Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

Some things that may work on your resumes: 5 most overused buzzwords (try to avoid them)

5. track record
4. extensive experience
3 effective
2. organizational
1. creative
I made a thread for this, but I figured I could get some good responses in here too:

Ok, so I work at a car rental place, and the counter sales people get paid an hourly rate + commission off whatever's sold. The money for commission comes from upgrades to nicer cars, insurance, and gas sells. However, you do not get commission for EVERYTHING you sell. You're paid on a tier based scale, with the minimum standard being $11.00 per day in sales on average. I hope this is making sense... If you your average in sales for the month is below $11.00 per day, you do not make payout (commission). If this happens for two consecutive months, you lose your job.

Now, with that considered, I've worked at the counter for two years until recently. There's always an issue of ethics at the counter because it's EASY to work the system to get paid. People will book reservations for customers that walk up without one, throw an upgrade on it without the customer asking, and get paid for that. Even though this is against the rules, this used to be common place(actually approved by the managers) for us when we first opened because honestly, it's tough as hell to make the numbers without doing that type of stuff. Management had to stop us from booking reservations and tell us to ask the customer to book the reservation instead so we can upgrade(which is still against policy) because some people from corporate found out about us booking them and we were under a little pressure. Sales agents will tell customers they have to get insurance, when they don't... They give them smaller cars than what they had booked to almost force them to get upgrades, they will tell them their credit declined if they're using a debit card and they don't plan on buying any extras, even if it passes (we do credit checks on debit cards)... All to get thier numbers high on the tier and make a big payout. The managers know about a lof of this, and it's all swept under the rug. If that isnt bad enough...

They print up these papers that we have to sign every so often that will say things like, "... if you book a reservation for a customer, it will result in disciplinary action up to termination...", to be short. They print these up whenever some kind of issue arises that they feel like they need to address, but the problem is, nothing is ever really done about the messed up stuff that happens at the counter. They MIGHT give out a write up if something is blatent to the point where they cant sweep it under the rug.

Here's my problem... I tried to play things by the books. If we got a managers approval to do something, I did it. If they said don't do it, I stopped because we signed those letters with termination threats, and I really need my job and a clean resume. Imagine working for this company for one and a half - two years, and getting fired for something like revenue fraud. You cant put that place on your resume. It's time completely WASTED. So me, following all the rules... My numbers arent so hot during the slow months and they're looking at me like "whats going on man?" when they honestly know what the deal is. My numbers were honest and consistent with the market. Others were consistent with their schemes. Is this a realistic perspective, or am I tripping? So they finally tell me that I cant work at the counter any more, but they have a valet position available that I can fill. I pretty much have to because I need a job unitl I find another one. I've spoken to the sales manager one on one about what goes on behind the counter without giving any names, and this dude basically tells me that it's MY job to report it to him when it's really HIS job to spot it, or am I wrong? He also goes on to tell me that I'm in the position that I'm in due to bad luck
I've passed ALL of my audits, and I make almost perfect scores on my evaluations they do when they watch me perform rentals, so how can you chalk that up to "bad luck"?! C'mon man... I feel like he's taking the pressure of his own job and putting it on me. I mean.. Nobody wants to fire their co worker or see them get fired, but when people are running game to be ahead, and I'm trying to get ahead off pure skill with no cheats, so I sacrifice my job for the sake of being liked by my managers and co workers for not being a snitch, or do I say something so the playing fields can be level again?

So here I am now getting a dumb low hourly rate, barely any hours at all and not able to pay my bills basically because I didnt want to scam people. So is this how companies work? Are most sales jobs like this? I really hope I can get some people who are in sales to chime in because this is really blowing my mind right now.

So it's about who can scheme and scam the best and not who has the best sales skill??

What should I do in this situation? I thought about calling a meeting with the managers and confronting them on sweeping stuff under the rug, but I'm not really sure what kind of situation this would put me in. It's beneficial to them for us to make our numbers becuause they actually get bonuses off of sales associates making numbers, so it would almost be like me putting their pay at risk too. Even if I were to get my position back at the counter, everybody would practically hate me and it would be mad uncomfortable at the counter. I don't like that kind of energy. Should I go straight to corporate about it? Or should I just find another job? I'm seriously lost right now...

