Japan 9.0 Mag. Quake/Tsunami -HAITI stands with Japan [vid]

Originally Posted by Just bLAzed

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

  I will be wearing Ugg boots
Im so confused right now. i thought the quake happened last night. i dont watch tv and hadnt been online for a couple a days so i dont really know what happened. i couldve sworn i saw twwets last night before going to bed about the quake.
Im so confused right now. i thought the quake happened last night. i dont watch tv and hadnt been online for a couple a days so i dont really know what happened. i couldve sworn i saw twwets last night before going to bed about the quake.
Can anything serious realistically happen to someone living in Santa Barbara? Im just praying that the waves will be between 1-3ft and nothing more. 
Its crazy scary how things like this can happen in an instant. Im in Los Angeles and i cant help to think of what it will be like if or when a quake like that hits this coast.
Its crazy scary how things like this can happen in an instant. Im in Los Angeles and i cant help to think of what it will be like if or when a quake like that hits this coast.
Can anything serious realistically happen to someone living in Santa Barbara? Im just praying that the waves will be between 1-3ft and nothing more. 
^Do the waves mean 1-3 ft more than normal? Or 3 foot waves total...... cuz if its only 3 feet waves I am staying home
^Do the waves mean 1-3 ft more than normal? Or 3 foot waves total...... cuz if its only 3 feet waves I am staying home
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

well the tsunami didn't reach russia as was predicted earlier, so i'm guessing cali will be ok

SOB. I actually was looking forward to heading into the city
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