Joe Rogan Podcast

-If someone did this level on mind-reading on you, or someone you were defending, you would have a massive issue. There are two tweets also. A question and response. You are somehow combining the two here in a storage way.
i think im drawing pretty obvious inferences from the tweet.
I don't think im mind reading.

cancel culture is almost always leveled at progressives

so when skeptically questions the existence of cancel culture
and the response is "the most prominent conservative cancellation"

it's reasonable inference to draw without having access to questlove.

when i used the term mind reading
im referring to is people creating imaginary internal motivations to impune the credibility of the person they are arguing with.

obviously we are communicating via the internet, you're going to have to draw some inferences.

-Wavy is ranting about Joe Rogan, for a specific reason, for specific actions

-I do rant about Joe Manchin for specific things

-You just went off because you felt a tweet was attacking your position and claimed a whole bunch of stuff that doesn't even appear in the tweet

So I just rant way. But I feel there is a difference as to what motivates some of your rants vs other people's
I was attempting to use it as a jumping off point to address an argument I see used often.

"cancel culture isn't real"
"noone ever really been cancelled"

i feel like I see this point brought up every time this argument comes up.
so I was using this tweet to address that general line of argument.
To me

"you're just mad at joe manchin because you are secretly jealous of Joe Manchin's, house boat and Maserati"

is mind reading. :lol:
you come by your joe manchin distaste honestly and rationally

I may disagree with it to some degree, but imagining a motivation that makes it irrational
should be avoided
Some real avant- gard views there osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh

I swear, everytime you post about issues like this, it’s interesting and wild how you completely leave out history of this type of ****, when it comes to speech. You act like we’ve always lived in some society, where all voices have been treated equally :lol:. You act like as society moves on and we progress, people who have historically had no voice, or talked to anyway…finally get a medium and platform to say….”this isn’t okay”…And you cry unfair cancel culture. It’s reductive. People are free to say annnnyyything that they want. Of course you know there are consequences.

You really are coming off like the type in the 1960s, who’d be upset that in polite society, it isn’t okay to call blacks people N***** anymore. And I feel like you’d defend that, on some “avant-garde” principles you love to espouse.

It’s like you have this abstract idea of some libertarian fantasy world…where some cultural liberal elites are silencing conservative voices all over America because of some power of pressure :lol:, and they are helpless to say words or right things anymore, because of the big bad cancel culture. When in fact, they DOMINATE media. On all platforms. And literally have a bunch of silicon valley right wing libertarians (thiel and zuck) giving preferential treatment and boosting algorithms for them.

Look at where we are today man. Nothing could be further from the truth. We, us…grew up in a time and entered the workforce in times where we couldn’t even fully express ourselves as black people to the fullest. All are education was whitewashed. Our speech actually denied. Music. Censored. Entertainment black balled and otherwised to be completely outside the mainstream . Even comedians in the 90s…having to perform at black clubs.

It was not that long ago, that Michael Jackson…in the midst of arguably the biggest album of all time…couldn’t get on MTV. Prince, couldn’t get played in the Midwest. Where he’s from.

Seriously tho man, that **** is annoying and offensive when you play these imaginary semantic games, over things and ideas and movements we’ve seen in history real time…time and time over.

Ppl of course aren’t perfect, and ppl searching online for “gotcha” moments to mark people as bad, can be annoying. But that’s not really doing anything.

The people that suffer consequences for their f-d up speech, have it coming.

We live in a world, where the people trying to expose racist don’t even have any real power. But you insist on playing this game, ignoring history, all in the name of feeling like your challenging a power structure or something that’s a slippery slope. When it really is not. And has never been.
i think im drawing pretty obvious inferences from the tweet.
I don't think im mind reading.

cancel culture is almost always leveled at progressives

so when skeptically questions the existence of cancel culture
and the response is "the most prominent conservative cancellation"

it's reasonable inference to draw without having access to questlove.

when i used the term mind reading
im referring to is people creating imaginary internal motivations to impune the credibility of the person they are arguing with.

obviously we are communicating via the internet, you're going to have to draw some inferences.

-Someone asked a question, and someone else responded. You then take issue with the person asking the question, assigning all kinds of supposed motivations for it, then the answer given by someone else is part of the reason to made the assessment that way. This explanation makes little sense to me famb

Even more, your assessment and objections line up neatly with something you have been going on about for months now.

Yeah, sorry but I find this hard to buy. I actually think calling it mind reading is being charitable

I think you have honest disagreements with people on the other side of the argument. But like I told you before, I feel you take it to a point beyond what I find reasonable.

I was attempting to use it as a jumping off point to address an argument I see used often.

"cancel culture isn't real"
"noone ever really been cancelled"

i feel like I see this point brought up every time this argument comes up.
so I was using this tweet to address that general line of argument.

-Then just say you are making a general comment dude.

But either way, I have nothing more to say on the matter. I don't want to spoil your fun. Do you.
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These people do realize that even if Spotify was to end their partnership with Rogan.... that he would still keep the same audience size if not grow it?

