January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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Dominik Dijakovic debuted a new gimmick at last night’s NXT television taping. After defeating a jobber, he cut a promo talking about his family immigrating to the United States and how he wants the North American title. In his second bout, he defeated Mansoor and Velveteen Dream accepted his challenge. Today, the gimmick took a turn that some are describing as being “white nationalist.”

In a now deleted tweet, Dijakovic wrote the following:

"This continent has everything backwards. This is a diseased environment that breeds impurity. The streets are almost as filthy as the inhabitants. I would know, I’ve lived the majority of my life here. I owe it to myself and my family to Purify this wasteland."

He then tagged in the three leaders of North America: Donald Trump, Justin Trudeau, and Andrés Manuel López Obrador. As one would expect, this message got an immediate backlash from fans and was deleted less than 30 minutes later.

Deactivated his Twitter too.


How many MAGA gimmicks are they gonna have in NXT:rofl:
Lol yes :lol:

Bliss is the best on the mic in the whole division, but she’s only favored because of privilege :nerd:

She was also part of one of the worst segments in RAM history.

She’s been on NXT, SD, and RAM and y’all can’t find 1 good match?
Nope she can’t wrestle for **** either. I’ve been waiting for at least a year for y’all to post 1 convincing Bliss match. The question gets dodged every time

Plus Dana can’t even talk (at least as a face), which is Bliss’ saving grace, the WWE has even come to terms with that, which is why Dana is where she is. But they did try pushing her, they just realized faster than usual how bad she is :lol: she was brought up with so much personality and it seems like that’s been zapped away from her, on top of her never improving in the ring.
Didn’t actually see the match, but was Tony Nese actually built up well enough to take the CW title from Murphy?

He beat Kalisto and Cedric in his tournament run so I'd say yeah, but I wasn't expecting him to beat Buddy at Mania.

Hopefully this means Buddy is free from 205 purgatory.

Free Cedric too.
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