Thank god I completely agree with this post. I have been saying this for about the last year or so, and I always get flamed when I do.
whatever... I agree.
Looking for XIV Indiglows & XI's. Sz.9
How many of you are slaves of fashion? And how many actually got soul?
here is a secret (and i have been on niketalk in 1 form or another since b4 the aj xi... that was a REALLY long line down 57th streen when the black and reds dropped) and u know what. niketalk has gone downhill. but it may not be directly related 2 the youngsters. quality vs quantity is because is sooo overplayed. more people who are on the outside will come 2 niketalk. thereby drowning out the og, old school, die hard, dyed in the wool, old school niketalker/parker. we still have the people droppin info kix... rockdeep and others... sure airmax and ekin7 are gone. (allegedly) we have people still droppin jewels all the time. i have been threatened w/ banning 1ce or twice here... and never 4 the type of posts ablove (i believe) its usually 4 posts that disagree w/ a mod. (such as this one.) i feel as though i cant control tose type of posts. otherwise we would only have mods post, 160, rock, jm, team ********, and a few others post. thats silly.
whats wrong w/ having a lil cliffs notes version of a post. moderators could save alot of "ink" if they actually sumed up a post. u can take the time 2 do all this other stuff. y not "bottom line" a post 4 us mods? instead of having 25 people as the same question that was burried 30 pages deep in a post. y not put up the inmortant info @ the top of a post? huh? that would be 2 much work wouldnt it? if so. that idea is way too simple. but hey. what do i know?
and 1 more thing, maybe the quality of posts has gone down, cuz alot of j's suck. we dont have j's that appeal 2 the "older" crowd anymore. of course a post about dub-zeroes is gonna be terrible, and have poor quality posts. i worked @ champs during that time, and i dunno if i sold 1 pair 2 anybody who looked like they were 21+. of course a post dominated by 16year olds is going 2 be scattered. posts about things older fans can appreciate tend 2 be a little more organized. maybe we just need better kix. i havent bought jordans since DMP... and that sez it all right there.

get @ me
i dont know whats betta, gettin paid or gettin laid...
i just know when i'm gettin one, the other's gettin away...

-kanye west
Great post.... but one thing I do wanna suggest is keeping the Quality check post since we all know JB's quality had been worsen nowdays, I believe lots of us need other's advise on the quality of JB shoe before they purchase a pair (especially the new retro). Quality problem has almost been the ultimate issue for us deciding to purchase a pair of new Jordan or not instead of the colorway... For example, if I havn't read any those thread about all these pre-yellow sole on latest V, I would actually just purchase a pair from internet for a cheaper price, and I would ended up receiving a pair with yellow sole, then got all regret. These posts saved my new V by having me actually gone to store asking stuff bringing me the pair has no yellow on them, and I was really glad that I've read some posts in Niketalk.
I know it's hard to manage cause quality-relative post keep comming out, but i don't think the "Official Quality Check Post" is such a bad idea.
i see improvement now that those kinds of posts are getting locked.

but what's with everyone having atti\tude towards ijapino
before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.
that way, when you criticize them, you are a mile away.
..and you have their shoes.​
Instead of locking on site, can't we use the same method that is used on the Sale forum? Where the Threads are reviewed before they are started.

You might also want to add the infamous "I need help fast! I'm going to ____________, are there any good spots to hit?"


"Are the DS ______ safe to wear?"


"How much will these DS_______ sell for?"

Last and not least

"Where can I get Jordan boxes/ shoe laces?"

E-Thug= Gangster on the net and coward on the streets.
I have another one, I'm not sure if this is the same thing as "_____ Jordans up on ____.com. But, how about: "___Jordans on ___t.v show. If you wanna see them, go check it out." For example, I remember a little while ago before the Grapes released, someone said they were on Fresh Prince of Bel Air. I don't know if its considered the same thing, but its just something I thought of that pops up every once in a while.

