Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

With the people I know I shouldn't be jobless for this long. Guess I'm just S.O.L.
Originally Posted by imsleepy1234

Originally Posted by GUTTA BOB

Originally Posted by imsleepy1234

I live in Los Angeles.  My cousin's girlfriend, who is 23, with a high school diploma has been having trouble looking for a decent job for the past two years.  I know that she has been applying at retail jobs too with no luck.

In my department, we had an opening for a staff-accountant (pretty much a bookkeeper) and we received over 450 resumes, and only one person will be hired.  I work in a hospital, and we had a job fair for RNs and LVNs.  We wanted to hire 20 RNs and 10 LVNs, and almost 400 applicants showed up.  In short, the job market here is pretty competitive.

Hey man.  I'm currently employed but really dislike the people I work with.. they're rude and talk down to others a lot.  What's the staff-accountant position looking like?  Do you know what type of qualifications I would need minimal?  If you don't want to give out too much information.. can you at least guide me in the right direction?
The staff-accountant is pretty much like a bookkeeper.  What you do is keep track of general ledger accounts of the money going in (accounts receivable) and the money going out (accounts payable).  The minimum requirements at my job is an associate's degree or three years accounting experience.  

I have a BS in accounting.  2 months experience in AP (invoicing, charge codes, allocations, cash batch reports etc.).  I'm learning about bank reconciliations and using the ies system (its an import export system).
But for the most part I would be consider entry level.. how much is the pay?  I currently get paid around the 15-18 range.. so I'm looking for about the same.  How's the atmosphere? 

My only problem with where I work now is I got a douche coworker which she thinks shes a boss.  She works in collections and doesn't even have a degree.  She wears this purple dress that makes her look like a dark skin wesley snipe looking barney.  Shes loud and annoying and very condescending when she speaks to anyone.  Nobody likes her and I'm so tried of her voicel.
Originally Posted by GUTTA BOB

Originally Posted by Noskey

Anyone have tips for Wells Fargo group interviews?

My super ex girlfriend had an interview with BOA awhile back.. same group situation.

She was very enthusiastic and outgoing (thats just her though).  And after the interview she went up to the HR, which she was cool with, and asked how she did and what's next etc. etc.

Smile, be confident, and stand out.  SRSLY GO BEYOND EVEN IF YOU LOOK KINDA CREEPY.  My ex said she faked half the interview but they bought it.  There are going to be a lot of nervous people there.

they're going to be asking personal and behavioral questions in the interview... so have a answer or "story" (hopefully funny or very thoughtful story) for every question.

She got hired out of 10+ people.. actually only 2 peeps got hired from the group so she did a good job.  shes dumped me for a black guy tho and if i ever see her i will drop kick the living @%$! outta her.
I <3 you Bob. Good advice, too

Originally Posted by Da R Entertainment

Be honest, articulate, and the biggest thing is to ask questions as it shows your interest in the job.  I had a group interview with Lasalle Bank back in 2002 and got the gig & ended up staying with the company till 2007.
Thanks for the advice
I always seem to not have any questions to ask. I should work on that...
Anyone know of a site which specifically caters to finding internships and/or entry-level positions?
^ I found my internships on my university's career center job board, and another internship on craigslist.
I'm going to know a lot next week....starting to feel a bit more hopeful as I've been getting lots of calls and interviews the past two weeks, and I feel I've done much, much better compared to my previous attempts. Just gotta keep grinding and stay persistent, and stay confident
how's everyone in the Bay Area/NorCal region doing?

i know its tough in other US regions, but EVERY person i know that came outta college in the last 3 years has found jobs/careers instantly in the SF/Sac/San Jose area.

my company is on a hiring freeze, but if i hear anything, ill let you all know!
Originally Posted by wcghost

how's everyone in the Bay Area/NorCal region doing?

i know its tough in other US regions, but EVERY person i know that came outta college in the last 3 years has found jobs/careers instantly in the SF/Sac/San Jose area.

my company is on a hiring freeze, but if i hear anything, ill let you all know!
I'm from the Bay Area, and I'm still looking for a full-time gig after a year...although to be fair, I did have an internship and recently had a contractor job which in total lasted about 5-6 months, so I haven't been unemployed the whole time.. I've had a bunch of interviews for some great jobs (like an engineering gig at Apple), but just haven't been able to connect. I've had a lot more interviews recently, so things are looking up. I'm feeling very confident I can land something soon, as I'm now more prepared and know the interview process 10x better than when I first started looking.
have a phone interview in a few hours with a consulting firm...first time doing one of these

this is also the first time somebody actually keep my application on file and called me back...I applied for a gig they had in Austin Texas a couple months ago and they filled it...they have a spot open where Im currently located and reached out.