So what's the real end goal here??
These people do realize that even if Spotify was to end their partnership with Rogan.... that he would still keep the same audience size if not grow it?

So what's the real end goal here??

When you say, “these people”….what do you mean?

In reality, what is being called to attention is Rogan being an entry point to a pipeline to right wing extremism.

Ideally, recognizing and calling out what he’s truly doing….exposes more and more what the type of show is truly is.

Spotify can leave it there, for all they want. Again, Steve Bannon and Tim Pool have massive podcasts with similar influences and audiences too. Just as if not more harmful than Rogan. Idk if you know it, but Apple and Youtube are dominated by reactionary racists, who radicalize a lot of young white men.

i think recognizing the intention and motive and calling it out, strips whatever pseudo intellectual credibility Rogan has…when he brings these people on as TRUTH TELLERS and experts.

It’s a societal problem really. Again, Rogan can exists just as Rush Limbaugh does for decades. But just recognize what exactly THAT is…. And stop pretending it’s just some goofy white dudes palling around and shooting the ****, when they are indeed “red pilling”- massive audience.

Continuing to give Rogan that innocent cover and credibility…while he launders radical white supremacist talking points on a weekly basis is not it.

It’s just giving people the fuller picture about what the JRE has become, and letting Rogan either step into it the fact that his podcast is a part of THAT ecosystem….or dare him to denouce or bring on opposing viewpoints and challenge him and his audience…which might actually cause him to lose their audience. The thing about the Audience Rogan has created is, the minute or second that the leader/guests forcefully denouce those ideologies or views or really challenge them…..the quicker and more forcefully the audience turns on said leader/host.

We will see. But you can’t expect people to just keep quiet, as Joe Rogan leans more and more into this hard right turn, in fear of it more radicalizing the audience, by simply calling it out.
These people do realize that even if Spotify was to end their partnership with Rogan.... that he would still keep the same audience size if not grow it?

So what's the real end goal here??

The same as moms against violent video games

Us lesser beings need to be protected by people that know what's best for us

Thank god I was protected from all those violent video games growing up, could have turned into a crazy person

And just like that, all the people that have defended Rogan and played devil's advocate for him are made to look stupid by the dude they spent their energy defending...
you actually thought this was a good analogy... :lol:
Not surprised. Same dude who posted this in the political thread...

It's funny how facts are being treated with the utmost importance and feelings somehow don't matter

Could have sworn I heard this same nonsense somewhere else on the Internet

Possibly from somewhere people like to mock
you actually thought this was a good analogy :lol:
joe rogan fans in a nutshell

Don't listen to Joe Rogan

Typical accusation hurling progressive in a nutshell

You're free to post evidence of my listening to Joe Rogan but we all know that doesn't matter on the progressive warpath
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When you say, “these people”….what do you mean?

In reality, what is being called to attention is Rogan being an entry point to a pipeline to right wing extremism.

Ideally, recognizing and calling out what he’s truly doing….exposes more and more what the type of show is truly is.

Spotify can leave it there, for all they want. Again, Steve Bannon and Tim Pool have massive podcasts with similar influences and audiences too. Just as if not more harmful than Rogan. Idk if you know it, but Apple and Youtube are dominated by reactionary racists, who radicalize a lot of young white men.

i think recognizing the intention and motive and calling it out, strips whatever pseudo intellectual credibility Rogan has…when he brings these people on as TRUTH TELLERS and experts.

It’s a societal problem really. Again, Rogan can exists just as Rush Limbaugh does for decades. But just recognize what exactly THAT is…. And stop pretending it’s just some goofy white dudes palling around and shooting the ****, when they are indeed “red pilling”- massive audience.

Continuing to give Rogan that innocent cover and credibility…while he launders radical white supremacist talking points on a weekly basis is not it.

It’s just giving people the fuller picture about what the JRE has become, and letting Rogan either step into it the fact that his podcast is a part of THAT ecosystem….or dare him to denouce or bring on opposing viewpoints and challenge him and his audience…which might actually cause him to lose their audience. The thing about the Audience Rogan has created is, the minute or second that the leader/guests forcefully denouce those ideologies or views or really challenge them…..the quicker and more forcefully the audience turns on said leader/host.

We will see. But you can’t expect people to just keep quiet, as Joe Rogan leans more and more into this hard right turn, in fear of it more radicalizing the audience, by simply calling it out.

What this sounds like in totality, is that people want to force Rogan to publicly agree with their personal perception of him........ or force him to bring on opposing viewpoints (AKA opposing enough IMO) on his own show, despite him not maybe having interest in speaking to those people.

As someone who primarily knew Rogan as the fear factor guy until about three years ago, i'm gonna go by this threads painting of him & say he's this super radical, right pushing, propaganda machine. Isn't his audience actively seeking those things???

If i'm judging off of this surely unbias thread, who is this audience that has given Rogan an innocent cover and credibility. 80% of the thread refers to him & his followers as racist, false info spreading, far right conspiracy theorist.

How much more Calling out & "awareness" does it need, I think those who don't support him view him in a certain light, i guess that light isn't dark enough for some.

