Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

I've been slacking on the coverletter front recently and have been trying to construct a web developer cover letter template for myself where I can add more info about the company to make it look more company specific. Hopefully this will allow me to get more call backs
Can someome tell me what to expect from a follow up interview? I've never had one. Every other job I was offered a position after 1 interview.

I interviewed with my potential supervisors last week; this week I have a follow up with the HR person and the VP of the department. What else could they really ask me? I think everything was pretty much covered.
Been getting rejected like many people, I think it's because of my facial hair, it looks cleanly groomed, but I think employers rather have people with clean cut faces. I don't really want to shave all of my facial hair. Also I think height really does play a factor, I'm 6' (5'11) but I think I get passed up and don't get chosen over the 6'3, 6'5 tall clean cut white dudes.
Been getting rejected like many people, I think it's because of my facial hair, it looks cleanly groomed, but I think employers rather have people with clean cut faces. I don't really want to shave all of my facial hair. Also I think height really does play a factor, I'm 6' (5'11) but I think I get passed up and don't get chosen over the 6'3, 6'5 tall clean cut white dudes.
Dawg if you don't shave will grow back.

At least you out here getting interviews
Can someome tell me what to expect from a follow up interview? I've never had one. Every other job I was offered a position after 1 interview.

I interviewed with my potential supervisors last week; this week I have a follow up with the HR person and the VP of the department. What else could they really ask me? I think everything was pretty much covered.

The follow up sounds like it will be a lot about fit -- team, company/org varieties. The questions will be tailored to get specifics out of you, and particularly scenerio specifics. Pull from the resume you submitted a couple of examples from each job listed -- for each scenerio you have to craft the narrative for a team view or for an org view question.
How bad is your facial hair? The last two jobs I had, I went to the interviews with a goatee. Of course it was freshly lined along with a haircut. How you are groomed does make a difference.
Been getting rejected like many people, I think it's because of my facial hair, it looks cleanly groomed, but I think employers rather have people with clean cut faces. I don't really want to shave all of my facial hair. Also I think height really does play a factor, I'm 6' (5'11) but I think I get passed up and don't get chosen over the 6'3, 6'5 tall clean cut white dudes.

Definitely sorry to hear you are in that rejection zone .... I know during my last spait of unemployment by that mid-point I was questioning everything of why I wasn't getting callbacks, only getting to the first round of interviews, why I was getting passed over for jobs that former grad classmates were landing (6 gigs that I went to the last round or next to last round in the hiring process only for a former classmate to get the job - SMH). I was questioning everything and my confidence was exponentially tanking which of course effected my interviewing. If your beard is well groomed don't cut it -- you can't do nothing about height, your gender, your race, your sexuality or anything that could be a tangential reason not to hirer you. however, you can focus on the things that you can do something about -- how you are presenting your skills, how you communicate during the interview (particularly those unspoken communication cues), how you articulate your competencies (which of course is different from your skills). If you haven't been doing this I would suggest following up after s rejection to get feedback from the interviewer/hiring agent. You'll get a few responses but there should be some good feedback for tweaking your interviewing/package for the next opportunity.

ASIDE: just as a note I have a very office-y job in the financial district of NYC ... With stretched ears and tats (and I am a bit --- or more --- overweight). all things that were present when I interviewed.
I've been applying to a couple of jobs that are office based but include photography work (Product photos for online store, office shots for web site etc) and been wondering if I should include the fact that I've done photography work in my resume (or cover letter) and how exactly do I go about doing that format wise.

I did freelance work for a local radio station a couple of years ago and a few odd gigs here & there. I know these guys aren't looking for a "Pro" but showing them that I have a background in it and advanced DSLR knowledge can't do anything but help my chances.
Been getting rejected like many people, I think it's because of my facial hair, it looks cleanly groomed, but I think employers rather have people with clean cut faces. I don't really want to shave all of my facial hair. Also I think height really does play a factor, I'm 6' (5'11) but I think I get passed up and don't get chosen over the 6'3, 6'5 tall clean cut white dudes.

Fam I thought I was in the TAY thread after reading this :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Any idea on what to wear to take a civil service exam? For what its worth the exam will be in the building I'll hopefully be working in. Thinking about going business casual even though its probably not that serious.
Any idea on what to wear to take a civil service exam? For what its worth the exam will be in the building I'll hopefully be working in. Thinking about going business casual even though its probably not that serious.

Just don't wear a casual should work
Any advice on getting a job out of state/area?

Have a few family member where ai want to move. Wondering if I should use their address or will that eventually come back to bite me?

Also, I'm assuming hiring people from out of state isn't exactly rare for major metro areas.
I say use your family address if you able to get to the interview when scheduled as if you are living in that city
Any advice on getting a job out of state/area?

Have a few family member where ai want to move. Wondering if I should use their address or will that eventually come back to bite me?

Also, I'm assuming hiring people from out of state isn't exactly rare for major metro areas.
Friend started a job out of state. Just listed their home address. If a company is interested they'll contact you and fly you out. Of course that depends on the company, nature of your work, and maybe the candidate pool.

I wouldn't list a family member's address. If they want you, they'll hire you and work something out. Plus you never know if you having to relocate could turn into a potential bargaining chip come salary negotiations.
If yyou're qualified and have the credentials, you'll get an interview. In the last year I've interviewed with companies in Florida, Connecticut and New Jersey.
Well don't write off my experience because it hasn't happened to you. I don't work in your field. In my field it is common for people to relocate across the country or commute elsewhere for assignments.
Well don't write off my experience because it hasn't happened to you. I don't work in your field. In my field it is common for people to relocate across the country or commute elsewhere for assignments.
I wasn't by any means writing off what you said, your statement was just a blanket one and overly simplistic.

Landing a job in a lot of cases takes a lot of luck and outside circumstances beyond ones control. Your field whatever it may be isn't the same as everyone Wales (for what it's worth I've had interviews in like 10 different states) and what a about the fact that there's just not enough jobs? The jobs report was 50k off projections for the month of August, that's not on anyone for not being qualified
Can someome tell me what to expect from a follow up interview? I've never had one. Every other job I was offered a position after 1 interview.

I interviewed with my potential supervisors last week; this week I have a follow up with the HR person and the VP of the department. What else could they really ask me? I think everything was pretty much covered.

Depends on the job. What job you applying for?
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