I pray all goes well...Im tryin to prepare but Im not gathering as much background info as I would like heading into the interview
^Thanks.Sure, got my MPA in May. Masters of Public Administration.... so Im basically looking to maneuver thru government, public sector, pubic policy type gigs
I'm lucky to be in school these days.

This was posted on reddit yesterday with the caption "The honesty almost makes up for it."

Originally Posted by TannerVon

Originally Posted by Grimey

this is becoming extremely annoying..

strong cosign. finally had my first interview last friday. hazleton, pa. location is eh, but it would be hard finding an apt there. whatever, onward with the search for more jobs
Originally Posted by streethoopkilla

Got my 2nd interview with Apple on Wednesday Im hyped
corporate or retail?

man, damn. i even got denied a bank teller position. that doesn't even require use of my bachelors degree.
Originally Posted by JPTHE3

im 15 Years old from the East Los Angeles area , is it possible for me to get a job?

seems like at 15 with over 5k post your entire life is filled by nt..i dont think you will have time for a job/girl/life, the internet needs you more.
how about the guy calls me 10 mins after the scheduled interview time talking bout he was on the phone with his superiors and was being told that they have found somebody to fill the position internally. Sooooo he just wanted to let me know that he will again keep my resume on file just in case the gig may require 2 consultants from their firm which he may get word on in 4-5 days.


shhh sucks
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by streethoopkilla

Got my 2nd interview with Apple on Wednesday Im hyped
corporate or retail?

man, damn. i even got denied a bank teller position. that doesn't even require use of my bachelors degree.

It is with corportate. Itll set me back cuz its PT but will get my foot in the door
I have job interview on Wednesday. However, I've been doing freelance work for this company for the past 4 years for the same position I'm interviewing for. The HR dept and managers know me pretty well, I've known them for 2 years, talking to them almost every week.

I took the job my senior year of college (pre-recession) hoping I'd get a full-time gig. Hasn't happened. They past me up for a full-time gig 4 times.
Should I cancel the interview and quit given my history here or just go with the interview?

btw I hate the commute (2hrs each way) and the pay (14.50)
Had my second interview today at a Nike store, went real well. Said they will be letting me know Tuesday or Wednesday.
Originally Posted by TannerVon

Had my second interview today at a Nike store, went real well. Said they will be letting me know Tuesday or Wednesday.

how did u apply for the job? i would really like to work for nike
[h1]3 Things People Hate Most About Job Interviews (And How To Overcome Them)[/h1]
July 21 by James Clear |">" style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; outline-width: 0px; outline-style: initial; outline-color: initial; font-weight: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-size: 11px; font-family: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; zoom: 1; text-decoration: none; color: rgb(44, 131, 202); ">7 Comments and 69 Reactions | Management | Tags: job interviewsjob searchjob-choice

Job interviews can be stressful and nerve racking — especially when you really need a job.

But even though we all need a job, there are always parts of the process that are just plain annoying. To help make things easier — and to give you a leg up on the competition — here are the 3 things people hate most about job interviews and how you can overcome them.
[h2]Problem 1: Researching the company.[/h2]
The solution? Look at the corporate filings for company research.

Most interviews are won and lost long before they start. But how do you prepare the right way? Where do you find the type of information that makes you stand out as a candidate?

Well, if you’re applying for a position at a public company, then you can check their SEC filings and other corporate documents. Buried in the summaries and outlines of these reports are often golden nuggets of information that can spark the perfect question for you to ask or the right approach that you should take.

Make sure you check the Annual Report, Proxy Statement, and 10-K. These documents don’t qualify as leisure reading, but they can work wonders if you’re looking for a way to do excellent research on the company.
[h2]Problem 2: Negotiating for a higher salary.[/h2]
The solution? Ask the salary range long before the conversation comes up.

Usually, we put off talking about salary for as long as possible and then panic when it comes time to have the conversation.

Most candidates are ill-prepared for a salary negotiation, and so they end up leaving money on the table. Plus, it can make us feel awkward if we argue for more money.

Instead of waiting until the conversation comes up, take the initiative and ask about salary the first time you meet a recruiter. This could be at a networking event or the day of your job interview before things get started.

A simple phrase like, “What is the salary range allocated for this position?
Originally Posted by krazy88s

I have job interview on Wednesday. However, I've been doing freelance work for this company for the past 4 years for the same position I'm interviewing for. The HR dept and managers know me pretty well, I've known them for 2 years, talking to them almost every week.

I took the job my senior year of college (pre-recession) hoping I'd get a full-time gig. Hasn't happened. They past me up for a full-time gig 4 times.
Should I cancel the interview and quit given my history here or just go with the interview?

btw I hate the commute (2hrs each way) and the pay (14.50)

okay, this is simple.  take the job and keep looking for a better job.  don't know how about that particular industry but i guess if you think the pay is low.. you can ask for more.  15 or 15.50.  I would imagine they'll be more open to you since they already know you.. unless your work isn't that great.
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