Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

Checking in...
Cant even lie, im mad right now 

Listen up so yall dont make the same mistake..

Long story short, I had an interview for a financial analyst position last Friday.  Best interview I had so far, I vibed with both finance managers that I interviewed with, they were def dudes that I wouldnt mind working under (pause).  We spent some time talking about the position but mostly it was just general conversation, they were young dudes so it was gravy...they both said they liked me and they would definitely contact me in the next few days to come in to meet the director of finance...Had me walkin out the interview like 
 and straight diddy-boppin all weekend cuz all I could think about was the paper that I would be seeing (finance jobs pay rather well, even entry-level)

So as they said they would, one of the managers emails me on Monday and asks if I can come in to meet with the director of finance...he asks me to come in on Tuesday.  Only problem is, I have a part time gig at an accounting firm that I've been working at since the beginning of my senior year in september (just graduated college last month) that I work at on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I told him that I had to work and I couldnt get off.  So, I asked him if I could come in on Wednesday instead.  He said yeah, no problem, and we set a time for Wednesday at 11am and everything was cool.

So I went to work today as planned today, and to my surprise, around 4pm I get an email from the Director of HR at the place I interviewed saying that they had "solidified a candidate" for the position, so she says my interview for Wednesday is cancelled cuz the position is basically filled 
  Turns out they had only called two candidates back, me and the person they met with today, and decided to go with the person they met with today 

So the moral of the story is....if an employer gives you an interview time on a specific day, GO WITH everything in your power to make it there on the time and day they give you, cuz chances are if you schedule it for another day they're gonna give someone else your interview slot.  I could have easily called in sick from work today but at the time, I definitely didnt think they would do me like that and hire someone today and then cancel my interview for tomorrow.  Back to hittin hard i guess...
^I disagree. Unless you're going for either training or etc., i would never quite another "confirmed" job just for another interview.

It depends on the situation IMO. In your situation, i guess it would have a good idea to call off. learn of your mistakes.
Tough break, man, but that's what it comes down to nowadays.

You don't have to quit, but there are other options: 1. Early and extended lunch 2. Ask to come in late/leave early 3. Last resort: Call in sick

Employers are using anything to eliminate candidates these days because the competition is tough.

I know it sounds cliche, but It is what it is, and things happen for a reason.
Spoiler [+]
Two cliches for the price of one

Ya'll hang in there.
^Yeah, it's a part time job that I've been working at for a few months while I was in school and I know I'm gonna put in my two weeks as soon as I secure something full supervisor at my job is nice as hell, all I had to do was fake a fever or something and by all means she woulda told me to stay home and I coulda gone to the second interview

Good luck to all yall out there.
Been unemployed for over a year
its been really tough .. been meaning to fix up my resume cause i haven't gotten any call backs or emails. it really sux not having a degree in times like this. Right now im up to work in anything. i got some office experience. im 23 in NYC. Hopefully things change a.s.a.p. ... everyone out there keep your head up good luck guys. & to the guys getting hired congrats.
Any and all New Yorkers, Saturday July 16th, Brooklyn Marriot, 333 Adams Street, Brooklyn Ny, 12pm, Business Casual, tell a friend to tell a friend, PM Box is open..
Been trying to get a new job, something that values me more... Getting paid pennies for what I do but I can't complain...

I interviewed with a software company as a consultant back in March, had a phone interview mid April, had a second interview early May, then a formal interview onsite late May... The corporate recruiter told me I was a good fit but could not promise anything till the end of the sales quarter which ends in June.

Flash forward today... I've sent an email weekly since the first of July and called today leaving a voicemail to the recruiter. No follow up yet what so ever. I am a bit disappointed as this is one if my dream jobs and the pay is incredible. I only wish at this point that they let me atleast know if I am still considered for this position.
still looking for a job(schools back in august but if I get a job I may take some time off cuz I need to get my life together(get a car, stack some cash cuz I know a rainy day will come real soon, im good at calling this type of stuff)
I have online jobs I can do but the pay isnt as good for me right now(then again I havnt put in work like I used to)
I have a temp jop but havnt worked there in like 2-3 weeks, so Im waiting for a call back
tryna get his barbershop job but seems like its not gone work out. dude is catting or he just forgot to hit me back.
I did an app for a warehouse that pays 14 an hr got past that part, got invited to do part past part 2 of the in person questionnaire, had part 3 of in person group interview on Tuesday, and emails for final interviews are supposed to be sent out today , just check'd my email and I got nothn so far but hopefully they havnt sent them out(its only 12:15 so I still got chance)
all n all, I'm gone pray for sumthn tonight(best believe)
Originally Posted by sw00shm4n

Just got a response with no job offer
. I think I'm more upset that it took them this long to get back to me and have my hopes up for that long. Considering it took them less than an hour to get back to me, something tells me they weren't planning on even sending me a rejection email anytime soon, let alone send me one at all. Man eff this job search **%%%%%+, but I guess it's all "part of the system."

BTW, whenever I've been rejected after interviews, I'm always told that they'll hold onto my resume for the future blah blah blah. Has anyone actually been contacted afterward for this reason or is this just standard etiquette bs?

