January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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4 time champ, first ever women’s tag champ (basically a belt they created because of her). Cries about her standing. People call her out for being a baby and it’s considered a narrative and extreme....got IT.
This is actually my point exactly. She barely won any title defenses and that tag title run lasted two months with one defense against the mild samoans. Again, you don't mention that because yall love extremes, not the nuances that tell the story.
#KnowYourWorth brother Josh. They can’t be reasoned with
youngogjosh youngogjosh
Because you’re worth IT.
This is actually my point exactly. She barely won any title defenses and that tag title run lasted two months with one defense against the mild samoans. Again, you don't mention that because yall love extremes, not the nuances that tell the story.

  • She didn’t win any singles title defenses
  • They just lost the (meaningless) tag titles for no reason to two chicks that can barely wrestle
  • Booked as a mediocre, directionless face for most of her main roster run, when she’s clearly a far better heel
  • Team B.A.D
  • They did nothing with the Bayley feud that could’ve easily written itself
  • Wildly sporadic TV time
  • Losses to the lesser characters that weren’t even used to elevate them
We’re bugging tho youngogjosh youngogjosh
Her booking has been trash from the time she got called up. Y’all see what y’all want to tho

Nah man trading the title 10 times back and forth with Charlotte was taking the people on a ride. This Bayley and Sasha story is a classic example of mind games that alleviate all the above. Got it?
This criticism doesn't make much sense. She's been vocal about wanting change and that hasn't happened. She (according to rumors) quit between now and post mania raw. How does that come off as just "complaining"? Obviously, she can't just leave, she has to be released so even if she does leave eventually it'll months down the line, like what happened with Neville.

But that goes against the narratives and the extremes you guys like to make up.

  • She didn’t win any singles title defenses
  • They just lost the (meaningless) tag titles for no reason to two chicks that can barely wrestle
  • Booked as a mediocre, directionless face for most of her main roster run, when she’s clearly a far better heel
  • Team B.A.D
  • They did nothing with the Bayley feud that could’ve easily written itself
  • Wildly sporadic TV time
  • Losses to the lesser characters that weren’t even used to elevate them
We’re bugging tho youngogjosh youngogjosh
“She should just be happy to be in the WWE!”

You guys get IT
This criticism doesn't make much sense. She's been vocal about wanting change and that hasn't happened. She (according to rumors) quit between now and post mania raw. How does that come off as just "complaining"? Obviously, she can't just leave, she has to be released so even if she does leave eventually it'll months down the line, like what happened with Neville.

But that goes against the narratives and the extremes you guys like to make up.

She's not going to **** you.

She has a choice. Is her money that messed up where she's going to put up with it? CM Punk took his ball and went home. Dean Ambrose took his ball and went home. Time for her to do the same or shut up. Damn your contract being frozen. Principle doesn't mean much to her in this situation. We'll see her take another "break" in a year's time.
Nope. She certainly has the right to say what she wants. I can also still call her a crybaby.

The privilege being shown is strong in some folks in here.

What privilege are you alluding to? I'm a Black man who's bust my *** to get where I am.
She's not going to **** you.

Never claimed she would, why do facts upset you?

She has a choice. Is her money that messed up where she's going to put up with it? CM Punk took his ball and went home. Dean Ambrose took his ball and went home. Time for her to do the same or shut up. Damn your contract being frozen. Principle doesn't mean much to her in this situation. We'll see her take another "break" in a year's time.

Punk and Ambrose left AFTER their contracts were up. You leave before that and you open yourself to a ton of legal tape that an employee independent contractor has little chance of winning.
Never claimed she would, why do facts upset you?

Punk and Ambrose left AFTER their contracts were up. You leave before that and you open yourself to a ton of legal tape that an employee independent contractor has little chance of winning.

Facts upset me? Neville left and played the long game. Sasha can too. She won't. She likes the money too much. Integrity means something and it's something she lacks.
So where’s Dana Brooke’s big push? She’s blonde. Big ****. Should be at the top of the card, right?

Nope she can’t wrestle for **** either. I’ve been waiting for at least a year for y’all to post 1 convincing Bliss match. The question gets dodged every time
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