Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

Anybody have any insight on government jobs? Like state board jobs, irs, and dcaa, and how the process/interviews are like?

I always thought.. esp after going to college and getting a degree in accounting.. that getting into a government job is selling yourself short.

You gotta aim big.. like national, big 4, public firms.. I don't know man I'm just tired of working my job right now.

Money isn't everything.. I want a simple job, 9-5, weekends off, and decent pay... i'd be happy with that.
Originally Posted by Coolidge Effect

I just worked on Vampire Diaries, as an extra. If you live in Atlanta, it's an easy way to make at least $50 bucks a day.

I just wish I had something more consistent.
info bro?
I've had a few interviews recently. I am supposed to be getting hired at Finishline next week. I'm only in high school, so it should be a cool job. I've been looking for a job for 5 months now.
Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

Originally Posted by Coolidge Effect

I just worked on Vampire Diaries, as an extra. If you live in Atlanta, it's an easy way to make at least $50 bucks a day.

I just wish I had something more consistent.
info bro?
You'll need a head shot, and to list your age, height, weight, clothing fits, I think shoe size and a flexible schedule. Also contact information: valid email address and phone number. Make sure you have a means for transportation. Sometimes they'll schedule you for the whole day or just for an 8 hour shoot. If buddy doesn't come through with the email address I'll look it up for you.
I think you can still find them on Facebook, under Vampire Diaries Casting or something similar to that. They can be kind of funny on casting, so make sure you aren't ugly. lol (Totally serious here).
Still looking for a job after a couple of interviews. There is a position open at the place I interned at. I'm trying to draft an email to a supervisor letting them know I applied to a position. Anyone have any experience with this? Don't want to come off the wrong way.
I got laid off from my job this past November. Already getting frustrated on not being able to find a job. I am about to have a baby (this week) and the stress level is simply going to get higher. SMH...
What's your specialty? I just got a great job, 75k + will be transferring form my job now, 50k, in June.

They flew me to their HQ, rental car, and paid for my hotel so i can relax and stay the night before....

Jobs are out there guys, gotta be hungry!
got laid off in november for no reason at all. (yes i was even told it was for no reason)
got a call yesterday for a job yesterday and i start monday
I'm going on 6 months of being unemployed. I only landed two interviews since being laid off. The last interview I thought I had the job. It was at the bank of america call center for customer service rep. I thought was pretty qualified since I have 10 years call center experience and 5 of those years were managerial. I get the email saying thank for my time and that I was over qualified for the position.
Im going on 4 months of unemployment, its depressing. However, I have been occupying my time with school. I haven't had a interview since November and i was sure that I had the job (did well in the interview and the person I interviewed with told his boss that I was the candidate that he wanted but sadly didn't get it).

I'm not discouraged though. There's jobs out there and not everyone is going to tell you "no".
How are you guys following up with companies you have applied to?? I'm applying using Linkedin and another site called Doostang, lots of jobs out there but, I'm not getting any response from these companies. My frustration level is at an all time high at this point SMH.
OK, first off you should apply directly to a company's site, for sure. Then keep track of it, excel sheet/google doc, whatever. You should get confirmation that your application is received.

After 3-4 weeks or so, if you don't hear anything, you should contact HR and just ask if they had received it (stay positive).

Sometimes you don't get a response for 3-4 months, depending on their time frame. Hell, I didn't receive my first phone screening for the new job I landed, until 3 months later. This was because the interview period was mid December-January.

I'm here to help, just PM me.
Originally Posted by LosPollosHermanos

What's your specialty? I just got a great job, 75k + will be transferring form my job now, 50k, in June.

They flew me to their HQ, rental car, and paid for my hotel so i can relax and stay the night before....

Jobs are out there guys, gotta be hungry!

What's your specialty? You should be helping us talkin about this.
Originally Posted by LosPollosHermanos

OK, first off you should apply directly to a company's site, for sure. Then keep track of it, excel sheet/google doc, whatever. You should get confirmation that your application is received.

After 3-4 weeks or so, if you don't hear anything, you should contact HR and just ask if they had received it (stay positive).

Sometimes you don't get a response for 3-4 months, depending on their time frame. Hell, I didn't receive my first phone screening for the new job I landed, until 3 months later. This was because the interview period was mid December-January.

I'm here to help, just PM me.

I do this. It helps and hurts your soul simultaneously
Absolutely bro, hahah.

But you have to keep track, or you're not going to remember whether you applied/got a call back/waiting/interview/etc.

I would say the best way to do it is do a gather, then an apply process.

So gather every single opportunity you even remotely imagine yourself working in, then apply for them all once. When you're in the flow of applying it'll fly.

