Job-Related Question... Need Your Input

May 26, 2002
So I have only been at my job for about a month now.  When I accepted the position a month ago, I was told that I would be salaried, and that I would need to keep this quiet from my co-workers as my boss was planning on me running the division.  He told me to just go in there and learn as much as possible, b/c he felt with education and background that I was the only one he trusted in running the division.  Well, fast forward a month, and I get an email from HR to meet briefly.  He informs me that I am going to be an "hourly employee" now and not salaried.  I also just learned that he hired someone to oversee my division.  Should I read b/w the lines that I am about to get canned/demotion?  Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.

-Started working a month ago as "salaried employee"
-Month later, HR calls me in to let me know that my boss wants me "hourly employee" now
-They hired someone for what I believed to be my position
-Do you think this equals demotion/firing?
So I have only been at my job for about a month now.  When I accepted the position a month ago, I was told that I would be salaried, and that I would need to keep this quiet from my co-workers as my boss was planning on me running the division.  He told me to just go in there and learn as much as possible, b/c he felt with education and background that I was the only one he trusted in running the division.  Well, fast forward a month, and I get an email from HR to meet briefly.  He informs me that I am going to be an "hourly employee" now and not salaried.  I also just learned that he hired someone to oversee my division.  Should I read b/w the lines that I am about to get canned/demotion?  Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.

-Started working a month ago as "salaried employee"
-Month later, HR calls me in to let me know that my boss wants me "hourly employee" now
-They hired someone for what I believed to be my position
-Do you think this equals demotion/firing?
Sounds like he just told you what you wanted/needed to hear to get you to accept your position
Sounds like he just told you what you wanted/needed to hear to get you to accept your position
Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

Do you think he lied/mislead you?
Yes I do, considering that he said, "we couldn't possibly make any type of person a supervisor here without at least some experience", yet he hires someone to oversee my group as a whole
Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

Do you think he lied/mislead you?
Yes I do, considering that he said, "we couldn't possibly make any type of person a supervisor here without at least some experience", yet he hires someone to oversee my group as a whole
Originally Posted by OU Imran

Sounds like he just told you what you wanted/needed to hear to get you to accept your position
I am starting to feel more and more like this everyday.   I'm glad someone takes that from my experience.  If it weren't for a steady pay check, I'd walk, but I need this money
Originally Posted by OU Imran

Sounds like he just told you what you wanted/needed to hear to get you to accept your position
I am starting to feel more and more like this everyday.   I'm glad someone takes that from my experience.  If it weren't for a steady pay check, I'd walk, but I need this money
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Talk to your boss about it.
Yeah I am going to tomorrow as I just found out about the switch from salary to hourly today
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Talk to your boss about it.
Yeah I am going to tomorrow as I just found out about the switch from salary to hourly today
I'd look for a new job just in case for the simple facts that what he did was shady and now that you're not running things like he said you could be let go at anytime but if you like the job then ignore the first part of my run on sentence
I'd look for a new job just in case for the simple facts that what he did was shady and now that you're not running things like he said you could be let go at anytime but if you like the job then ignore the first part of my run on sentence
Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

I'd look for a new job just in case for the simple facts that what he did was shady and now that you're not running things like he said you could be let go at anytime but if you like the job then ignore the first part of my run on sentence
But I see what you are saying... Thank You for the advice
Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

I'd look for a new job just in case for the simple facts that what he did was shady and now that you're not running things like he said you could be let go at anytime but if you like the job then ignore the first part of my run on sentence
But I see what you are saying... Thank You for the advice
lol welcome to management v labor.
Your first tip off should've been about the "keep quiet from the rest of the co workers". That's just a a sign of shady management / poor work environment already. 
lol welcome to management v labor.
Your first tip off should've been about the "keep quiet from the rest of the co workers". That's just a a sign of shady management / poor work environment already. 
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

lol welcome to management v labor.
Your first tip off should've been about the "keep quiet from the rest of the co workers". That's just a a sign of shady management / poor work environment already. 
Yeah, you're exactly right.  I think I was so thrilled to get hired that I didn't even really think about what was going on.  Good point.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

lol welcome to management v labor.
Your first tip off should've been about the "keep quiet from the rest of the co workers". That's just a a sign of shady management / poor work environment already. 
Yeah, you're exactly right.  I think I was so thrilled to get hired that I didn't even really think about what was going on.  Good point.
Originally Posted by rawjs

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

lol welcome to management v labor.
Your first tip off should've been about the "keep quiet from the rest of the co workers". That's just a a sign of shady management / poor work environment already. 
Yeah, you're exactly right.  I think I was so thrilled to get hired that I didn't even really think about what was going on.  Good point.

Is your boss kind of a loud mouth who speaks too much before he thinks and is very impulsive? Lots of them around.
Originally Posted by rawjs

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

lol welcome to management v labor.
Your first tip off should've been about the "keep quiet from the rest of the co workers". That's just a a sign of shady management / poor work environment already. 
Yeah, you're exactly right.  I think I was so thrilled to get hired that I didn't even really think about what was going on.  Good point.

Is your boss kind of a loud mouth who speaks too much before he thinks and is very impulsive? Lots of them around.
I don't think you have anything to be demoted from, sounds like he was leading you on. If it's not in writing it doesn't count, unfortunately.
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