January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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Brother D Fly D Fly

You know that is a high five and not a set of prayer hands......


Savio's story kinda differs from Atlas but not too much. 12:30-to end is really cold. Gonzalez's tag team partner translated Atlas report to police...Fk that Gonzalez guy and Colon.
I can understand why Sasha feels frustrated. I hope she can figure it out but it is wild how she isn't allowed to express her frustration without being called a cryBaby.

But I also understand those in the camp that feela she haa regressed.

But that is part of the reason why I said NXT success should be treated like NBA Summer Leagur success. Sure, it helps to get reps but the two worlds are SO different that you can't even take NXT seriously as a projection of what is to coke on the main roster.

But I am pulling for her and Bayley.
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