January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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Don't expect actual discussion on anything you said.

1. But I also questioned the amount of "putting over" of other promotions on this inaugural PPV.

2. Are they billing Alpha vs. Omega as a return match?

3. Lastly, What is up with their own title picture. I guess this makes it weird because your first event is a PPV when I feel the first few events should be TV/Build Up

1. I question that too..This show should be 100% about AEW talent only..Bringing in talent from another company is something that shouldn't be done for at least a year..The Bucks match is for the AAA tag title that, I'm pretty sure, they haven't defended in the 2 months they've had the title..So it's obvious they only won the belts in order for AAA talent to appear on the AEW ppv..

2. I don't think they've specifically billed it as a return match, but Jericho always brings it up that they had a match in NJPW..Kenny doesn't seem to do much of anything at all so I don't know how he's talked about the match..

3. The main event for this show should be to crown the inaugural AEW WHC..If that's not your main event then why even bother putting on a show?..I guess they're really going to make people wait til their tv show debuts in the fall before they crown any champions..
1. I question that too..This show should be 100% about AEW talent only..Bringing in talent from another company is something that shouldn't be done for at least a year..The Bucks match is for the AAA tag title that, I'm pretty sure, they haven't defended in the 2 months they've had the title..So it's obvious they only won the belts in order for AAA talent to appear on the AEW ppv..

2. I don't think they've specifically billed it as a return match, but Jericho always brings it up that they had a match in NJPW..Kenny doesn't seem to do much of anything at all so I don't know how he's talked about the match..

3. The main event for this show should be to crown the inaugural AEW WHC..If that's not your main event then why even bother putting on a show?..I guess they're really going to make people wait til their tv show debuts in the fall before they crown any champions..
Yea maybe this is just an exhibition show at this point. All-In Part 2

Maybe that is how we should view it vs. viewing it as the starting point of the company's existence.
RE: Selling

Just so Bend_The_Knee Bend_The_Knee doesn't make FALSE accusations of me, "Not saying anything when people from Asian no-sell moves."

Kota Ibushi is another example of someone that REACTS but doesn't sell.

He will fall on his neck after someone chops him on the apron, but someone can punish his legs all match but this dude still pulls off Goldren TriAngles and/or Springboard Dropkickuus.
WON: Backstage people were told Ali was winning the MITB match instead of Drew McIntyre, who was scheduled to win earlier in the week. Wrestlers in the match knew Ali was not winning and that an eighth man would appear and win. Ali was told right before the match Lesnar was winning but to keep quiet

Backstage, those who needed to know, were told that Ali was winning the Money in the Bank match, a change from Drew McIntyre, who had been said was the planned winner earlier in the week.

The wrestlers in the match were all told that Ali was not winning, but that Ali would be on top when an eighth wrestler would arrive and he’d knock Ali off and be the winner. They were not told who the wrestler would be, but the idea was that they would believe it to be Strowman.

Right before the match started, Ali was told it was Lesnar, but told to keep it quiet.

They should probably stop doing this stuff

There's no way that's good for morale
I had the same questions going into this Show.

I’m fine with Jericho/Omega running it back... but why isn’t it for the big title.

Why are titles from other organizations being defended and not establishing AEWs first. THEN bring NWA/AAA/NJPW/ROH into the fold. Would be fun to see Title for Title.

But to not establish yourself first? Don’t get that.
WON: Dolph Ziggler was a late addition to face Kofi Kingston at Super Show-Down since they had limited options on the Smackdown roster and didn't want someone from Raw in that spot

Ziggler was a late change from Kevin Owens, who refused to go to Saudi Arabia. The feeling is that they had nobody ready, since they didn’t want a Raw wrestler in the spot and since HHH vs. Randy Orton was already booked on the show, as was Finn Balor vs. Andrade, the only names were Owens, Elias, or Daniel Bryan (who has been moved into a tag team program and also isn’t going to Saudi Arabia). The decision was just made, since Ziggler was booked by WWE to be in Australia that weekend. WWE just pulled him from that appearance and is sending Carmella to Australia in his place.

We were told Owens asked off the show and that when he did so, they never even asked him why, gave him the show off and indicated there was no pressure on him to change his mind.

“Limited Options”
I just don't understand the booking for this Root Beer Federation show..

-They got Jericho/Omega doing a return match from a promotion you're not involved with..And Jericho isn't looking to be in great shape which means Kenny is gonna run circles around him again and Chris is gonna be gassed after 7 minutes..
-They got the Bucks going up against a team that most fans aren't familiar with..Fighting over titles that not only aren't for AEW, but for a promotion from a different country that most fans aren't familiar with..
-They got a geriatric Kazarian/Daniels going up against no names in a tag match that, literally, nobody on the face of the Earth cares about..
-Got Cody vs Dustin happening several years too late and with almost no build up..
-They got Cole's old lady going up against some chick that isn't even important enough to have a Wiki page and a dude dressed as a woman..
-Plus a battle royal (which will probably be the funnest match of the night) and a 6 woman tag match involving 6 women most people have no clue who they are..
-Oh, and they don't have any of their own titles on their "history making" ppv..

If this was a WWE show the IWC would be trashing this show relentlessly..

This is a C+ Event
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