Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

Originally Posted by mr5dollarfootlong

^ did you end up getting that finance job? i think it was you, if im correct?

just been grinding, hunting for jobs
did some volunteer work
trying to network in all kinds of ways
not sure if that was me but right now i'm still in the running for an analyst position I interviewed for last week, we'll see whathappens=/

good luck everyone
how is pitney bowes? an agency just contacted me about a position there and said they would send my resume to them... hopefully i get a job there... ive beenunemployed since feb got laid off... was there for a good 13 months... all i can say to you unemployed nters is keep your head up and be persistent withapplying... im pretty sure a lot of people going thru this and not just you...
Originally Posted by Dunks r nice

Haven't been employed since August 2008, it's already been a full year basically. I knew I should of never quit until I found a better job. It's so dang annoying, sad, frustrating, trying your hardest to at least get a job to get through. I feel like a bumb...

Same boat as you. Worked in retail, and quit in October 2008. Hated the job hours etc, couldn't stand working there. quit to focus on school and hgot mygpa back over a 3. Been jobless since, worked an internship this summer, talked to the VP about a part time position in the company.. and he's ging to letme know next week he has a meeting with the president of the company. I'm crossing my fingers although trying to stay optimistic as I have done alot ofwork and know the VP likes me. Hoping this works out, because I passed on jobs my friends could of got for me working in Chase as a teller. To me being ateller is the same @$#!%#*! dealing with customers that I just dont want to have to deal with. This internship is in an office enviorment in PropertyManagement. If I stay with the company, I can have the oppurtunity of being a property manager by this time next year.
keep yall heads up folks. I been holdin down this PT UPS gig loadin trucks for a couple months just for a check, but I have a 2nd interview Wednesday at Canon.Starts at $10.05/hr, benefits start immediately, and they got tuition assistance
so hopefully that works out.

before that I was out of work for like a year. #@@$ sucks and it's very easy to get down on yourself. but when you get down, the only way to go is up.
Gotta keep on truckin' (no pun)

You can get downtrodden to the point where you don't even walk through the open doors.
Internship ended 2 weeks ago. Worked out my school schedule so that I only have class 2 days a week so I could put in some serious hours but no one hascontacted me.

I've been sending out my resume like crazy for the past 3 weeks but still no word from anybody. There are jobs out here but I'm specifically lookingfor internships or admin. assistant jobs with corporate offices, law firms, and some public departments.

If I don't get a interview or at least a call by the end of the month then I'm going to look back in the retail industry. I really DONT want to go backto retail but I got too much time on my hands not to be doing something else besides studying.

I'm just tryin to get some spending money and increase my savings so I wont act like I'm one of those hurtin right now. To those of you in here thatare, I wish you the best of luck. Just keep applying and someone is bound to call.
jobless...not frustrated tho. just moved to DC and started lookin around. nothin yet tho...
Originally Posted by Dunks r nice

Haven't been employed since August 2008, it's already been a full year basically. I knew I should of never quit until I found a better job. It's so dang annoying, sad, frustrating, trying your hardest to at least get a job to get through. I feel like a bumb...
same here except I only worked for two weeks at UPS in september 08 and that's all I have on my resume and I'm 19
, everytime I think I have a job I end upnot getting it and I just don't feel like trying, I hate going through all of the interviews because I'm a really nervous person,man it just sucks,don't know what to get a degree in if I did end up deciding to go to school either, can't get a job cuz no experience, it sucks a lot
any suggestions for someone with journalism & film degrees? i'm looking for jobs in technical writing or anything in the's toughconsidering everything in those fields require a certain number of experience and well, since i'm a recent graduate, i gots none.
i just got me a job with the city. doing billing for their gas, water, and lights department. part time but 14/hr. going work mad hard so they can put me onfull time.

plus there are a gang of females working there, so its going to be easy picking. i also got to dress business professional, so its a wrap
My story is I lost my job Jan of this year and have been on UE ever since. I havent had any luck so I went back to school this semester for accounting. It's tough, but you gotta expand/add to your resume somehow.

And if anything the classes help me fill up my time which I had WAY too much of before going back.
Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

any suggestions for someone with journalism & film degrees? i'm looking for jobs in technical writing or anything in the's tough considering everything in those fields require a certain number of experience and well, since i'm a recent graduate, i gots none.
Its going to be really hard to find a job in journalism with no experience. Have you interned with a newspaper/magazine/online publication or didyou write for the school paper? I've seen with tons of journalism majors who are unemployed now from my school. Even though the Newhouse name goes a longway you're not helping yourself by not doing anything while in school.

As far as I go, I have a security job but shifts that work around my schedule are few are far in between. The shift that I have right now is 1 to 7 AM. I havean upcoming interview for the position of security student supervisor so if I get that I'll have something on my resume and a decent check every week.
Man I was unemployed for 9 months after i got my BBa in Marketing...Its hard but keep your head up folks! The best advice I can give is to network and talk toas people as you can! There are alot of people that are looking for jobs so dont feel ashamed...
Originally Posted by Wraith aka invincible

Originally Posted by I DONT PASS

Originally Posted by Wraith aka invincible

Originally Posted by Politics As Usual 22

%+$% life our lives
failed my cna test again
Certified Nursing Assistant?
yea i passed everything but hand washing

my dude thats the easiest part...I feel you tho were so used to washing our hands one way that its hard to switch it up
Just went to a bunch of recruiting events but with my low GPA and lack of industry experience, my chance of getting a job is pretty low. Hell I be surprised ifI get an interview. I should look at some internships or some sort of extra curricular experience.
Been applying for jobs left and right. They always give me the same answer, "Thank you for applying at "insert company name here" we shall keepyour application for 90 days for records, if you don't receive anything from us, please re-apply." Sigh* I know there hiring man, they have signsoutside and !$##. Lately some opportunities been knocking on my door, so i'm trying and hopping something good will come out of this.

My Bay Area NTer's, any job openings any where? I can careless where the location is, I need a job. Bills getting harder and harder now.
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