I majored in Finance/Econ with a minor in philosophy
I held committee and exec positions on a couple clubs while in college
Involved with almost all the business clubs
Worked while in school
Volunteered in the months that I've been unemployed
Got involved with 2 fraternities
Never had a summer off in college, either worked or had summer classes
Held a full academic scholarship while in school
Resume is written well (career services told me so, also has been critiqued by actual employers and been told its good)
My interviewing is good (career services confirmed this with mock interviews, I always get past at least the first round with employers)
Got interviews through school, through network, and through online applications
Have references which are great, including past supervisors
Upheld a 3.45 GPA


7 months and over 20 interviews later, i still have no job

I'm on the verge of punching someone in the face the next time they try to play me off

they give me the run around consistently, and when i ask for feedback as to why i didn't get the job they always say things like overqualified or they just decided to go with a better candidate.

Not that I'm sour or anything, but it seems like alot of times employers hire people that are completely incompetent compared to others that they turned down.  Sometimes they hire the right person, but they screw up pretty often.  Especially when you see the dumb broad that retook marketing twice get hired over someone who is smarter and just as outgoing.  
to all of those still looking good luck, and keep searching, giving up won't get you to where you want to be
Need some help/advice bros. I got call back on Monday (first in 6 months) from a job I applied for. They gave a quick interview over the phone and the HR lady said the HR Director would contact me later in the week to set-up a face-to-face interview.

I haven't heard anything yet and tomorrow is Friday. Should I contact them or wait until they call?

Feels like I'm walking on eggshells here.
Originally Posted by krazy88s

Need some help/advice bros. I got call back on Monday (first in 6 months) from a job I applied for. They gave a quick interview over the phone and the HR lady said the HR Director would contact me later in the week to set-up a face-to-face interview.

I haven't heard anything yet and tomorrow is Friday. Should I contact them or wait until they call?

Feels like I'm walking on eggshells here.
Wait till tomorrow...if you don't hear anything this week, give em a call early next week and ask about the status...
Originally Posted by Fadeaway88

I majored in Finance/Econ with a minor in philosophy
I held committee and exec positions on a couple clubs while in college
Involved with almost all the business clubs
Worked while in school
Volunteered in the months that I've been unemployed
Got involved with 2 fraternities
Never had a summer off in college, either worked or had summer classes
Held a full academic scholarship while in school
Resume is written well (career services told me so, also has been critiqued by actual employers and been told its good)
My interviewing is good (career services confirmed this with mock interviews, I always get past at least the first round with employers)
Got interviews through school, through network, and through online applications
Have references which are great, including past supervisors
Upheld a 3.45 GPA


7 months and over 20 interviews later, i still have no job

I'm on the verge of punching someone in the face the next time they try to play me off

they give me the run around consistently, and when i ask for feedback as to why i didn't get the job they always say things like overqualified or they just decided to go with a better candidate.

Not that I'm sour or anything, but it seems like alot of times employers hire people that are completely incompetent compared to others that they turned down.  Sometimes they hire the right person, but they screw up pretty often.  Especially when you see the dumb broad that retook marketing twice get hired over someone who is smarter and just as outgoing.  

damn dawg thats a long time and i cant say i know completed u how u feel but I will say I know u feeling like you did erything right, erything they told you u should do so that u could secure a job and you keep coming up empty handed...I know thats how I feel, and it blows!!!
All we looking for is the opportunity! Give me the opportunity  and ill prove to you im more than capable to handle the job with little to no supervision and be efficient as hell!

but they dont give two #$%# they gonna hire the person that knew somebody that knew sumbody more important than the person you knew(if you are even lucky enough to know someone or they gonna hire the person with the tons of experience doing the exact job that you are trying to gain experience in.

Originally Posted by skylerof209

still looking for a job(schools back in august but if I get a job I may take some time off cuz I need to get my life together(get a car, stack some cash cuz I know a rainy day will come real soon, im good at calling this type of stuff)
I have online jobs I can do but the pay isnt as good for me right now(then again I havnt put in work like I used to)
I have a temp jop but havnt worked there in like 2-3 weeks, so Im waiting for a call back
tryna get his barbershop job but seems like its not gone work out. dude is catting or he just forgot to hit me back.
I did an app for a warehouse that pays 14 an hr got past that part, got invited to do part past part 2 of the in person questionnaire, had part 3 of in person group interview on Tuesday, and emails for final interviews are supposed to be sent out today , just check'd my email and I got nothn so far but hopefully they havnt sent them out(its only 12:15 so I still got chance)
all n all, I'm gone pray for sumthn tonight(best believe)

got that e-mail, im excited as can be right now man 
one more interview(part 4 lol) and this job is mine 

let's hope I get the job, I need this man..........
Originally Posted by Ace Rawstein

Originally Posted by Fadeaway88

I majored in Finance/Econ with a minor in philosophy
I held committee and exec positions on a couple clubs while in college
Involved with almost all the business clubs
Worked while in school
Volunteered in the months that I've been unemployed
Got involved with 2 fraternities
Never had a summer off in college, either worked or had summer classes
Held a full academic scholarship while in school
Resume is written well (career services told me so, also has been critiqued by actual employers and been told its good)
My interviewing is good (career services confirmed this with mock interviews, I always get past at least the first round with employers)
Got interviews through school, through network, and through online applications
Have references which are great, including past supervisors
Upheld a 3.45 GPA


7 months and over 20 interviews later, i still have no job

I'm on the verge of punching someone in the face the next time they try to play me off

they give me the run around consistently, and when i ask for feedback as to why i didn't get the job they always say things like overqualified or they just decided to go with a better candidate.

