Jay-Z / FreeMason

Whats the big deal about him being a free mason? If you find a way to be rich and successful they'd let you join too.
Jay loves youtube i'm pretty sure he's seen at least one of these "exposing jay z" videos

would love to see his facial expression while watching
Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

Whats the big deal about him being a free mason? If you find a way to be rich and successful they'd let you join too.
For the people asking what is "Freemasonry" it started from the Stone Masons that where considered "master builders" hence to Compass andSquare builders tools with the "G"..........they where said to be the best of the best and where in charge of building the Pyramids in stages nobodyelse could........hence why you see the Pyramids in alot of their symbols along with the all seeing "eye of Horus" and many other Egyptian symbolslike the suns rays, the owl, the star, ect. The Gods of Egypt where derived directly from Astrology and Sun Worship
Honestly I think it's all an act. He consciously knows about it and uses it to his advantage as material for his image/career.

If he REALLY was in it, he wouldn't be stupid enough to have such blatantly visible symbolism out in the open like his clothing line,music videos, etc. You aren't supposed to talk about it to show that you are apart of it, and he does the exact opposite.

it's a technique to be talked about and be believed he is something more than he really is. It works, and he is brilliant.
Originally Posted by RED FLAG

Honestly I think it's all an act. He consciously knows about it and uses it to his advantage as material for his image/career.

If he REALLY was in it, he wouldn't be stupid enough to have such blatantly visible symbolism out in the open like his clothing line,music videos, etc. You aren't supposed to talk about it to show that you are apart of it, and he does the exact opposite.

it's a technique to be talked about and be believed he is something more than he really is. It works, and he is brilliant.

They can say they are part of it, shoot even BUSH has said it in Interviews that he is part of Skull and Bones.........they just cant talk on what it'sabout and it's secrets
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by RED FLAG

Honestly I think it's all an act. He consciously knows about it and uses it to his advantage as material for his image/career.

If he REALLY was in it, he wouldn't be stupid enough to have such blatantly visible symbolism out in the open like his clothing line,music videos, etc. You aren't supposed to talk about it to show that you are apart of it, and he does the exact opposite.

it's a technique to be talked about and be believed he is something more than he really is. It works, and he is brilliant.

They can say they are part of it, shoot even bush has said it in Interviews that he is part of Skull and Bones.........they just cant talk on what it's about and it's secrets
that "don't tase me bro" guy was tased for just asking john kerry about "skull and bones"

You see those rocawear shirts? LOL, you're kidding right

He does it for attention, which jay is the biggest attention %@%**. He holds a press conference everytime he farts & coughs because he is afraid hewon't get the attention otherwise.
Originally Posted by RED FLAG

Honestly I think it's all an act. He consciously knows about it and uses it to his advantage as material for his image/career.

If he REALLY was in it, he wouldn't be stupid enough to have such blatantly visible symbolism out in the open like his clothing line,music videos, etc. You aren't supposed to talk about it to show that you are apart of it, and he does the exact opposite.

it's a technique to be talked about and be believed he is something more than he really is. It works, and he is brilliant.

I see what youre saying, but people always have the mason symbols on their cars and whatnot. So i dont know if they are "not supposed to show that theyare a part of it".
Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

Just watched all of the videos.

This guy spent a lot of time on this and everything he is saying seems on point.
but i did nt like how he didnt spend a lot of time connecting it to jay.

through coming across these threads, theres a lot of coincidences....too many for it to be by accident. Personally i think its kinda cool. someone post the rocawear clothing thing, i really liiked that one and made me want to buy it...never did tho.
Why not though? Jay-Z is a big influence on the "you-tube generation". I mean if all of these coincidences like you said aren't by accident , Jay had to figure someone would connect the dots sooner or later.

Has anybody ever confronted Jay-Z about him being a Freemason and the hidden symbolism he uses as well as the messages in his music???

not sure if he's been confronted. but it would be interesting. maybe the music influenced me (im a big Jay fan
) but to be apart of a secret society (thats not evil tho) would be cool to me. idk tho.
Originally Posted by FrankReynolds420

^ Okay so what is a free mason? lulz

Ummm like I said SunWorship and Astrology Have you ever heard of a Number Chart from Astrology? The sum of the six columns, computed either horizontally orvertically, is 6 x 111, or 666 and it's what The Egyptians believed in and based everything off.

Originally Posted by RED FLAG

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by RED FLAG

Honestly I think it's all an act. He consciously knows about it and uses it to his advantage as material for his image/career.

