Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

pookie you still in T-Dot? I can't see your listing in your sig...
but yeah since one of my jobs is a baseball umpire for kids, it's seasonal and since summer is pretty much over i'm done with that... paid well and wasstraight cash homie
pimp.gif stackin' 1000 every 2 weeks for doing absolutely nothing but "looking for a job" heheheh and californaia is high rate state..that meansya'boy is on it for the next year!
ya that dont have jobs ever thought about hitting up a temp agency? the last job they got for me i was making about 350 a week (40hours + ot 10/hour) they willbe able to get you a job within a week if you test really well (got me a job in 2 days) i remember one temp agency got my ex a job at kaiser making 15/hr andat another kaiser making 13/hr.

they have temp jobs (couple months), temp to hire, and direct hire. something ya can look into, and still be looking for a job
unemployment ftw for right now.

it sucks because nothing decent is hiring as of the moment around my area. i'm going to try a few spots at the airport this week after i take care ofgetting my class schedule done at school.

i've been jobless since april. i've just been trying to make the best of it and be productive however i can, i've been spending more time with myson, and i got to go on vacation for 3 and a half weeks earlier this month and see family i hadn't seen in years but still once i get back to the everydayaspect of things it sucks knowing that funds are low and i got too much free time on my hands at times.
Man i got layed off in April from my job. I was doing a great job and had stepped up in terms of responsibility and BAM. Happened right after the tournament. Igave that place 21/2 good years and now Im back on the hunt. To pass the time i've tookin up Gardening and of course theirs always the good ole Xbox andPS3 to help with the pain but I need to get back some where. Unemployment isnt gonna last forever and I need money so i can get my butt back in school. I jststarted searching aggressively so hopefully something comes up quick. Until then only cooking I'm doing is in Mom's kitchen for dinner every night(chef). I think Im gonna start doing some independent catering and baking though just to keep some money in my pocket before I can find something morepermanent.
i've been outta a real job sence last year april....ive worked like temp and part time jonts but nuthin perminent...
Originally Posted by chino905

Good luck on your interview Alchemist! I hope you get that job man.

Thanks man, and by the way I GOT THE JOB!!!!! I feel so good right now been out of a job since April. Brooklyn heads or NYC heads apply to Best Buy in Gatewaycenter mall, If you need some help on how the interview was for me PM me. I'll give you details on how to get the job. I was lucky as hell.
How can people be out of work? Obama is on top of it, he already fixed everything why are ya'll complaining?
^he's been in office for 7 mos...fall back with the sarcasm, lol.

anyway, i work, but it still isn't enough for real. i have my own house by myself, so i've been working 2 jobs, and also selling things that idon't need to keep myself afloat. contemplating getting a roommate, but i don't know.

its all about expanding your hustle game...

" can't get paid in an earth this big, you worthless kid, ni--az don't deserve to live..." -Cam'ron

when i heard that cam quote, it really resonated with me. i'm always looking for ways to get more loot. i'm mainly thankful for having just enough tomake ends meet. but i'm on thin ice, so i'm looking for something that pays more so i can have some breathing room.

keep your head up, NT'ers. its hard on the boulevard...
Finally got hired for Pitney Bowes Government Solutions.

It's sells U.S. Mint and is directly affiliated with the Department of Treasury. Sadly, it's ON CALL.

$13/hr...checks are straight when there's a big load but job hunting will continue to be a full time job.

%@** job hunting. CAREER hunting. My friend is pretty pissed off about this economy though. He has a Master's Degree in exercise science but no one wantsto hire him because they know they'll have to pay him a decent amount with his accolades. Greedy bastards. Everything offered is so damn entry level. Makesme feel like college was a waste of time...
just bumping to tell all those unemployed out there to keep ya head up
hopefully i hear back from this place i applied too, had a phone interview. interviewer said she gonna call 30 people and bring in a few...
Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

Originally Posted by chino905

Good luck on your interview Alchemist! I hope you get that job man.

Thanks man, and by the way I GOT THE JOB!!!!! I feel so good right now been out of a job since April. Brooklyn heads or NYC heads apply to Best Buy in Gateway center mall, If you need some help on how the interview was for me PM me. I'll give you details on how to get the job. I was lucky as hell.
Congrats man! And I hope you know that you got the job b/c I wished you good luck
just keep your head up and try to hustle on the side while you're not working. There's a ton of things that one could hustle for and get a quick bucks
just had my 2nd interview with Bank of America yesterday, i'm praying i get this much needed job.
^ did you end up getting that finance job? i think it was you, if im correct?

just been grinding, hunting for jobs
did some volunteer work
trying to network in all kinds of ways
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

Unemployed college grads, how are you guys spending your time? Major and location?
I'm a finance major and I'm in Seattle. Right now, I'm looking for jobs to apply to every single day in Seattle, LA, and NYC. Also,preparing for interviews by reviewing my old coursework.
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