And also in regards to this "Radicalizing White Men" Thing >D. I feel like that's honestly become a buzz word & fear tactic. We know damn well what this country is, it's built on racism, it's ingrained in everything, & this ignorance is passed down by generation & legislation. This like blaming rappers for the crack epidemic :lol:.

Rogan or no Rogan there's going to be groups of people who absorb this content & are actively racist & angry. Acting as if there's a rise in "radicalized whites" in America, in a country founded by radicalized whites is just not computing.

Shouts to the artist for standing up i guess, but essentially you & I both know this isn't gonna end with any major change for Joe, It's only gonna spread his message further, & this is just a moral victory, feel good story and another hollow piece of "representation" for those involved.

No beef A lot of artist do it but we gotta start keeping it 100 across the board.
Acting as if there's a rise in "radicalized whites" in America, in a country founded by radicalized whites is just not computing.

“What is most concerning is that the number of domestic terror plots and attacks are at the highest they have been in decades,” said Seth Jones, director of the database project at CSIS, a nonpartisan Washington-based nonprofit that specializes in national security issues. “It’s so important for Americans to understand the gravity of the threat before it gets worse.”

"More than a quarter of right-wing incidents and just under half of the deaths in those incidents were caused by people who showed support for white supremacy or claimed to belong to groups espousing that ideology, the analysis shows."

“What is most concerning is that the number of domestic terror plots and attacks are at the highest they have been in decades,” said Seth Jones, director of the database project at CSIS, a nonpartisan Washington-based nonprofit that specializes in national security issues. “It’s so important for Americans to understand the gravity of the threat before it gets worse.”

"More than a quarter of right-wing incidents and just under half of the deaths in those incidents were caused by people who showed support for white supremacy or claimed to belong to groups espousing that ideology, the analysis shows."

I responded to Wavy because i wanted to have discourse with a human being not one of you Siri's.
Some real avant- gard views there osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh

I swear, everytime you post about issues like this, it’s interesting and wild how you completely leave out history of this type of ****, when it comes to speech. You act like we’ve always lived in some society, where all voices have been treated equally :lol:. You act like as society moves on and we progress, people who have historically had no voice, or talked to anyway…finally get a medium and platform to say….”this isn’t okay”…And you cry unfair cancel culture. It’s reductive. People are free to say annnnyyything that they want. Of course you know there are consequences.

You really are coming off like the type in the 1960s, who’d be upset that in polite society, it isn’t okay to call blacks people N***** anymore. And I feel like you’d defend that, on some “avant-garde” principles you love to espouse.

It’s like you have this abstract idea of some libertarian fantasy world…where some cultural liberal elites are silencing conservative voices all over America because of some power of pressure :lol:, and they are helpless to say words or right things anymore, because of the big bad cancel culture. When in fact, they DOMINATE media. On all platforms. And literally have a bunch of silicon valley right wing libertarians (thiel and zuck) giving preferential treatment and boosting algorithms for them.

Look at where we are today man. Nothing could be further from the truth. We, us…grew up in a time and entered the workforce in times where we couldn’t even fully express ourselves as black people to the fullest. All are education was whitewashed. Our speech actually denied. Music. Censored. Entertainment black balled and otherwised to be completely outside the mainstream . Even comedians in the 90s…having to perform at black clubs.

It was not that long ago, that Michael Jackson…in the midst of arguably the biggest album of all time…couldn’t get on MTV. Prince, couldn’t get played in the Midwest. Where he’s from.

Seriously tho man, that **** is annoying and offensive when you play these imaginary semantic games, over things and ideas and movements we’ve seen in history real time…time and time over.

Ppl of course aren’t perfect, and ppl searching online for “gotcha” moments to mark people as bad, can be annoying. But that’s not really doing anything.

The people that suffer consequences for their f-d up speech, have it coming.

We live in a world, where the people trying to expose racist don’t even have any real power. But you insist on playing this game, ignoring history, all in the name of feeling like your challenging a power structure or something that’s a slippery slope. When it really is not. And has never been.

Well said.

And even if you disregard history for a minute, there is something to be said about defending someone's right to speech when that person uses it to lie to millions of people about procedures that have really negative consequences for the 100s of thousands who adopt them.

We're not talking about art and other topics where subjectivity is welcomed; we're talking about verifiable facts and debunked opinions, from horse paste being suggested to treat human diseases to "skull science" that has been used to attribute certain qualities to folks.

I mean, just read this:


Why be mad at folks who don't want this kind of **** anywhere near them? Why be mad at folks who choose to not associate with platforms that support this nonsense, and why be mad at them for warning others?
And just like that, all the people that have defended Rogan and played devil's advocate for him are made to look stupid by the dude they spent their energy defending...
How exactly? Not sure if you missed the boat but he’s never been anti vaxx. As the pandemic went along his views changed on vaccines and the pandemic in general. As did MSMs but we won’t talk about that
How exactly? Not sure if you missed the boat but he’s never been anti vaxx. As the pandemic went along his views changed on vaccines and the pandemic in general. As did MSMs but we won’t talk about that
After our last exchange I have no interest in discussing anything with you
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