If he REALLY was in it, he wouldn't be stupid enough to have such blatantly visible symbolism out in the open like his clothing line,music videos, etc. You aren't supposed to talk about it to show that you are apart of it, and he does the exact opposite.

it's a technique to be talked about and be believed he is something more than he really is. It works, and he is brilliant.

They can say they are part of it, shoot even bush has said it in Interviews that he is part of Skull and Bones.........they just cant talk on what it's about and it's secrets
that "don't tase me bro" guy was tased for just asking john kerry about "skull and bones"

You see those rocawear shirts? LOL, you're kidding right

He does it for attention, which jay is the biggest attention %@%**. He holds a press conference everytime he farts & coughs because he is afraid he won't get the attention otherwise.

Tase me bro? huh? there are many interviews with Bush saying he's in Skull and Bones, this is just one I found super quick
Originally Posted by bilingue23

Originally Posted by RED FLAG

Honestly I think it's all an act. He consciously knows about it and uses it to his advantage as material for his image/career.

If he REALLY was in it, he wouldn't be stupid enough to have such blatantly visible symbolism out in the open like his clothing line,music videos, etc. You aren't supposed to talk about it to show that you are apart of it, and he does the exact opposite.

it's a technique to be talked about and be believed he is something more than he really is. It works, and he is brilliant.

I see what youre saying, but people always have the mason symbols on their cars and whatnot. So i dont know if they are "not supposed to show that they are a part of it".
Anybody has access to Freemason stickers, clothing, etc. For some reason "freemason" has become a "fad" or a cool thing to bebecause of how often it's referred to in urban culture lately. Dudes in here are contemplating becoming a mason now because what was said about jay.

All the REAL masons I know, not phonies or posers, never have shown one piece of evidence or talked once about it.
Originally Posted by RED FLAG

Originally Posted by bilingue23

Originally Posted by RED FLAG

Honestly I think it's all an act. He consciously knows about it and uses it to his advantage as material for his image/career.

If he REALLY was in it, he wouldn't be stupid enough to have such blatantly visible symbolism out in the open like his clothing line,music videos, etc. You aren't supposed to talk about it to show that you are apart of it, and he does the exact opposite.

it's a technique to be talked about and be believed he is something more than he really is. It works, and he is brilliant.

I see what youre saying, but people always have the mason symbols on their cars and whatnot. So i dont know if they are "not supposed to show that they are a part of it".
Anybody has access to Freemason stickers, clothing, etc. For some reason "freemason" has become a "fad" or a cool thing to be because of how often it's referred to in urban culture lately. Dudes in here are contemplating becoming a mason now because what was said about jay.

All the REAL masons I know, not phonies or posers, never have shown one piece of evidence or talked once about it.
They dont talk about "it" but they proudly say they are IN IT.......I have a Lodge right near me and they dont hide it bro

Originally Posted by RED FLAG

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by RED FLAG

Honestly I think it's all an act. He consciously knows about it and uses it to his advantage as material for his image/career.

If he REALLY was in it, he wouldn't be stupid enough to have such blatantly visible symbolism out in the open like his clothing line,music videos, etc. You aren't supposed to talk about it to show that you are apart of it, and he does the exact opposite.

it's a technique to be talked about and be believed he is something more than he really is. It works, and he is brilliant.

They can say they are part of it, shoot even bush has said it in Interviews that he is part of Skull and Bones.........they just cant talk on what it's about and it's secrets
that "don't tase me bro" guy was tased for just asking john kerry about "skull and bones"

You see those rocawear shirts? LOL, you're kidding right

He does it for attention, which jay is the biggest attention %@%**. He holds a press conference everytime he farts & coughs because he is afraid he won't get the attention otherwise.

Tase me bro? huh? there are many interviews with Bush saying he's in Skull and Bones, this is just one I found super quick

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

^^^ Okay but what you where trying to say is that Bush never said he was....YES HE DID

Show me where I mentioned Bush's name anywhere? I said they don't talk about it and they aren't suppose to be known that they are in it.

Bush was in a live interview, was probably caught off guard and didn't know what else to say shooting from the hip. He shut him down immediately as if hewas going to slice his throat for asking that question after the interview lol.

Bottom line, all we have is an opinion as to whether or not not jay is a freemason. I'm not gonna ask him, although he'd probably just respond with"huh? ha..." on BBM. If you think he is, then don't subject yourself to his "mind controlling music" and stop listening to him.
Why is there such a long thread?

He openly states it in one of his song, "Yall be chase-awn, I replace thawm, cause im a free ma-sawn"
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