Jordan 11 ‘Cherry’ Holiday 2022

I heard Zadeh gets “unauthorized” pairs. Nike/JB contracts manufacturing companies to produce a certain amount of pairs. Once they hit that number, that’s supposed to be the end of the production run. But these manufacturing companies usually get extra materials, so they produce extra pairs and sell them illegally without Nike/JB’s consent. That’s probably why Zadeh’s pairs come late.
I heard Zadeh gets “unauthorized” pairs. Nike/JB contracts manufacturing companies to produce a certain amount of pairs. Once they hit that number, that’s supposed to be the end of the production run. But these manufacturing companies usually get extra materials, so they produce extra pairs and sell them illegally without Nike/JB’s consent. That’s probably why Zadeh’s pairs come late.

Just dont see the benefit of any site selling shoes early for damn near half off msrp

Whats in it for them unless the shoes are, well u know lol
You can take a horse to the water but you can't make him drink it... Ignorance is bliss, I keep trying to tell dudes about Zadehkicks. You'd think people would've learned after the whole Fine line/UnFakeableKicks fiasco but I guess not. Just let them rock.
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You can take a horse to the water but you can't make him drink it... Ignorance is bliss, I keep trying to tell dudes about Zadehkicks. You'd think people would've learned after the whole Fine line/UnFakeableKicks fiasco but I guess not. Just let them rock.
What happened with fineline1721 I always thought he sold legit kicks?
What happened with fineline1721 I always thought he sold legit kicks?
Like 2 or 3 years ago fineline got caught selling fakes . Fineline is unbreakable plug so he was selling them too. They both apologized and fineline said that his plug was the one that gave him fakes and that he was unaware of it... I don't trust any of the resellers.
Like 2 or 3 years ago fineline got caught selling fakes . Fineline is unbreakable plug so he was selling them too. They both apologized and fineline said that his plug was the one that gave him fakes and that he was unaware of it... I don't trust any of the resellers.

I remember there was a pretty big incident of fake Concords in 2011 as well. Can’t remember the site/seller though, but a lot of NTers got got. Lol
Blast from the past. Can’t believe Air Randy fiasco was 11 years ago already. Dudes were copping up those joints left and right on here :rofl:
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