Not that I'm sour or anything, but it seems like alot of times employers hire people that are completely incompetent compared to others that they turned down.  Sometimes they hire the right person, but they screw up pretty often.  Especially when you see the dumb broad that retook marketing twice get hired over someone who is smarter and just as outgoing.  

damn dawg thats a long time and i cant say i know completed u how u feel but I will say I know u feeling like you did erything right, erything they told you u should do so that u could secure a job and you keep coming up empty handed...I know thats how I feel, and it blows!!!
All we looking for is the opportunity! Give me the opportunity  and ill prove to you im more than capable to handle the job with little to no supervision and be efficient as hell!

but they dont give two #$%# they gonna hire the person that knew somebody that knew sumbody more important than the person you knew(if you are even lucky enough to know someone or they gonna hire the person with the tons of experience doing the exact job that you are trying to gain experience in.

it sucks man, but its the new america, we gotta gear up for that nonsense.  buckle up homies

I live at home now, going through interviews and spending all day trying to get interviews, with a little basketball and video games inbetween to keep me sane.  Every now and then I go out to talk to girls, but getting a job and getting money is my top priority. 

This job search has caused me to lose all interest in women (not meant in a gay way), but they cost too much time and money to tend to.  I'm 100% focused on getting a job, but it feels like theres no light at the end of the tunnel almost. 
Originally Posted by Fadeaway88

it sucks man, but its the new america, we gotta gear up for that nonsense.  buckle up homies

I live at home now, going through interviews and spending all day trying to get interviews, with a little basketball and video games inbetween to keep me sane.  Every now and then I go out to talk to girls, but getting a job and getting money is my top priority. 

This job search has caused me to lose all interest in women (not meant in a gay way), but they cost too much time and money to tend to.  I'm 100% focused on getting a job, but it feels like theres no light at the end of the tunnel almost. 
Whoa, this exactly sounds like my situation.
Not getting offers and having companies act cold on you when you get rejected (not giving reasons why, etc.) is really, really frustrating. Especially when you feel like you did all you could have in the's always something else that you really don't have much control over.
In between two temp jobs (an internship and a contractor job), I've found that in this economy we need to think of other plans in case we don't find a job sooner than possible. Like in my case, I'm gonna jet to grad school next year if I can't find a stable job. I don't want to go right away, but if there's no other option, I gotta leave that option open.

And I'm also still living at home...I'm dying to move out since a lot of people I know have been, but I know it makes sense to get a job first then plan things ahead. It's like everything to make progress really relies on getting that job.

I have an interview tomorrow; I aced the telephone interview yesterday and so hopefully with my preparation tonight, I'll be ready to go.
the job I was posting about a week or so ago that I thought I had just put out they got another position open so imma apply for that

I reached out to the guy that I had for both my interviews asking for feedback and y i was rejected...he shot me an email sayin i interviewed great both times but they just went with someone who had a ton of experience in the area they needed.... how da fudge am I pose to compete against that?!?!

dude did give me the contact for the new position tho and copied him on his reply email... I went ahead and emailed the guy introducing myself n giving him all my info. The new contact shot me back an email sayin they wont be interviewing for a few weeks but he is looking forward to meeting me....hope this leads somewhere
Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

I've got until January to not find a job.

Then, I'm applying to the Air Force.

did you look into express scripts?

I'm go to join the air force after not getting call back for two interviews. My plan is to sign up reserves and the air force is going to help me pay for grad school. It is required for you to sign up a minimum of 6 yr to get the full benefits of the GI bill. I don't blame you for joining the air force. It's one of the best branch to join, but the hardest to get in. You have to score above a 50 in the ASVAB to be accepted.  
This thread is pretty long to read all of it, but I remember reading that others have gotten screwed over by the ATT programs as well, I don't know what it takes to get that job lol.

I gave them a perfect interview, I stumbled on one question, the lady told me I gave a good interview, and then I didn't get passed onto the final round. I went through 2 or 3 rounds I think.
Originally Posted by Fadeaway88

This thread is pretty long to read all of it, but I remember reading that others have gotten screwed over by the ATT programs as well, I don't know what it takes to get that job lol.

I gave them a perfect interview, I stumbled on one question, the lady told me I gave a good interview, and then I didn't get passed onto the final round. I went through 2 or 3 rounds I think.

I went through two. I'm over AT&T PERIOD.
These dudes tell me that I'm not qualified for THE SAME DAMN TYPE OF LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. 
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