January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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Meangene45 Meangene45 oreeeooooooo orrreeeeeoooooo, why you standing next to maaaaayyyyy


I feel the finish could have been MORE, but still a good moment. Something was missing from the ending sequence though.

Funny thread. Stating the obvious but still. High quality Twitter User

It’s like they pulled all the thoughts from my head :lol:
I see what DC is saying. It could’ve used a finisher kickout from Bryan. It was weird, but refreshing that Kofi did his wake up taunt and actually hit his finisher. We’ve been conditioned to always expect a reversal now.

Wake up taunt :lol: but it’s true. I expect a kick out after everything cause that’s what every fed across the board has tended to do in recent years.

The Batista/HHH was cool. Slow but understandable. HHH’s best solo match since Bryan. There was more sense of purpose this match compared to either of his matches vs Brock. I’ll never forget HHH trying to force an epic, and sympathy from the crowd, and was damn near boo’d out the building :rofl: :rofl:
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Wake up taint :lol: but it’s true. I expect a kick out after everything cause that’s what every fed across the board has tended to do in recent years.

The Batista/HHH was cool. Slow but understandable. HHH’s best solo match since Bryan. There was more sense of purpose this match compared to either of his matches vs Brock. I’ll never forget HHH trying to force an epic, and sympathy from the crowd, and was damn near boo’d out the building :rofl: :rofl:
Isn’t it actually called a wake up taunt? :lol: I thought that’s where 2k got it from lol

After Brock tapped out Triple H at Summerslam, when they did the “stop playing the victor’s music as the loser gets up so the crowd can cheer for him” thing and instead of cheering they chanted “You tapped out!” at Triple H :rofl:
I was telling someone this at the ROH/NJPW show.

ALL Companies need to do a better job with, "Near-Fall distribution." Man, most matches don't deserve near-falls. If I am nearing the main event and I have seen 4 near-falls already on the show, that is a problem. Why would anything else after that feel special? It is annoying man
I watch the product more than you therefore my thoughts on it hold more weight

All that says is that you have more time in your hands.

You got it. I don't watch CMLL, LU, Combat Zone, AJPW like you. But those companies don't do anything for me.
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Bend_The_Knee Bend_The_Knee doesn't watch wrestling. He just copies and pastes from his Father's website and presents them as his own ideas.

I never once saw him breakdown a match/segment/promo.

Amazed he even knows who is who
I was telling someone this at the ROH/NJPW show.

ALL Companies need to do a better job with, "Near-Fall distribution." Man, most matches don't deserve near-falls. If I am nearing the main event and I have seen 4 near-falls already on the show, that is a problem. Why would anything else after that feel special? It is annoying man

One thing I didn't like over the weekend was Gargano looking like he would kick out of every move even though he took 1 last shot to lose the first fall.
Bend_The_Knee Bend_The_Knee doesn't watch wrestling. He just copies and pastes from his Father's website and presents them as his own ideas.

I never once saw him breakdown a match/segment/promo.

Amazed he even knows who is who

Sure buddy.

Funny how you take "dad's" ratings of matches as gospel, though.

You come on here trying to tell people what to watch and then act like you are better than them if they don't listen to you.
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