Jordan 1 x Nike SB QS!!!!

Copped the whites 
Struck out on NDC. On the laptop got hit with captcha then after a little while got an error message. So I tried to add to cart again this time no captcha and then I received the oos message.

On mobile tried to add to cart no captcha but received oos after waiting a few mins.

Now my only hope is 2 raffles that are going to make calls later on when they open up.
some of the captchas are tricky lol and that hesitation will make you lose your pair. Misssed out on my second set cause one captcha was pick the tool the had a boxcutter and a knife I was like wtf. I know the boxcutter is more a tool but it caused hesitation and that all it took to slow me down now Im in line bout to get oss
ALL FACTS. you really doubt yourself when you're in a rush.
some of the captchas are tricky lol and that hesitation will make you lose your pair. Misssed out on my second set cause one captcha was pick the tool the had a boxcutter and a knife I was like wtf. I know the boxcutter is more a tool but it caused hesitation and that all it took to slow me down now Im in line bout to get oss
i hesitated on the "choose the food" question due i wasn't sure if donuts was considered food lol
Think most people copped one off NDC if they lucky and 1 pair somewhere else. Wonder how many people that used those ATC services were sucessful for this release.
ATC got them in my cart

and i was able to check out

but i will not declare success until they are in my hand
got both from overseas sites. hoping they come through and not cancel.. even though they were both over US retail they're no where near resale..
Copped off NDC but didn't use a bot. I was searching the product number on NDC, then noticed that the link was up on twitter so I clicked on the link and copped. I'm surprised myself that I was able to add to cart.
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