Joe Rogan Podcast

people lost their minds tbh.

Its incredible to me that Joe sits with some of the most intelligent people in the world, discusses their field and their passions and the hosts themselves find conversating with Joe amazing, yet somehow we got people on NT claiming they're opinion is the only way to think. And somehow these same people give tips on how to have "forums" and conversations.
I’m sure the amount of voter fraud is certainly not 0, but I believe it’s such a small amount that it wouldn’t make any difference anyways. I’m happy to concede that point if proven otherwise.

Here’s a few stories I found. Again, not anything like Trump, or his allies claim, haha.

Link *edit, copy & pasted same story twice

And just for Lulz, Mike Lindell and his stupid self
Better sell more pillows

Can anyone make sense of any of this. I swear this dude is just fear mongering with no actual conclusion in mind....

Blackrock owns ETF's that anyone can own. He is like making up stats like they own all this stuff and then when he was asked why he is like..."control". And keeps asking BS rhetorical questions to make himself seem smart.

I have never heard of this guy aside from a trash interview he did with Neil De Grasse Tyson over the vaccines where he refused to comprehend how science was enacted in the middle of a pandemic. I check in on Rogan every once in a while but man this is top tier bad
Can anyone make sense of any of this. I swear this dude is just fear mongering with no actual conclusion in mind....

Blackrock owns ETF's that anyone can own. He is like making up stats like they own all this stuff and then when he was asked why he is like..."control". And keeps asking BS rhetorical questions to make himself seem smart.

I have never heard of this guy aside from a trash interview he did with Neil De Grasse Tyson over the vaccines where he refused to comprehend how science was enacted in the middle of a pandemic. I check in on Rogan every once in a while but man this is top tier bad

Yeah I was thinking the same thing. Assets under management doesn't equate to assets owned.

Obviously they are still in a position of massive power and influence but my boy making out like Larry Fink could write a 10 trill cheque :lol:
people lost their minds tbh.

Its incredible to me that Joe sits with some of the most intelligent people in the world, discusses their field and their passions
The thing you can't wrap your head around is the fact that it's not the smart people on his podcast that generate debate; it's the opinions divorced from reality that Rogan has and the people he invites to validate those views that create the discussion (See comments before mine).

and the hosts themselves find conversating with Joe amazing, yet somehow we got people on NT claiming they're opinion is the only way to think. And somehow these same people give tips on how to have "forums" and conversations.

You can think any way you like, just like you can write any way you want. In a public forum, someone is gonna call you out on the validity of your opinions and your grammar.
I have never heard of this guy aside from a trash interview he did with Neil De Grasse Tyson over the vaccines where he refused to comprehend how science was enacted in the middle of a pandemic. I check in on Rogan every once in a while but man this is top tier bad
That's the thing about Rogan (and other media hacks like him):

He'll have many people on his show covering an incredibly wide range of subjects. Obviously, none of us have the mental capacity to be experts in all of them, until the day he gets into that one thing we know a lot about, and it turns out to be BS.

They blame the chemicals in plastic food containers for the lowering of testosterone levels in men but it's been Taylor Swift all along :smh:

I need to go to one of her concerts as a spiritual practice.... See if I can remain unmoved by these cosmic forces that are apparently at play.

not responding to this clip in particular, but I used to dig PBD's old content when he was doing interviews with interesting people/celebs and mainly focused on business, but recently dude leaned into politics and constantly shoehorns his right-wing takes into every topic and it's just unbearable to listen to. :rolleyes
not responding to this clip in particular, but I used to dig PBD's old content when he was doing interviews with interesting people/celebs and mainly focused on business, but recently dude leaned into politics and constantly shoehorns his right-wing takes into every topic and it's just unbearable to listen to. :rolleyes

Yeah he reminds me of Brian Rose from London Real.

Always seemed like a bit of a snake but when 2020 happened dudes took their stance and now the agenda is clear to see.
As opposed to the dudes that took the other stance? Lol right vs left is hilarious. Each side pointing fingers like they got the answer meanwhile they both fooling the people. Democracy is a joke, in particular American democracy that is predicated on capitalism. It makes zero sense.
As opposed to the dudes that took the other stance? Lol right vs left is hilarious. Each side pointing fingers like they got the answer meanwhile they both fooling the people. Democracy is a joke, in particular American democracy that is predicated on capitalism. It makes zero sense.
I wonder if stupid people know they're stupid. Has Joe ever interviewed someone who researches that topic? I'd tune back in.
Good one for those interested in the UFO/UAP happenings right now, these doods are on the forefront.

They will get you up to speed on everything credible going on right now….we in unprecedented times, exciting stuff if this is your lane.

Been listening to Knapp since the Coast to Coast days 👀👽

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Good one for those interested in the UFO/UAP happenings right now, these doods are on the forefront.

They will get you up to speed on everything credible going on right now….we in unprecedented times, exciting stuff if this is your lane.

Been listening to Knapp since the Coast to Coast days 👀👽

video section

Anything stand out?
Anything worth to note?
Yeah it was pretty good for people interested in this stuff and newer people who are becoming more curious…

They really run down the 70+ years of US history with UAP sightings with verified documented cases from all branches of the military and government.

They lay out how the government has been trying to control the narrative over these objects and their origins for over 70 years as well…

There were alot of folks who tuned into the congressional meeting last month were kinda put off and disappointed with David Grusch’s inability to answer certain questions directly and respond saying stuff like “he can talk about them in a classified setting, but not publicly”.

They really delved into the litigation and due process that guy has to follow while adhering to his “whistleblower protection” and laid out how he has to be super careful what he says in public in order not to violate them protections. It’s very complicated.

But yeah it’s was good, no political talk at all.
I'm going thru it as well. One thing I liked was the guests say that in '66 '67 The Air Force textbook given to pilots had at one point written clear as day that "we have been visited by aliens and we don't know how to deal with them. Soviets, us have shot at them but nothing. We have on record 4 different species to visit Earth"

Now that being said the UFO department of the Government wasn't really made yet and it was only decades after they changed the textbook to erase that part.

at 2hour 8min going forward Jaime finds it and Joe reads it.
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