Johnny Depp suing Amber Heard for 50 million? Amber Heard counter suing for “100 MILLION DOLLARS”


Having this trail live streamed to the public was the best thing that could have happended. The MSM (I hate using this term, but I can't think of an alternative) couldn't frame this case the way they are used to. People could watch for themselves and form their own opinion unfiltered. Now the media is trying to frame the outcome of this trial by their own narrative. You literally have people on the left and right in agreement that Amber Turd was a liar and abuser. That kind of unity couldn't be achieved through adgenda driven coverage. Kudos to Depp's team for pushing for that.
Her scenes must’ve sucked if they could just remove her from the movie entirely.

Amb-roll Heard :lol:
The more I read about this trial and the fallout, the more I think I got my first take wrong

All things considered, I think the jury got it wrong

The jury should have ruled in favor of Heard

Rusty, I usually agree with your takes on a lot of things here, but you must not have watched much of this trial at all. I wasted far too much time the last couple of weeks watching (unfortunately recently unemployed). Unless she just had the most garbage legal team possible, and I'm confusing her horrendously unbelievable storytelling (lying) with horrendously unbelievable truth-telling, I'm only surprised that they didn't go even more heavily in her favor.

Their entire counter-suit was based on highly questionable "expert" testimony, audio recordings that made HER look worse than him, a video of him slamming a cabinet door, pictures that Depp's team all but proved were edited, the fact that he was a drunk and druggie (so was/is she) and her own testimony. Testimony for which she could not answer a single question straightly and could not muster a single tear while fake sobbing, and for which she creepily stared down the jury. For all of the evidence she brought in the way of pictures, audio, and video, she provided nothing that actually backed up her SERIOUS claims of abuse. Every piece of actual witness testimony contradicted what she said. The only way you could believe her is if you were to believe that basically everyone else involved in the case were lying.

She took tons of photos that they used as evidence, but nothing showing actual evidence of abuse. She talked of bloody pillows and bedspreads, but the photos didn't show any blood. She talked of black eyes and beatings, but she could provide nothing other than a picture of her face that showed a shadow on her cheek that was entered into evidence twice with different levels of editing and was all but proven to be edited by Depp's team. She provided a picture of a damaged bed, but the way it was damaged didn't make sense according to her description of how it happened, and there was a pocket knife on top of the bed that looks like the more likely source of the damage. There were quite a few things along those lines.

I don't personally give a **** about either of these people or their career prospects, and it seems to have been a mutually toxic and horrible relationship from early on, but in the FAR too many hours of this trial that I watched (not summaries or social media rundowns, but actual live-streamed footage directly from the court room), there is basically nothing that her side put forward that was believable or proven by a greater weight of the evidence (the standard in such a trial).
I am totally willing to believe that someone doing a fair minded legal analysis of the verdict
would conclude that Heard should have won.

but imo it's clear nobody really cares about the strict legal analysis.

people feel like
Amber Heard lied and exaggerated too much to be considered a victim
given her mutual participation in an abusive relationship

and she deserves to be punished.

right or wrong that's how people feel.
and even if she technically didn't meet the criteria for defamation.

so even if she wins on appeal, and she never pays him a dime, it doesn't really matter.
Johnny Depp has won.
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