January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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Give her a manager and the problem is solved..She could easily be booked like Brock if they gave her a mouthpiece like they did with Laser..

The entire roster, women and men, could benefit from bringing back managers..It worked for decades and then all of a sudden Vince quit using them..

Managers don't look good in Bathing Suits

In Tokyo.
In a Capsule Hostel .

Was at the bar last night, talking to two natives. (30-40 year old dudes)

They were asking me about things I like about Jaoan and of course I mention NJPW. ( @Bend_The_Knee )

SO I start asking them about folks. Mutoh, Tana, Liger.

So one of the dudes went crazy when I mentioned Liger and explained how he did Karate with him during his "Black Liger" ( @Bend_The_Knee ) days.

Then they started talking about how Funny Old Head Mutoh was and how they liked the Poison Mist.

But I leave here in a few hours for the place that Sagat and Tong Po built.


Wagyu w/Bean Sprouts


Grilles Mackerel, Mashed Daikkon
In Tokyo.
In a Capsule Hostel .

Was at the bar last night, talking to two natives. (30-40 year old dudes)

They were asking me about things I like about Jaoan and of course I mention NJPW. ( @Bend_The_Knee )

SO I start asking them about folks. Mutoh, Tana, Liger.

So one of the dudes went crazy when I mentioned Liger and explained how he did Karate with him during his "Black Liger" ( @Bend_The_Knee ) days.

Then they started talking about how Funny Old Head Mutoh was and how they liked the Poison Mist.

But I leave here in a few hours for the place that Sagat and Tong Po built.


Please don’t post closeups of your dirty fingernails ever again.

The Saba looks fire though.
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