- Work a sales related job
- Employees do scandolous things to make commission and managers know about it
- Managers sweep it under the rug and are hush hush because they get a kick back from the scandolous sales
- I try to do things the honest way because I need this to look good on my resume and I don't want to get fired for something like revenue fraud
- My position is demoted because my sales numbers aren't as good as the people that scheme
- I talked to a manager one on one about the situation and he basically tells me that it's bad luck and it's MY job to report what he's supposed to be looking out for. Basically tells me to snitch on my co workers.
- I need advice.
So out of the blue I got an email from a company I applied to a couple months ago. They asked if I was interested in a position. I am in LA and the company is in Seattle. I get the feeling that they don't know that I'm not local. How do I reply to them letting them know Im not local but I am very interested in the position?
Originally Posted by env

So out of the blue I got an email from a company I applied to a couple months ago. They asked if I was interested in a position. I am in LA and the company is in Seattle. I get the feeling that they don't know that I'm not local. How do I reply to them letting them know Im not local but I am very interested in the position?

assume they know... since they have your resume correct?

dont bring it up.  if they want to meet you in person.. schedule it a week in advance and fly/drive out.
Originally Posted by GUTTA BOB

Originally Posted by env

So out of the blue I got an email from a company I applied to a couple months ago. They asked if I was interested in a position. I am in LA and the company is in Seattle. I get the feeling that they don't know that I'm not local. How do I reply to them letting them know Im not local but I am very interested in the position?

assume they know... since they have your resume correct?

dont bring it up.  if they want to meet you in person.. schedule it a week in advance and fly/drive out.

I would do this, but I do not have the resources to take a trip up there on my dime
I just started working this week and so far so good. I'm a Machinist by trade btw. However, I'm seriously thinking changing work field into Architect.
Originally Posted by papageorgeo510

I just started working this week and so far so good. I'm a Machinist by trade btw. However, I'm seriously thinking changing work field into Architect.

Unless you have a passion for architecture, don't do it. The job market for an architect is not good right now, trust me I am one.

Like I said do it only if you have a passion.
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Originally Posted by papageorgeo510

I just started working this week and so far so good. I'm a Machinist by trade btw. However, I'm seriously thinking changing work field into Architect.

Unless you have a passion for architecture, don't do it. The job market for an architect is not good right now, trust me I am one.

Like I said do it only if you have a passion.

Good looking out bruh, I'm just going to take a class or two just to test the waters. Are you working now?
After having five six interviews after graduation in May. I'm having my resume critique by a campus advisor. Probably land for interviews since he said resume gets you interviews, interviews land you the job. Just need to prepare for interviews better. Those interview questions can be tricky. 
My advice for people who just graduated college is to use the career center on campus they will help you a lot. 
Originally Posted by skylerof209

Originally Posted by skylerof209

still looking for a job(schools back in august but if I get a job I may take some time off cuz I need to get my life together(get a car, stack some cash cuz I know a rainy day will come real soon, im good at calling this type of stuff)
I have online jobs I can do but the pay isnt as good for me right now(then again I havnt put in work like I used to)
I have a temp jop but havnt worked there in like 2-3 weeks, so Im waiting for a call back
tryna get his barbershop job but seems like its not gone work out. dude is catting or he just forgot to hit me back.
I did an app for a warehouse that pays 14 an hr got past that part, got invited to do part past part 2 of the in person questionnaire, had part 3 of in person group interview on Tuesday, and emails for final interviews are supposed to be sent out today , just check'd my email and I got nothn so far but hopefully they havnt sent them out(its only 12:15 so I still got chance)
all n all, I'm gone pray for sumthn tonight(best believe)

got that e-mail, im excited as can be right now man 
one more interview(part 4 lol) and this job is mine 

let's hope I get the job, I need this man..........
its been so long bt i nvr got that job.
my cousin did and I hope he can keep it and it does him well.

bt i havnt looked for ajob at all since then. lost faith and continued school.
met a lady that owns a beauty salon thou like over a month ago at school and asked if she needed barbers(i been cutting for 8 1/2 yrs)
she said call her in 2 weeks. my boy called her and she said 2 more weeks cause she movin her shop location to a better spot in town.
still havnt called her but I will tomorrow.its time to start working. I still have my temp job but I want a job i can get to easier & hrs are better(i dont got my own whip and most the time they want me to come in at like 6am or come in at like 3pm and leave at 11)
hopefully it all works out cause I need to do some working over the break + my credit card is rackin up cause of these christmas gifts/my spendings and irresponsible friends paying me back late.
Originally Posted by papageorgeo510

Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Originally Posted by papageorgeo510

I just started working this week and so far so good. I'm a Machinist by trade btw. However, I'm seriously thinking changing work field into Architect.

Unless you have a passion for architecture, don't do it. The job market for an architect is not good right now, trust me I am one.

Like I said do it only if you have a passion.

Good looking out bruh, I'm just going to take a class or two just to test the waters. Are you working now?

