Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

if you know whats good in the central FL 407 area holla....Im the best coworker ever
352 and 407 ..... looking for just a foot in some where

Job is mine I just need to have ONE reference turn in their !$*@$## form!
They not answering the phone or responding back to my emails.

And my old boss told me she wouldn't do it since I left without notice.
Total !%$**!%% seeing as they were laying me off and barely helping me to find a job. Aaah!
Anyone in the south east looking for a job that has retail sales experience hit me up. I work for US Cellular and an agent location is giving me free reign as to who I can interview and allocate in various regions in the southeast. Not only that but if you're with the company for 90 days we both get a nice little bonus. PM if you're serious. Always looking out for NTers.
Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Originally Posted by amel223

RN a year out of nursing school, never been employed yet, but I think that's about to change.

Crossing my fingers. I'm kinda scared that I'm gunna be overworked and stressed out of my mind but I'm ready to handle it because I realized that the only thing worse than feeling overstressed and overworked is feeling like you contribute NOTHING in life.

It had gotten so bad that I took to avoiding everyone I knew because everyone I knew was working and living their lives and I felt like I haven't started living mine yet.

Good luck to everybody. 

I know that feel bro

Originally Posted by krazy88s

Thanks for the advice Gutta.

Im just coming the interview now. We both had a mutual understanding that I'd outgrown my position. I might be placed in another position paying nearly triple what making now. Only thing is it's also triple the demand and pressure. We'll see what happens next. I'm still on the job hunt daily tho.

good man.  seems like there was a good understandin.. hope something comes up.. keep us updated
so. I had an interview with Sears today. in the beginning of the interview, the lady said that the starting pay is $7.25, and that was kind of a bummer. (if you look a couple pages back, you'll see my post about getting a job offer last week from another place that paid minimum wage, which I passed on) but then I thought, if I got a decent amount of hours per week I guess I wouldn't mind working for minimum wage. so then she asks me how many hours I'll like to work each week, and I tell her 30-35 hours. and she just shook her head and said that I wouldn't be getting any more than like 25 hours a week. so as soon as I heard that I made up my mind that I'm going to be passing on this job too, because 7.25 for only 25 hours a week isn't #%%!. so anyway, even tho I lost all my interest for the job, I didn't wanna be rude and just get up and walk out in the middle of the interview. I stayed and pretended that I was still interested in the job. so the interview is over and I was relieved, I just wanted to get the hell out of that place. I leave the store, walk out to the parking lot and then all of a sudden I hear someone scream out my name. I turn around and it was the lady that interviewed me. she said that they decided that they're gonna hire me on the spot and that she wants me to come back in so they can process me and what not. I was just like "oh... okay."

I go back in the store with her, she puts me on a computer to fill out some info. so while I'm on the computer, she goes into the next room and closes the door. I'm in the room all by myself and then the thought of just getting up and dippin popped in my head. and I was just like "naw, I'm not gonna do that. that's rude.". but then I thought about it some more, and then I was like "actually, that's not a bad idea." so I just clicked exit on the computer, got up and then straight power walked outta there. once I got outside I just jogged to my car to make sure no one would catch up to me again, hopped in my car and peeled the ++*+ out. they started blowing up my cell and I just hit the ignore button. I felt like such a rebel
. but then karma kinda bit me in the butt because 10 mins after I left Sears, I got pulled over because supposedly you're not allowed to make a left turn on this street from 7am-7pm on weekdays

but anyway, this was the second job I passed on in a week and I'm still unemployed. I know I probably shouldn't be passing on jobs like that, but I know if I keep looking I will find something that pays a little better. my goal is to have a job by the end of August so I can start saving up for a trip to Vegas in November or December and I'm still pretty confident that I'll accomplish that.

damn, I didn't realize that story was so long.
cliff notes:
Spoiler [+]
- had interview at Sears. told me the pay was minimum wage
- told me they were gonna hire me on the spot
- ditched the interview
- got pulled over for some $%%*%!+#
Originally Posted by GUTTA BOB

Originally Posted by imsleepy1234

Originally Posted by GUTTA BOB

Hey man.  I'm currently employed but really dislike the people I work with.. they're rude and talk down to others a lot.  What's the staff-accountant position looking like?  Do you know what type of qualifications I would need minimal?  If you don't want to give out too much information.. can you at least guide me in the right direction?
The staff-accountant is pretty much like a bookkeeper.  What you do is keep track of general ledger accounts of the money going in (accounts receivable) and the money going out (accounts payable).  The minimum requirements at my job is an associate's degree or three years accounting experience.  

I have a BS in accounting.  2 months experience in AP (invoicing, charge codes, allocations, cash batch reports etc.).  I'm learning about bank reconciliations and using the ies system (its an import export system).
But for the most part I would be consider entry level.. how much is the pay?  I currently get paid around the 15-18 range.. so I'm looking for about the same.  How's the atmosphere? 

