Jenny Hyun responds to Mayweather's "Lin tweet"

what floyd said was wrong but right at the same time. Lin is gettin all this hype because he's asian, but black ppl do get praise for doing what lin does everyday. Ppl are talking about lebron and durant everyday all day. Its just cuz we're not used to seeing an asian guy cookin fools left and right. Sorta like jason seahorn the CB. He was a white cornerback and he was nice and thats very rare so thats why he stood out. I dont believe its a racist thing tho its just pointing out why these things are happening.
Why are people so shocked?  Older generation Asian families have always had a disdain for Black Americans.   How many Asian parents have disowned their kids because they fell in love with someone of African descent?  
Same thing with a majority of Blacks and how they perceive Asians as being weak.  Mayweather regardless if he was trolling was saying exactly how he felt.  It is what it is... so deal with it folks.  It certainly isn't the first or the last time. 
Originally Posted by arrjae2






this broad just made us all look bad.

and by us, i mean asians... smh
Nah my dude, ya'll still good. At least in my eyes her racism is a reflection on her and her family only. She got her mentality from somewhere, and my guess is it was rooted from home or those close to her. 
But the asian community as a whole is fine in my eyes. It would be ignorant to generalize a whole race of people simply because of the stupid !@%+ one person says. 

Thats something SHE failed to realize herself. 
I don'terceove Asians as weak or any like that.I think the Asian and African american need to really find away to get a long the relationship is strained Asians are either afraid of us or wary of us and many blacks hold them in contempt.A good friend of mind is From Hong Kong and we get around pretty well and we hang around all the time.Asian people and blacks find it completely odd when they see us talking about soccer,racing,and video games.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Why are people so shocked?  Older generation Asian families have always had a disdain for Black Americans.   How many Asian parents have disowned their kids because they fell in love with someone of African descent?  
Same thing with a majority of Blacks and how they perceive Asians as being weak.  Mayweather regardless if he was trolling was saying exactly how he felt.  It is what it is... so deal with it folks.  It certainly isn't the first or the last time. 
Hit the nail right on the head...

White folks need to come on out and tell Asian people we dont accept you either that way we wont have these problems
Funny thing is that k pop owes ALOT to black music. Guess the fermentation process when making kimchi got to her brain because she doesn't realize that when she refers to the culture being disgusting...
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

I don'terceove Asians as weak or any like that.I think the Asian and African american need to really find away to get a long the relationship is strained Asians are either afraid of us or wary of us and many blacks hold them in contempt.A good friend of mind is From Hong Kong and we get around pretty well and we hang around all the time.Asian people and blacks find it completely odd when they see us talking about soccer,racing,and video games.

Honestly, I think that most foreigners who come to live in the US are wary of black people. Just because of how the media protrays us and white people. Positive images are not shown even though not every black person commits crime.  Asian people will kiss the butts of white people because they think that may get them ahead but follow us around in the corner store giving us the stink eye. Heck, even jamaicans and haitians will look down upon African americans.
Sad thing is I can point out people going crazy tirades about Asians and china taking over on YouTube and what not.People shouldn't think like this it's sad and ignorant everybody loses .
I genuinely don't care about what this numbnut said.
I have no time to invest in worrying about how many people on this board have said women aren't worth *&^% or that Brazilian women have AIDS or that White women are gold diggers or that Black women have daddy issues, let alone some random b-list celebrity in Korea spewing nonsense about me being a crossbred ape-humanoid

When I have lab rat lackies around to do the painstaking parts of my research for me maybe then I'll have enough spare time to be disappointed by other people's ignorance but until then it just gives me a point to prove.
I'm with the money team on this one. If you're a NY'er exposed to all the media attention Lin's been getting, you would know what he means by that tweet. A friend of mine said, a skilled young PG let's say like Kemba, could've been put in that situation/system and thrived.
Originally Posted by kilojules64

I genuinely don't care about what this numbnut said.
I have no time to invest in worrying about how many people on this board have said women aren't worth *&^% or that Brazilian women have AIDS or that White women are gold diggers or that Black women have daddy issues, let alone some random b-list celebrity in Korea spewing nonsense about me being a crossbred ape-humanoid

When I have lab rat lackies around to do the painstaking parts of my research for me maybe then I'll have enough spare time to be disappointed by other people's ignorance but until then it just gives me a point to prove.

? You just posted a paragraph on a thread tho. So you do care
Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

"The goal is to be as pale as possible because of the intelligence factor...true beauty is pale..."


I know a few Asians and black ppl that believe this tho so it isn't that far out that it was said.
Originally Posted by psk2310

Funny thing is that k pop owes ALOT to black music. Guess the fermentation process when making kimchi got to her brain because she doesn't realize that when she refers to the culture being disgusting...

Oh boy

This female is also an idiot.
Originally Posted by psk2310

Funny thing is that k pop owes ALOT to black music. Guess the fermentation process when making kimchi got to her brain because she doesn't realize that when she refers to the culture being disgusting...

Are you serious? This is like me saying "Guess robbing so many people finally got to your brain."
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