Then wait and see what you get. Remember there aren't dedicated HR people sitting by a computer waiting for you to apply so they can respond, they'll get to it when they can.
Too much money to pay you for the task at hand, job won't meet your expectations, then they'll have to search for another candidate when you leave, you'll feel underwhelmed with the job.
Originally Posted by Fully Calibrated

Originally Posted by LosPollosHermanos

What's your specialty? I just got a great job, 75k + will be transferring form my job now, 50k, in June.

They flew me to their HQ, rental car, and paid for my hotel so i can relax and stay the night before....

Jobs are out there guys, gotta be hungry!

What's your specialty? You should be helping us talkin about this.

Operations and Supply Chain Management. My current job I am a Business Enterprise Technology Consultant (I help deploy applications, SAP/Oracle/whatever).
I asked because you gotta hone your skills and know what you're good at. I took that job because I could do it while i find my "dream" job. 
Spoiler [+]
So about 7 months after receiving my masters and 5 months of being unemployed due to being laid off, I finally received a job offer in early December. The salary was less than my old job and I was clearly overqualified but I took the position anyway because it was a company I wanted to work for and it was my first offer after going on about 12 -15 different interviews and 100s of apps since being unemployed.

During my first week of work I got a call from another division of the same agency for a job at the agencie's headquarters for a more appealing position with an offer of about 4 grand more in salary(a lil higher than my position i was laid off for but still not where I wanna be). Needless to say I quit the first job and went with the 2nd. There was a lil controversy surrounding my decision which i kinda feel may have put a black cloud over my head. But anyway I've been in the new position since Dec 20th.

Fast forward to yesterday, I received a call with an offer from a private company who just went into partnership with my current employer. They offered me a position making about 8 grand more than my salary now(the minimum of my ideal salary range). Its gonna be a start up project so there are gonna be alot of challenges involved and may be pretty stressful. My current position seems the complete opposite which is
all at the same time.

I know the answer seems easy but my fear is being blackballed from my current company if I decide to take the new job. I also like the ppl i have been working with and being at the headquarters of the agency I feel like I may have a better shot at advancement. But right now they are going through a reorganization and transformation phase which is really interesting but at the same time it does create a lil bit of uncertainty in job security.

So NT....what would you do?

Been out of work since July. Got offers in December

This is government public/private sector related

Agency offered me a low paying job I was overqualified for, accepted.
Same agency, different division offered me a better job, slightly higher pay the same week I started first job, accepted.

After working for a month, yesterday a new private company, who is in partnership with my current agency offered me a higher paying job which is finally at the minimum of my ideal salary right now.

I fear being blackballed from the current agency I work for and I feel that the offered position may not be as enjoyable or have the possibility for further advancement down the road as my current position. On the flipside my current position may not be satisfying to me in the long run and from my observations over the month I have been working here, I may have to worry about job security.

So im looking at either chasing the money, possible stressful job and possibly damaging my professional reputation with my current agency or staying put not liking my salary or the work I do but have the possibility to move up the ladder, network or get laid off again.
Originally Posted by Ace Rawstein

Been out of work since July. Got offers in December

This is government public/private sector related

Agency offered me a low paying job I was overqualified for, accepted.
Same agency, different division offered me a better job, slightly higher pay the same week I started first job, accepted.

After working for a month, yesterday a new private company, who is in partnership with my current agency offered me a higher paying job which is finally at the minimum of my ideal salary right now.

I fear being blackballed from the current agency I work for and I feel that the offered position may not be as enjoyable or have the possibility for further advancement down the road as my current position. On the flipside my current position may not be satisfying to me in the long run and from my observations over the month I have been working here, I may have to worry about job security.
This is what I'm trying to avoid but seems like it will happen.

I had 3 interviews last week in two days, all of which showed interest in me afterward. Two of them are government positions and one is with Healthstream as a data analyst. The two government positions are doing their background checks now and I just got an offer today for the data analyst position. It's the lowest paying one and contract to hire. I have until Monday to accept.

I don't want to start a new position and treat it as a one week layover until I get an offer from the positions I want. I'd rather go straight to a career.....but life doesn't work that way
I finally got an email and got was offered a job with the IRS. Kinda sucks that its only temp position but better than nothing.
Got my Bachelors in Business Administration last June. Still applying everywhere, just waiting to hear back. Havent had a lot of success, and when they do call back I probably suck at the interview parts. Gonna keep trying. If anyone has any connections in Chicago let me know. Might come down to WHO I know. I do lack most experience needed. I make up for it with my potential though, but theres no way to show them that. 
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