Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

koo, I'm gonna go check out some more dress shirts tomorrow at macys.

I got an interview tuesday and I don't think I have time to find a suit and get it tailored.
I dont normally do this but I'd like to share something, maybe it'll give you guys hope that are still looking.

On about almost mid May, I was working at a small IT company doing desktop support. It was a great environment, the staff was cool and so was the pay. 3 weeks later, I was unfortunately let go because to make a long stort, they couldn't afford to keep me (Last one in first one out). I was depressed and lost all motivation because I loved it there and saw myself growing with the company. So I went back to the drawing board and kept applying to jobs, bum rushing staff agencies the whole nine and nothing. I was this close to losing hope and was considering an option I'm very fond of and that was possibly go back to NJ. Now my sister at the time left her job for a better one with better pay. So one day my sister sends me some job apps she found over the internet and emails em to me from her work email.

So I got the email, and saw where she worked at and was like :wow: and told her I applied there. She was like no way and told her manager. Her manager got my resume and that was that. My sister asked me why didn't I say anything and to be quite honest, I totally forgot that she worked for the company that I applied to. Monday, I get a call for an interview on Tuesday afternoon. Tuesday comes, I'm amped, get a fresh haircut, busted out the suit, got ready and went on the HQ in Fort Lauderdale. The interview and everything went good and all that but I'm not gonna get my hopes up. The Interviewer told me that I was a good fit due to my experience but they still have other interviews and won't make a pick until Friday. So all there is left to do is wait and if it's not meant to be keep it moving. The next day, I'm on the usual ****, applying and calling jobs. I get a phone call, and it was the guy that Interviewed me where my sister worked at. The guy said that I was the best candidate for the position and wanted to make me an offer. I quickly accepted. I'm happy as **** and I start July 1st :pimp: :pimp: . I already sent in my offer sheet and other paperwork that needed to be filled out earlier this morning.

I'm still in shock on how it happened since My new manager didn't have to wait til Friday (today!) to make a decision.

So for those still looking, no matter how hard it might be looking for a gig, don't give up. :pimp:
Not giving but I'm extremely frustrated at my job.... I've been with the company almost 4 years and my regional does not want to see me succeed whatsoever... I've excelled at every level to this point but not I'm capped out with my salary and now three of my supervisors have quit or moved to different titles while we are deep into sale season... There are two assistant logistics positions open and a logistics manager position open... I just want the lesser asst mgr positions that is now open... My regional is a tool and loves buttkissers instead of hard working and motivated individuals like myself... I'm debating on applying for the new position or continue looking for better jobs that appreciate what I bring to the table.. What to do NT fam????
I dont normally do this but I'd like to share something, maybe it'll give you guys hope that are still looking.

On about almost mid May, I was working at a small IT company doing desktop support. It was a great environment, the staff was cool and so was the pay. 3 weeks later, I was unfortunately let go because to make a long stort, they couldn't afford to keep me (Last one in first one out). I was depressed and lost all motivation because I loved it there and saw myself growing with the company. So I went back to the drawing board and kept applying to jobs, bum rushing staff agencies the whole nine and nothing. I was this close to losing hope and was considering an option I'm very fond of and that was possibly go back to NJ. Now my sister at the time left her job for a better one with better pay. So one day my sister sends me some job apps she found over the internet and emails em to me from her work email.

So I got the email, and saw where she worked at and was like :wow: and told her I applied there. She was like no way and told her manager. Her manager got my resume and that was that. My sister asked me why didn't I say anything and to be quite honest, I totally forgot that she worked for the company that I applied to. Monday, I get a call for an interview on Tuesday afternoon. Tuesday comes, I'm amped, get a fresh haircut, busted out the suit, got ready and went on the HQ in Fort Lauderdale. The interview and everything went good and all that but I'm not gonna get my hopes up. The Interviewer told me that I was a good fit due to my experience but they still have other interviews and won't make a pick until Friday. So all there is left to do is wait and if it's not meant to be keep it moving. The next day, I'm on the usual ****, applying and calling jobs. I get a phone call, and it was the guy that Interviewed me where my sister worked at. The guy said that I was the best candidate for the position and wanted to make me an offer. I quickly accepted. I'm happy as **** and I start July 1st :pimp: :pimp: . I already sent in my offer sheet and other paperwork that needed to be filled out earlier this morning.

I'm still in shock on how it happened since My new manager didn't have to wait til Friday (today!) to make a decision.

So for those still looking, no matter how hard it might be looking for a gig, don't give up. :pimp:

So you and your sis do the same work?
Networking is vital and it came through for you. Congrats. Back to square one after declining the offer. They went back on what they were offering in addition to changing the hours. Wasn't worth it in the end.
Are you guys wearing suits to your interviews?

I usually wear a nice dress shirt and slacks. I wonder if its that big of a deal.

The only problem I see is if everyone else interviewing is wearing a suit and you're not.. that'll be a lil embarrassing.

