Jenny Hyun responds to Mayweather's "Lin tweet"

Some things will never change.
Originally Posted by blakep267

Originally Posted by j1mmych0o

Originally Posted by blakep267

that is true. Yahoo is ridiculous. But anyway, she went to the top rope in that twitter rant. But its funny, considering how f'ed up North Korea is that she should be 1 to say the world is better without black people.

shes from south korea. what does north korea have to do with what she says?

she doesnt even care about what the american public thinks of her. shes already famous in ASIA. 

but what she did was completely ignorant and wrong

well I was grouping all Koreans together, sorta like how she groups all black people together. See how that works out.

*i see what you did there* picture
Originally Posted by Marvin Hagler

Jenny Hyun, a K-pop songwriter, sparked controversy when she went on a racist rant against black people on her Twitter account.

On February 16th, the songwriter shocked followers with a long series of racists tweets. The tweets were in response to a tweet from Floyd Mayweather who tweeted the following message about Asian NBA star Jeremy Lin: "Jeremy Lin is a good player but all the hype is because he's Asian. Black players do what he does every night and don't get the same praise."

Hyun responded to Mayweather's tweet by comparing black people to "sub-human, ungrateful apes", calling for the eradication of the black race and claiming the world would be a better place without them.
She even took a shot at Whitney Houston.


there's a video of her singing a cover of a whitney song on youtube 
I couldn't give a $!#+ less about her mental illness. 
So a mental illness is a pass to be racist now? The #+*$# is racist, her mental illness is just what made her say the $!#+ publicly. 

Offended isn't even the word to describe how I feel right now. Blacks need to be eradicated? No #+*$#, YOU need to be eradicated. 
None of us even kno who she is. Mayb this is an everyday thing for her like it is for may weather. Come on now first dude gon hate on Pacman then Jeremy. Something is wrong with that. No excuse for both parties if askin me.
this chick really posted this:


I believe this and not the whole I'm crazy thing. She regrets nothing. 
Originally Posted by blakep267

j1mmych0o wrote:

blakep267 wrote:

jhobson5 wrote:

Thats nothing that isnt posted on a YAHOO article or AOL article about a black person. The world is still very very racist, and it has really come to light in the last 4 years(at least in my opinion) since President Obama has been in office. I have lost a lot of college friends over that.
that is true. Yahoo is ridiculous. But anyway, she went to the top rope in that twitter rant. But its funny, considering how f'ed up North Korea is that she should be 1 to say the world is better without black people.

shes from south korea. what does north korea have to do with what she says?

she doesnt even care about what the american public thinks of her. shes already famous in ASIA. 

but what she did was completely ignorant and wrong

well I was grouping all Koreans together, sorta like how she groups all black people together. See how that works out.

So you fight ignorance with more ignorance?

Right, we definitely move forward that way.
OK mayweather was just comment on how Lin gets A lot of attention for being Asian and she went off. I guess now her career is over.
Originally Posted by JordanJayyy7

None of us even kno who she is. Mayb this is an everyday thing for her like it is for may weather. Come on now first dude gon hate on Pacman then Jeremy. Something is wrong with that. No excuse for both parties if askin me.
Say what you want about Floyd and feel however you want about dude, but he has NEVER said a race of people should be ERADICATED. Son, thats Hitler status type $%## right there. Racism is horrible, but I can turn the other cheek if I hear someone say some mildly offensive. 

"Oh, black people love watermelon" "Asians love rice" "White people can't dance" "Blah, blah blah blah"

Those are just ignorant racist stereotype rants. We know people still think that way, but to say a race of people should be wiped off the face of the earth? The say that slavery was the only way we advanced throughout history? To compare us to Cancer, AIDS and the FLU? To say we should be WORSHIPING Asians? 

There's no way I could forgive someone for saying things like that. 

Floyd is foolish and outlandish at times. He has crossed the line to bring himself attention. But what this chick did wasn't for attention, she really believes the $%## she was spitting. 
Originally Posted by j1mmych0o

Originally Posted by blakep267

Originally Posted by jhobson5

Thats nothing that isnt posted on a YAHOO article or AOL article about a black person. The world is still very very racist, and it has really come to light in the last 4 years(at least in my opinion) since President Obama has been in office. I have lost a lot of college friends over that.
that is true. Yahoo is ridiculous. But anyway, she went to the top rope in that twitter rant. But its funny, considering how f'ed up North Korea is that she should be 1 to say the world is better without black people.

shes from south korea. what does north korea have to do with what she says?

she doesnt even care about what the american public thinks of her. shes already famous in ASIA. 

but what she did was completely ignorant and wrong

Is she even famous in Asia? It says she's just a songwriter, and she has no followers on Twitter and Facebook.

This girl is a nutjob.
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

In other shocking news, racism is still alive. News at 10...


Originally Posted by Freeze

shorty said i got a big meat. she know.



lol. atleast she gave credit to where credit is due.


Don't really know this lady and don't think her actions are right, but these responses in here prove to me how immature most of our society is. Responses like " I know what Floyd did was wrong, but this is way worse". This is like when we were children and your parents asked you why you did something wrong, and you respond because they did it first .... doens't make it right. The whole thing is wrong, unfortunately we are looking at two very ignorant people, where no one is right and no one is making the situation better.
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