Yea man, I'm working as a manager at the national building museum in DC. Of course I want to be in a firm but right now I'm just trying to find another job that pays more.
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Originally Posted by papageorgeo510

Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Unless you have a passion for architecture, don't do it. The job market for an architect is not good right now, trust me I am one.

Like I said do it only if you have a passion.

Good looking out bruh, I'm just going to take a class or two just to test the waters. Are you working now?

Yea man, I'm working as a manager at the national building museum in DC. Of course I want to be in a firm but right now I'm just trying to find another job that pays more.

that sounds like a really fun job
Seeko, my advice is that you first go to the sales manager. You can never break the chain in demand. If the managers don't do anything about it, then you can go towards corporate, IMHO.

At the end of the day, you're still in a tough position because you're putting other people's job on the line but hey, they're doing something thats illegal, and you need to make a living.
I've had offers for menial human service jobs (low pay, less than ideal hrs., limited opportunity for growth)...will probably take one on a short term basis and then take the civil service exam to be a corrections officer. I have my bachelor's in criminal justice. This whole 7 months has been pretty eye opening and disheartening. I have a good work ethic once I get going, but I have confidence issues and not much direction in regards to what I want to do. Depression symptoms to boot doesn't help. It was nice to spend time with family over the holidays to get some reassurance and motivational words. Don't know what I'd do without em (probably be in the military).

Hoping things work out soon because my mental state is back to what it was like in 2007 when I was still in college and having trouble deciding what I wanted to do.

Interested to hear more stories from nt'ers.
Any NT's in the Jackson, MS area Lockheed Martian is hiring at least 125 people thru June.
I was hired on the spot Thurs.
Its a call center but hey, anything is better than nothing!!!!
I just worked on Vampire Diaries, as an extra. If you live in Atlanta, it's an easy way to make at least $50 bucks a day.

I just wish I had something more consistent.
Originally Posted by imrichboy

Hey NT how do you prepare for an interview?
  • Know your resume like the back of your hand 
  • Memorize 3 adjectives to describe yourself
  • Craft a sincere (sounding) response on why you want to work for them.  Even if they just ask: why do you want this job?  Always try to bring it back to the company
  • Rehearse retelling previous experiences that could directly relate to the job
  • If they ask for a weakness, give them an area of improvement followed by how you've worked on it
  • Be prepared to answer: Where do you see yourself in 2-5 years?  Make it sound good
  • ASK QUESTIONS!!!  It could be about the job particulars, growth potential, company direction, etc... ALWAYS have questions at the end.
  • Finally, dont stop at how hard a worker you would be.  Show them how your personality, character, and values would be appreciated in the workplace  
I just finished my first week on the new job.  Its just customer care work for a small company.  The people are cool as hell and the place is just so positive because they are seeing success.  Pay and benefits are far from great but it'll get the bills paid and I'm grateful for that.  Actually feels kinda nice not having to wear slacks and a tie to work 

And for anyone in here straying from their desired field just to work, definitely dont be afraid to utilize your network (previous supervisors, family, friends...).  You dont have to do it all by yourself.  Long story short, after touching bases I have a lunch scheduled with an SVP I worked under during a previous internship to figure out how she can help.  And this woman definitely knows people
Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Originally Posted by imrichboy

Hey NT how do you prepare for an interview?
  • Know your resume like the back of your hand 
  • Memorize 3 adjectives to describe yourself
  • Craft a sincere (sounding) response on why you want to work for them.  Even if they just ask: why do you want this job?  Always try to bring it back to the company
  • Rehearse retelling previous experiences that could directly relate to the job
  • If they ask for a weakness, give them an area of improvement followed by how you've worked on it
  • Be prepared to answer: Where do you see yourself in 2-5 years?  Make it sound good
  • ASK QUESTIONS!!!  It could be about the job particulars, growth potential, company direction, etc... ALWAYS have questions at the end.
  • Finally, dont stop at how hard a worker you would be.  Show them how your personality, character, and values would be appreciated in the workplace  
I just finished my first week on the new job.  Its just customer care work for a small company.  The people are cool as hell and the place is just so positive because they are seeing success.  Pay and benefits are far from great but it'll get the bills paid and I'm grateful for that.  Actually feels kinda nice not having to wear slacks and a tie to work 

And for anyone in here straying from their desired field just to work, definitely dont be afraid to utilize your network (previous supervisors, family, friends...).  You dont have to do it all by yourself.  Long story short, after touching bases I have a lunch scheduled with an SVP I worked under during a previous internship to figure out how she can help.  And this woman definitely knows people

What's your job?
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