Jordan 11 from CDP

Jul 31, 2008
Hey NT..

im hella bored tonight flipping through about 200 pages in the celebs wearing heat v3 when i came to a post with nelly and jd from the j's vid. I cant hatebut these dudes get super early releases. you can clearly see in the behind the scenes vid with them on the bus some cdps, white/red 13s, 2009 6 rings, andmore. fresh, i admit, but they got dough . i am happy gettin my jz on a friday not saturday. now im not new to collecting but i have been copping all thesecdps thinkin i would be completing my collection for cheaper.. obv you get what you pay for.. i thank jb for droppin retroes but honestly... half of them arenow butchered...
anyways to my point i noticed this in a still from them perfoming, Nelly in the 6rings JD in the 11s:
"i think the coldest was the black on black
elevens with the Red bottoms"

i really hope these are not the 11s from the package because even though theyre hard theyre missing a main componant .. anyone else see it?

unless im tripping its missing the strip along the tongue

now maybe its a factory sample and thats why jd has them so early.. maybe.. but if these are how the CDP 11s look once again jb has shafted us.
until the official pics drop ( i know bout the kids size pic) this is what im basing my theory on, but if they are i might just buy both retros seperatly fromthe past. i know theyres still pairs floating around.

sorry for writing so much just have been really looking forward to december ...tad discouraged now

please leave comments and keep a sneaker freak posted. Thanks NT fam!!
thats what i had figured.. logical answer thanks fellas and yeh those 6 rings r insane wish they released
damn i think they are missing it. because if you look the position of the laces on both 11s are positioned diffrently.... thats how i see it i might be wrongtho
theyd look totally different if those were 6 rings theyd have the 13 bottoms these are 11s but do you guys think those will be the cdp 11s???
not really liking the 6 rings with all those little holes on the patented leather but those 11's are right. jb coulda did a lot better than nelly.
Lets Not Speculate further... Jus cant wait til Pix release soon thereafter da Pack!
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