I usually do or a slacks, shirt, tie and a light cardigan. Maybe I need to change it up since that **** hasn't been working :lol:

na she's an accountant. I still do I.T

How long have you been in the IT field and how'd you get started? I'm trying to break into the field now...
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I'ma head to macy's to check out the suits today. I still won't be able to get one tailored before my interview tuesday but its good to check out cuz i'ma need one eventually.  I'ma stick with slacks and a nice shirt/tie and just pray for the best.
Networking is vital and it came through for you. Congrats. Back to square one after declining the offer. They went back on what they were offering in addition to changing the hours. Wasn't worth it in the end.
Place sounds shady as hell man.. you could def do better. Keep applying and praying.
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Anyone ever did those manager in training programs? Got a couple leads about Firestone and Waffle House manager in training program
I usually do or a slacks, shirt, tie and a light cardigan. Maybe I need to change it up since that **** hasn't been working :lol:
How long have you been in the IT field and how'd you get started? I'm trying to break into the field now...

I've been in the field for 3 going on 4 years. For starters, I would advise on getting your A+ and the your Net+ to get doors open for you. So far going into the field was one of the more smarter decisions I've made. So if you're tech savvy, (I assume that you are) go for it :pimp:
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Got a job at a boba shop near campus.


posted this 3 weeks and 3 days ago. prior to this I had no official/real job experience


background info:
manager was let go back in April or May
employees feel underpaid and unmotivated
employees don't like the owner

So I started off as a barista/cashier, but the owner said I looked too intimidating/scary. :lol: I started being a helper. I helped out the cook prep and clean. If it was busy out front, I'd help make drinks. Then I got trained to be a cook as well (which was just prepping and deep frying stuff mostly). Basically, I do everything and anything that needs to be done now. I've also been promoted to Shift Leader ($0.25 raise.) I work part-time(25-30 hours a week).

Well today, I came in before the store actually opened (cook was supposed to be there) to make buy/make a drink for myself. It was just the owner there. Long story short, the owner asks me if I wanted be Manager. :wow:


I just got my first real paycheck EVER less than a week ago, and now the owner is asking me to be a manger? Not gonna lie, I feel pretty good right now. :lol: There are people who have been working there months before me, and the owner asks me? :smokin

I told him I'll do it, but we gotta talk about it some more (I had to go to class).
How are you guys prepping for interviews?

I'm using a online video software to record myself... I can't believe how ******ed I look and sound.

My eyes keep shifting like I'm on drugs... I'm talking too casual and not professional.

I'm trying to recall all of my old interviews and wonder how I even got the jobs then.
I am fortunate enough to have never been let go, knocks on wood.

However, when I have moved on from one job to another, I always "fish" for leads. Hit up people in my contacts, see whats going on in their respective work place. Inquire about openings and what not.

In fact if I lost my job this morning, I would be texting/emailing people in my contacts ASAP. It's the fastest way to land another position, as opposed to going the online app, staff agency route.

Don't be afraid to utilize YOUR network.
Yea I gotta utilize my contacts more because I hate going the online route and filling out tons of applications that will just get looked over. Some of these contacts I haven't talked to in months lol
Doesn't matter, more often than not people are willing to help you out. Even if I don't know of any openings, if someone hits me up saying they are looking for new opportunities, I usually get on the horn and start hitting people up to see if anything is available.

Put it this way, as a prospective employee we hate the online application process. It's stale and stiff. As an employer, we also hate that route. An internal candidate or a referral will usually get the nod over an unknown candidate, 9 times out of 10.
This whole job searching thing is getting real frustrating. Got a letter in the mail saying that I'm disqualified for a position because I have to be a city of Pittsburgh resident. Though I live in a borough of the city, it's still the city right?

I've been looking into freelancing but that hasn't worked out yet. Boss cutting my hours because he can and every job that I have the qualifications for what way more experience than I have. :smh:

I recently read an article about how companies are being extremely picky w/ jobs and that while we go unemployed, the position goes vacant because they haven't found the candidate that probably doesn't exist. Crazy
How are you guys prepping for interviews?

I'm using a online video software to record myself... I can't believe how ******ed I look and sound.

My eyes keep shifting like I'm on drugs... I'm talking too casual and not professional.

I'm trying to recall all of my old interviews and wonder how I even got the jobs then.


best way that worked for me is to look up questions (even the tricky questions) that you may be asked during an interview pertaining to your field. Write it down or memorize and practice. Taping yourself is a cool idea but I'd try doing mock interviews. Have one of your boys, your boo or whoever ask you the questions. The more you practice, you will have less jitters and feel more confident upon the interview
its been a week so i gave them a call, we had some storms this week so they said they were behind, hoping for a call by friday, the lady i spoke with was the one i interviewed with and she didnt seem to happy to be talking to me :rolleyes
its been a week so i gave them a call, we had some storms this week so they said they were behind, hoping for a call by friday, the lady i spoke with was the one i interviewed with and she didnt seem to happy to be talking to me :rolleyes

keep houndin' them 'till you get an answer but keep looking for other gigs. Don't depend on that one job, you might be in for a disappointment. just saying.
I've been in the field for 3 going on 4 years. For starters, I would advise on getting your A+ and the your Net+ to get doors open for you. So far going into the field was one of the more smarter decisions I've made. So if you're tech savvy, (I assume that you are) go for it :pimp:

Good looks on the info. I have to take the other A+ test to be fully certified, but that $183 for the test is tough while unemployed :lol: and the Net+ is almost $300. I need a gig in the field so they can pay for this ****
Easy (possibly minimal work required), low stress, high paying jobs/careers in BK and the NYC area :nerd:

Feel free to pm me.
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