January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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Punk a snake
didnt he more so get support for calling out how poor the medical treatment was?

i dont think ppl cared that he whined about not being the main event.

That might be the narrative now 5 years after the fact

But remember that the interview with Colt Cabana where he revealed his medical issues came out months after he was released, so nobody was talking about that initially
phil brooks and colt cabana every resolve their issues?
iirc, he wanted phil to pay for his legal fees
RoH looking like the new TNA

New Japan should be rethinking that partnership

Imagine Enzo Amore in BOSJ
You can’t count NXT people right now, because once they move to the main roster with miscast roles and limited move sets, they won’t be as entertaining either.

Sasha was allowed to flourish as a heel in NXT and had all her character traits stripped away on the main roster. She at least needs a chance to show Boss Sasha on the main roster before it’s too late to turn her for people to care like Bobert Roode

Robert doesnt have the juice. He's a solid midcard guy. Like Gawd Corbin.
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