Jeffrey Epstein commits suicide in Manhattan jail



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Of course yall would flip it to that. :lol:

Just saying you got a WHOLE portfolio of folks that have done dirt with dude but we seem to have only been focusing on Trump being there.

If that makes me Maga, oh well.
I wonder knows if the mass media knows if acknowledge Trump being there they have to also acknowledge other political/media/social darlings were there as well.

That's my theory.

Who are the people you think society will give a pass to for raping young girls?
Who are the people you think society will give a pass to for raping young girls?

To the extent of still allowing that person to run for the presidential seat, nobody. He SHOULD be getting the MOST attention here due to his current relevancy.

It's easy to say Trump was there and speak on that because dude has been radioactive (to many) for almost a decade at this point. It's easy to report on that and make TipTok videos on that because that is what we already know dude to be.

But there are plenty of names on that list that need to be talked about IN ADDITION to Trump doing dirt there.

That's all I'm saying but yall can turn this into me endorsing dude. Please continue to do so.
To the extent of still allowing that person to run for the presidential seat, nobody. He SHOULD be getting the MOST attention here due to his current relevancy.

It's easy to say Trump was there and speak on that because dude has been radioactive (to many) for almost a decade at this point. It's easy to report on that and make TipTok videos on that because that is what we already know dude to be.

But there are plenty of names on that list that need to be talked about IN ADDITION to Trump doing dirt there.

That's all I'm saying but yall can turn this into me endorsing dude. Please continue to do so.

People have been talking.. it’s just new information came to light and heavily involves trump, who is running for president in an election just over 100 days away and is notorious for NDAs

But I’m not sure exactly who outside of Prince Andrew and now trump that could have this level of information be out there and the public not kill them for it

Hell look at the ‘scandal’ al franken was forced to resign for

Ummmm why is nobody talking about this

And DC , it’s a big deal because our country is full of folks who are all “save the children, democrats are all pedos” and these same people worship Trump, so yeah it’s pretty wild and ironic that their hero is a pedo himself 🤣 the same folks who obsessed over pizza gate and believed Trump was going to save all the children 🤣

Every accusation is a confession from them
Ummmm why is nobody talking about this

And DC , it’s a big deal because our country is full of folks who are all “save the children, democrats are all pedos” and these same people worship Trump, so yeah it’s pretty wild and ironic that their hero is a pedo himself 🤣 the same folks who obsessed over pizza gate and believed Trump was going to save all the children 🤣

Every accusation is a confession from them
Never questioned why itnwas a big deal.

Yea anybody that falls into that line of thinking is #LowIQ for sure. And from what I'm seeing the Trump boys just pretend all of this isn't happening right in front of everyone's eyes.

Does Fox News speak much on Trumps involvement with Epstein or do they pass over it?
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But I’m not sure exactly who outside of Prince Andrew and now trump that could have this level of information be out there and the public not kill them for it

We can #WaitAndSee what happens if/when other super popular folks' names are brought up to the general public. I just can't see them being made a big deal by the media nor by folks that support those individuals.

Of course nothing should be BIGGER than a presidential nominee being involved with this foolishness but I just wonder how much discourse will take place when others are found to have been dabbling with the pe-do stuff.
Yea anybody that falls into that line of thinking is #LowIQ for sure. And from what I'm seeing the Trump boys just pretend all of this isn't happening right in front of everyone's eyes.

Does Fox News speak much on Trumps involvement with Epstein or do they pass over it?

I don’t pay attention to Fox News to be honest but I can’t imagine they talk about it.

I heard so many damn Qanon conspirators in 2020 talk about how Trump was gonna save the country from all the evil pedo dems on Epsteins flight logs, they OBSESSED over the Epstein files, but now it’s a nothing burger? Oh…. Ok

Make it make sense
But there are plenty of names on that list that need to be talked about IN ADDITION to Trump doing dirt there.

I don't think anyone disagrees with this.

Everything that happened with dude and his associates and that island should be 100% transparent.

Let the dominoes fall.

But for some reason politics transcends justice for the victims, which is why Trump is usually the first to be brought up when the topic is broached. Politicians and media are more interested in using Epstein as a means to attack opponents.

Is it really that surprising though? Lol.

Victims are always used as pawns by politicians when it's convenient.
Of course yall would flip it to that. :lol:

Just saying you got a WHOLE portfolio of folks that have done dirt with dude but we seem to have only been focusing on Trump being there.

If that makes me Maga, oh well.

You have a valid point although I think its pretty clear nothing is gonna come of this, which says a lot in itself.
And WHY do you feel nothing will come of this?

Isn't the statute of limitations for anything other than murder like 5 years or less pretty much everywhere? There could be full video documentation and a signed confession by Trumpito himself of such a crime being done 10+ years ago and he couldn't be criminally charged, if I understand that correctly (which I probably don't).

Either way, I would personally love for a full documentation of everyone involved to be made publicly available. Let's try out this "cancel culture" thing and get some all of these billionaires and politicians doing the dirt to go back to their holes and out of public and political life at the very least.
I generally think that people might be too much hope in the possibility there is secret evidence on all the "elites" that is being covered up by whatever "powers that be"

If all the Epstein dirt came out, the dudes most invested in this will be disappointed because they have built it up in their head a ton

But even if that was true, of all the potential people on this supposed list/evidence/whatever, only one of them is about the become the most powerful man on earth again.

And plans to take unprecedented control over the intelligence apparatus, the DOJ, and make himself in practice completely above the all. Project 2025 should be a known things at this point.

If people want "everyone exposed", ok fine, I agree that would be best.

But by what mechanism to they think this "truth" will be exposed, and the tiniest bit justice be served?

If folk want everyone outted, I think Trump becoming president lowers the chances of that possibility by a ton.
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