Sorry if i havent pm'd you yet , as i have over 70 now . It will be in everyones interesest if you let me know which non euro sites will be selling them
As i have found a similar error in sites as footactoon and eastbay
FNL is done , but NDC bypass is gonna be sick tomorrow

Those who have apple products may have trouble copping so if enough people pm me
About i will spend an hour looking for a fix

Are You Responding To Those Who Have PM'd You?
Errrr ugh, yeah I have no self respect, errr uhhh, and if someone would be so kind and really just like to give me their pair so that they can go pay resell instead of me,
Or better yet strike out and then watch me post pics saying yes I DID IT, errr uhhh I would really appreciate getting a PM with your information for your pair. Ummm please and thank you in advance. Oh also. Ummmm, l'll state that I am a long time member, since I've never provided anything to anyone or done anything that would cause you to notice my screen name here. I uhhhhh ummm signed up 10 years ago and ummm my name didn't transfer over from Yuku. But my 10 posts per decade have been very helpful to this site and their members. Errrr uhhhh again, here is my dignity, and please and thank you. lmao typical pre release pathetic NT

Cosmo, you actually aren't the first to find that trick, but much like our other 2 tricks the last 24 months on that site, you're the first person that for some reason believes these sites don't have people on here watching this, and causing the trick to be patched and closed. So thanks again for that, word to mobile links, IP links, and free shipping. There are also very few of these on there tomorrow, they aren't a taxi or gamma GR, so you're kidding yourself if you think they won't be sold out of these in less than 3 mins after they load that page in the background. Good luck though!
The END.
I have too many messages to respond to, I will post the link in the thread. check back at 3:30 pst.
LOL this site when you drop da link


Lurkers with accounts

and regular posters will be feasting
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Im testing method out now gotta fix it cause steps are needed
But is a process that should gauarantee a pair for shoe websites where you need to constantly click size

NDC bypass will be alot easier but they tend to sell out quicky
For NDC no more lines ... Nuff said
Repped for helping people out. Im glad some of you guys will get instead of people trying to resell. I'll be going to HOH hoping i get lucky to get 1 pair. We will see how that goes. Good luck everybody.
Guess I gotta take the loss on this one with all the craziness going on. Priorities ftw [emoji]128532[/emoji]

Yea man, the city is crazy, was on line but had to break out to go back to work, gonna check out bk once i get out of here, dam school kids :smh:
Any Aussies around?  When do these drop in Melbourne? and how much are they usually from incl. shipping, taxes, etc)?  
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Im testing method out now gotta fix it cause steps are needed

But is a process that should gauarantee a pair for shoe websites where you need to constantly click size

NDC bypass will be alot easier but they tend to sell out quicky

For NDC no more lines ... Nuff said
Repped for helping people out. Im glad some of you guys will get instead of people trying to resell. I'll be going to HOH hoping i get lucky to get 1 pair. We will see how that goes. Good luck everybody.

how do you know what hes saying is true?
Thought cosmonaut s method was for a discount out of nowhere cause he said that 'they will pay less bread' ... :nerd: :nerd: missed that he was talking about resell price vs retail lol...
Yea man, the city is crazy, was on line but had to break out to go back to work, gonna check out bk once i get out of here, dam school kids :smh:

Yea I've pretty much conceded defeat. BK is a wasteland for sneakers at or close retail. Mom and Pops extra shady nowadays.
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