Jordan 2 Charity SOLD OUT ***UPDATE last page***

You're welcome. I figured it had something to do with your cookies most likely. It always helps to know your way around a computer.
Maybe I sound like an old fart but I remember when helping people out was part of the fun in the community.

Very well said. I have been here since 2000 and remember the "good old days" when board members helped each other out.
I'm on swoosh and the 2s arent up on there yet.. I logged off swooh and went to the niketown link that was posted and they are available. Does anybody else have that problem with Swoosh. Im trying to get my discount
i dont think that link is legit :smh:
I'm on swoosh and the 2s arent up on there yet.. I logged off swooh and went to the niketown link that was posted and they are available. Does anybody else have that problem with Swoosh. Im trying to get my discount

From everything I heard we don't get our discount since they are for charity. My friends and I decided we weren't even going to risk swoosh incase they didn't even drop them there.
Got my email.... im good... how long does the shipping take.. I hate eastbay's..... they take forever...

Thanks for the link! I got my email confirmation as well. Good night and I hope everyone gets a pair.
mad props to the peeps that posted the link, definitely made them easier to cop! received my e-mail confirmation so I'm set! hope staying up late was worth it for everyone, I know it was for me!
Did any one get them off swoosh??? With their discount??

We don't get our discounts. I just tried something and I have it in my swoosh cart now with some other items and our discount doesn't apply.

Completely log off swoosh and NDC. Click the link on page one and add it to your cart. Go to checkout and log in with your swoosh info. It'll log you into swoosh with the Jordan's in the cart but no discount.
rawtoon 305 -

I tried it and got the confirmation email. everything was from nike and everything.
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