EDIT: :lol:
Either right after, right before, or at the exact same time I was making this post, someone posts that the Olives are on 106 and Park. :lol:
^^^ Yeah! Everybody who's anybody who rocks J's know they're on Fresh Prince.

but anyway, seein all these taboo posts comin up just comes to show what this board has become. How and when did this all start??
You copped? Yeah I copped too_Oh really? I copped too!..yeah..so.. what should we talk about now?
Putting an end to these topics will promote growth to the JB forum more than ever. It will force people to use creativity when coming up with post ideas. Remember we want quality posts, NOT quantity.

Keeping these posts around stunts our growth.


We've lost SO many JB forum regulars due to all the posts of this nature. We've gone from having meaningful discussions to time-wasting topics. It's ALWAYS about quality, not quantity. We need to go back to that. You don't always have to talk about something!
GR for now, but rumor has it Gentry's going to package it with a Toboggan and mitten set and sell it for $750
i'm still somewhat of a newb, but when i first started i admit that i was guilty of one word/meaningless posts. now i actually try; that is, i make an effort before i post to think if someone else may actually benefit from the information i'm about to post. no flaming, just trying to help others out. i think if everyone else just stopped to think for a minute, we'd have a better forum and at the very least, it would make the mods jobs easier...
Sell me your:
DS sz 10 AJ X Steel Greys
DS sz 10 AJ V Olives
DS sz 10 AJ VII Frenchies
how about no more topics like one going on right now in the JB Forum: IF MJ SMOKED ROCKS WOULD YOU ROCK HIS KICKS?

Nice. Now that's what I call quality conversation.
Sell me your:
DS sz 10 AJ X Steel Greys
DS sz 10 AJ V Olives
DS sz 10 AJ VII Frenchies
ijapino , you know as well as I do...there are so many worthless posts nowdays that the informative ones are so far and few between...whoa, can I click my heels of my Jordan's and say "there's no place like the early Niketalk years" three times and......hummm, sorry I guess it didn't work.
Anyway, great idea to get rid of some of the major clutter in this forum.
The site for rare Jordan signatures​
Ijapino.....well stated. I could not have worded it more perfectly.

Please sticky this.....
FLINTGREY - kicks for sale (e-mail me)
[email protected]
I've gotta second what KingCrux said. This would basically shut down the board. I think, (no offense meant to anyone) that some of the moderators just want to clean up way too much. It's like on your computer, you want to get rid of everything so it looks clean. However, it just doesn't work that way. Many of these posts I personally think are somewhat useless to a long time collector like myself, but they could appeal to others, and they obviously do ior they wouldn't show up so often. Maybe another board for senior NT members?
I hate to exclude people with this idea, but man most people appear to like things that way. No one is going to check in the archives for stuff, and sift through old posts of what is your grail, etc...
Check my auctions! Jordan Powerseller!
even when good topics are brought up by people that dont have a post count over 2,000,000.....it's looked over. you may as well say only people with seniority can post topics. those TABOO posts ARE annoying as hell. i agree with the decrease needed for those topics, but noone can post ANYTHING unless your sn is popular like flip jays, snugglesmcduggles, cameron nelson, etc
that's like 90% of the forum that'd be getting rid of...lol

The question is: what's the root problem? I think it's the members who post in the forum.

Granted, I think the declining quality of JB and people moving on led to veterans leaving the forum and this departure allowed the new JB demographic (kids) to take over this forum....

So naturally I ask: can this forum be saved?

It won't hurt to implement your plan, and I think it should be implemented. At worst, the forum will slow down considerably, but there are still threads that are of interest and will keep the forum alive. These include debates over the future of JB and debates about some historical aspect of the original AJ's (for example, how many different colors of the III's did Jordan wear or something).

After looking things over, I just found out that MODS and ADMINS can only post replies in the ARCHIVES.
posts but everyone can reply?

And I like the idea for a FAQ of some sort... I've been in favor of this idea for a while, but I realize it requires someone to put in some work to organize it all.... Given that we are the ultimate sneaker community, it would be nice to put together a resource that explains any and everything related to Jordan's shoes... Even if this resource was just a bunch of links to external sites, it would still be a great value and we could sticky that one thread and update it as necessary.

Then we could have a second sticky with "common topics" like "what's your favorite color" and "what's your favorite number."

they tryin to catch me riding dirtylicious
I am the Kobe Stopper
iniTiaL x R, good luck with your cousin. PM me some day with what happened.​
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