My only problem with where I work now is I got a douche coworker which she thinks shes a boss.  She works in collections and doesn't even have a degree.  She wears this purple dress that makes her look like a dark skin wesley snipe looking barney.  Shes loud and annoying and very condescending when she speaks to anyone.  Nobody likes her and I'm so tried of her voicel.
Being 7 years out of college man. I can tell you that you that there is one of those coworkers in every office. The know it alls, brown nosers, and those people that you say TF? How are you still employed here because you don't know what you are doing. 
Originally Posted by iLike Turtles

so. I had an interview with Sears today. in the beginning of the interview, the lady said that the starting pay is $7.25, and that was kind of a bummer. (if you look a couple pages back, you'll see my post about getting a job offer last week from another place that paid minimum wage, which I passed on) but then I thought, if I got a decent amount of hours per week I guess I wouldn't mind working for minimum wage. so then she asks me how many hours I'll like to work each week, and I tell her 30-35 hours. and she just shook her head and said that I wouldn't be getting any more than like 25 hours a week. so as soon as I heard that I made up my mind that I'm going to be passing on this job too, because 7.25 for only 25 hours a week isn't #%%!. so anyway, even tho I lost all my interest for the job, I didn't wanna be rude and just get up and walk out in the middle of the interview. I stayed and pretended that I was still interested in the job. so the interview is over and I was relieved, I just wanted to get the hell out of that place. I leave the store, walk out to the parking lot and then all of a sudden I hear someone scream out my name. I turn around and it was the lady that interviewed me. she said that they decided that they're gonna hire me on the spot and that she wants me to come back in so they can process me and what not. I was just like "oh... okay."

I go back in the store with her, she puts me on a computer to fill out some info. so while I'm on the computer, she goes into the next room and closes the door. I'm in the room all by myself and then the thought of just getting up and dippin popped in my head. and I was just like "naw, I'm not gonna do that. that's rude.". but then I thought about it some more, and then I was like "actually, that's not a bad idea." so I just clicked exit on the computer, got up and then straight power walked outta there. once I got outside I just jogged to my car to make sure no one would catch up to me again, hopped in my car and peeled the ++*+ out. they started blowing up my cell and I just hit the ignore button. I felt like such a rebel
. but then karma kinda bit me in the butt because 10 mins after I left Sears, I got pulled over because supposedly you're not allowed to make a left turn on this street from 7am-7pm on weekdays

but anyway, this was the second job I passed on in a week and I'm still unemployed. I know I probably shouldn't be passing on jobs like that, but I know if I keep looking I will find something that pays a little better. my goal is to have a job by the end of August so I can start saving up for a trip to Vegas in November or December and I'm still pretty confident that I'll accomplish that.

damn, I didn't realize that story was so long.
cliff notes:
Spoiler [+]
- had interview at Sears. told me the pay was minimum wage
- told me they were gonna hire me on the spot
- ditched the interview
- got pulled over for some $%%*%!+#
 They tried to put you in a cashier position, huh?
You should have taken the job so you could have a steady source of income and still have enough time to search for a  job you really wanted. Hope, you get another interview soon.
Originally Posted by i rock jordanz

Originally Posted by GUTTA BOB

Originally Posted by imsleepy1234

The staff-accountant is pretty much like a bookkeeper.  What you do is keep track of general ledger accounts of the money going in (accounts receivable) and the money going out (accounts payable).  The minimum requirements at my job is an associate's degree or three years accounting experience.  

I have a BS in accounting.  2 months experience in AP (invoicing, charge codes, allocations, cash batch reports etc.).  I'm learning about bank reconciliations and using the ies system (its an import export system).
But for the most part I would be consider entry level.. how much is the pay?  I currently get paid around the 15-18 range.. so I'm looking for about the same.  How's the atmosphere? 

My only problem with where I work now is I got a douche coworker which she thinks shes a boss.  She works in collections and doesn't even have a degree.  She wears this purple dress that makes her look like a dark skin wesley snipe looking barney.  Shes loud and annoying and very condescending when she speaks to anyone.  Nobody likes her and I'm so tried of her voicel.
Being 7 years out of college man. I can tell you that you that there is one of those coworkers in every office. The know it alls, brown nosers, and those people that you say TF? How are you still employed here because you don't know what you are doing. 

i guess developing thick skin should be a course in undergrad.  its sad for me cus i'm not directly effected by this beast.  my friends get beatup and beatdown everyday. my homegirl almost cried yesterday. I sit back and watch cus im a punk like that. in ancient japan I would have quickly killed this big black $%@!*.  i keep thinking 'watch she come up to me asking me anything today.. i might start swingin'.... man.
Originally Posted by iLike Turtles

so. I had an interview with Sears today. in the beginning of the interview, the lady said that the starting pay is $7.25, and that was kind of a bummer. (if you look a couple pages back, you'll see my post about getting a job offer last week from another place that paid minimum wage, which I passed on) but then I thought, if I got a decent amount of hours per week I guess I wouldn't mind working for minimum wage. so then she asks me how many hours I'll like to work each week, and I tell her 30-35 hours. and she just shook her head and said that I wouldn't be getting any more than like 25 hours a week. so as soon as I heard that I made up my mind that I'm going to be passing on this job too, because 7.25 for only 25 hours a week isn't #%%!. so anyway, even tho I lost all my interest for the job, I didn't wanna be rude and just get up and walk out in the middle of the interview. I stayed and pretended that I was still interested in the job. so the interview is over and I was relieved, I just wanted to get the hell out of that place. I leave the store, walk out to the parking lot and then all of a sudden I hear someone scream out my name. I turn around and it was the lady that interviewed me. she said that they decided that they're gonna hire me on the spot and that she wants me to come back in so they can process me and what not. I was just like "oh... okay."

