January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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RE: Cornette

I took it as him taking a shot a the perceived Famine issues of Ethiopia, not a shot at them (Black People) eating Fried CHicken.

1. The Fried Chicken Stereotype is usually associated with Black AMERICANS, not Ethiopians.

2. He was basically saying dude his so tough that he would ride in an area that is hard pressed for food with a entire bucket of a food item.

Maybe chicken was just the first word that popped into his head but I didn't take it as a RACIALLY insensitive comment, I took it as a Ethnically insensitive comment.

But you can't be making jokes like that about a country that has so little. That is what my issue is. Dude was definitely trippin but how does that get cleared on a TAPED show?

RE: Cornette

I took it as him taking a shot a the perceived Famine issues of Ethiopia, not a shot at them (Black People) eating Fried CHicken.

1. The Fried Chicken Stereotype is usually associated with Black AMERICANS, not Ethiopians.

2. He was basically saying dude his so tough that he would ride in an area that is hard pressed for food with a entire bucket of a food item.

Maybe chicken was just the first word that popped into his head but I didn't take it as a RACIALLY insensitive comment, I took it as a Ethnically insensitive comment.

But you can't be making jokes like that about a country that has so little. That is what my issue is. Dude was definitely trippin but how does that get cleared on a TAPED show?


It got aired because NWA knows there's no such thing as bad publicity. They are the talk of the wrestling world. I'm not mad at them and Cornette is not of this generation. He can see the change of the social climate, but ultimately he can't feel it. He's very much about not trying to reinvent the wheel with wrestling and proving old tactics (and lines) can work. I'm referring to the 1994 post of him using the same comment, in case ya'll haven't seen.

I asked Claire Schmidt for help. She's a professor at the University of Missouri who studies race and folklore. Schmidt said chickens had long been a part of Southern diets, but they had particular utility for slaves. They were cheap, easy to feed and a good source of meat.

But then, Schmidt says, came Birth of a Nation.

D.W. Griffith's seminal and supremely racist 1915 silent movie about the supposedly heroic founding of the Ku Klux Klan was a huge sensation when it debuted. One scene in the three-hor features a group of actors portraying shiftless black elected officials acting rowdy and crudely in a legislative hall. (The message to the audience: These are the dangers of letting blacks vote.) Some of the legislators are shown drinking. Others had their feet kicked up on their desks. And one of them was very ostentatiously eating fried chicken.

"That image really solidified the way white people thought of black people and fried chicken," Schmidt said.

Do you think it matters that Cornette himself is from the south and saying that?
Cornette is generally offensive. So I think it’s more so Cornette being Cornette rather it being Cornette being from the south. I’m personally not offended or surprised by what he said in this regard, and would’ve completely overlooked it had I not saw it brought up in here.
Do you think it matters that Cornette himself is from the south and saying that?
No I personally don't think that even matters.

My stance is I think it was meant to be a shot at the perceived lack of food Ethiopians have since they have never been linked to fried chicken.

If he said riding through Alabama, GA, or Mississippi I would look at it differently.

Either way, it was foul. Don't turn this into me defending his words. I just find it offensivein a different way than most.

It was foul.
It was foul.
It was foul.
No I personally don't think that even matters.

My stance is I think it was meant to be a shot at the perceived lack of food Ethiopians have since they have never been linked to fried chicken.

If he said riding through Alabama, GA, or Mississippi I would look at it differently.

Either way, it was foul. Don't turn this into me defending his words. I just find it offensivein a different way than most.

It was foul.
It was foul.
It was foul.
Nah I actually agree with your sentiment on IT after you made your posts and definitely wasn’t acting like you supported what he said.

Definitely seems like IT is more a statement that is in poor taste than actually being racist.

Shouldn’t be saying IT regardless.
Nah I actually agree with your sentiment on IT after you made your posts and definitely wasn’t acting like you supported what he said.

Definitely seems like IT is more a statement that is in poor taste than actually being racist.

Shouldn’t be saying IT regardless.
Nah, that wasn't for you. It was a general statement because I am sure someone was (halfway) reading what I said and took it as me defending JC. Since people tend to not see nuance during conversations
The thing that worries me about what Cornette said is not so much that he said it/what he said, but the fact that people (not talking about you DC) are trying to excuse it away..It's a whole bunch of "That's Corney being Corney" and "He's from a different time" or "It's him just saying something to get heat/cut a promo"..**** like this is becoming far too common among guys his age still in the business..

I am by no means a "millennial" or "snowflake"..For the most part I think people should get thicker skin and quit being little sissies..But at the same time, as I get older, I realize the deeper impact of words and I realize that words can mean more to certain groups of people than the person saying them..I know I've said stuff/made posts in the past that make me cringe today and I regret that..So I've tried to be a better man by not saying those types of things and I've tried to discover why those things can be hurtful/offensive..Not just because society tells me I should, but because I want to be a better person/father..Cornette knows exactly what he's doing and saying..He 1000% should, and does, know better yet he continues to do this ****..And at this point I have to believe it's not just because he's trying to "bring back the glory days of promos and heat and getting over", it's because he truly feels these things in his heart..
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