JB at its worst... (HOF Edition)

Originally Posted by NomadicSole21

Those Jordan Brand Campus workers stay getting their stats wrong, no wonder why the kids are soo uneducated about their Company.

If Fusions are today's heat for little teenage kids, imagine the future...

You speak the truth!!!

I'm friend requesting you
How can you expect the factory children who made that shirt, who probably don't even speak English, to memorize all of MJ's stats?
Originally Posted by KEARSE15

How can you expect the factory children who made that shirt, who probably don't even speak English, to memorize all of MJ's stats?

Factory workers did not design the shirt and I'm gonna go out on a limb and say I actually think the HOF 1's are decent. I'm not gonna buy a pairbut I'd rock them with black laces.
his HOF shoes are kinda wack too, except the 1's though, those look nice but for $125 i dont know....damn jb
does that realy matter? i understand its disrespectful but its not like people arent going to buy its because of that little typo.
Originally Posted by NomadicSole21

Those Jordan Brand Campus workers stay getting their stats wrong, no wonder why the kids are soo uneducated about their Company.

If Fusions are today's heat for little teenage kids, imagine the future...

lol id have to agree with you bro be glad your not them
the sad part is that not many people even notice that. So its truly not a problem to JB, then again they could be doing this stuff just to see who truly is aJB fanatic and is willing to bring this and many other errors to their attention. If no one brings this up then they will just assume that they can putanything out and stamp it with the JB logo and it would sell. This is where we need to draw the line fellas and do somehting
Most people wont even realize the mistake and many of you dont know that on the clothes side of the house.. Jordan used to and still may contract some of thatwork out to folks NOT EVEN on campus...

Shhhhh.. dont tell anyone.

Just give me the 16.5 already...
... Wow ... Actually made me go back and check for myself (don't fake, I bet a lot of other people did, too! LOL) ... ~smh~ ... That is just crazy ... Withcrazy being an understatement ...
Originally Posted by jakecuevas

Originally Posted by jerseycityboy201

Originally Posted by NomadicSole21

Those Jordan Brand Campus workers stay getting their stats wrong, no wonder why the kids are soo uneducated about their Company.

If Fusions are today's heat for little teenage kids, imagine the future...
yeah wats next for the upcoming years like fusion true flights lol
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