I go back in the store with her, she puts me on a computer to fill out some info. so while I'm on the computer, she goes into the next room and closes the door. I'm in the room all by myself and then the thought of just getting up and dippin popped in my head. and I was just like "naw, I'm not gonna do that. that's rude.". but then I thought about it some more, and then I was like "actually, that's not a bad idea." so I just clicked exit on the computer, got up and then straight power walked outta there. once I got outside I just jogged to my car to make sure no one would catch up to me again, hopped in my car and peeled the ++*+ out. they started blowing up my cell and I just hit the ignore button. I felt like such a rebel
. but then karma kinda bit me in the butt because 10 mins after I left Sears, I got pulled over because supposedly you're not allowed to make a left turn on this street from 7am-7pm on weekdays

but anyway, this was the second job I passed on in a week and I'm still unemployed. I know I probably shouldn't be passing on jobs like that, but I know if I keep looking I will find something that pays a little better. my goal is to have a job by the end of August so I can start saving up for a trip to Vegas in November or December and I'm still pretty confident that I'll accomplish that.

damn, I didn't realize that story was so long.
cliff notes:
Spoiler [+]
- had interview at Sears. told me the pay was minimum wage
- told me they were gonna hire me on the spot
- ditched the interview
- got pulled over for some $%%*%!+#

dog... the lady came back tryna hire you.  You should have spoken up and said... you're interested but you want a day to consider the offer because you have an interview with nordstorm and the start pay is xxxxxx.  then ask her if they could have paid 9-10 an hour since you have experience and what not.  what is your aim as far as pay?  7.25 is wack.
Are my chances still good if I had my interview 2 weeks ago? I followed up with the corporate recruiter at company last week and his response was "we are in process of getting the final approvals and should come back with an offer soon"

So now it's been a week since that reply? Should I still follow up or wait for another response from him?
Originally Posted by stylez23

Are my chances still good if I had my interview 2 weeks ago? I followed up with the corporate recruiter at company last week and his response was "we are in process of getting the final approvals and should come back with an offer soon"

So now it's been a week since that reply? Should I still follow up or wait for another response from him?
I say follow up. He can only give you three answers: You're hired, Sorry....., or We are still deciding. GL!

Just got the job offer today without the third reference! 

Keep ya heads of gents and ladies.
Originally Posted by GUTTA BOB

Originally Posted by iLike Turtles

dog... the lady came back tryna hire you.  You should have spoken up and said... you're interested but you want a day to consider the offer because you have an interview with nordstorm and the start pay is xxxxxx.  then ask her if they could have paid 9-10 an hour since you have experience and what not.  what is your aim as far as pay?  7.25 is wack.

I know. I prob should have went about that differently. and yea 7.25 is wack. the only way I would even consider working a job that paid 7.25 is if I was getting a lot of hours. honestly, I'm not looking for much. if I could even find a job that paid like 8.50 I would be happy

STARTING PAY: $55,000-$60,000

Originally Posted by melo15fan

I'm BUM! Still orn between getting a job or studying for my engineering license...

Are you talking about the EIT or PE license in October?

If it's the EIT, you can do both at the same'll actually also help you a lot for interviews too. It's a good review of the basic engineering concepts, and it's actually not hard to pass as long as you study. Took and passed the EIT this April- I can say since I listed it on my resume I've gotten more calls than before.
Originally Posted by ljlukelj

Finally got a job! Project Manager for a Countertop Company. 18/hr. Finally!!!!!

Congrats homie!

Is nobody interested in a job in the south east? Maybe no body saw my post? Oh well, just trying to put some NTers on.
Originally Posted by iLike Turtles

Originally Posted by GUTTA BOB

Originally Posted by iLike Turtles

dog... the lady came back tryna hire you.  You should have spoken up and said... you're interested but you want a day to consider the offer because you have an interview with nordstorm and the start pay is xxxxxx.  then ask her if they could have paid 9-10 an hour since you have experience and what not.  what is your aim as far as pay?  7.25 is wack.

I know. I prob should have went about that differently. and yea 7.25 is wack. the only way I would even consider working a job that paid 7.25 is if I was getting a lot of hours. honestly, I'm not looking for much. if I could even find a job that paid like 8.50 I would be happy

dont trip i woulda done and same thing.  if u feel like trolling... call sears back up and say u had to take a dookie.. or something came up and u had to run out.  and just say by the time u came back nobody was there.

do you have a degree?  if u dont u should consider buying one online.  get a print out and just bring that to interviews.  i would aim for bookkeeping jobs since they don't care much for degrees.  just act like u know how to do some bookkeeping and say u have 1-2 experience (google some words so u can fool the person) and bam.. start pay for bookkeepers is like 10 and can go up to 15-20 an hour
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