a mask? I'd call him a "Punk," but it's obvious Seth isn't on that level, like you not being on mine.
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