Jordan 2009 release duel package.....

Originally Posted by DJ236

JB needs to stop with all of this packaging nonsense

I'll admit a pack like once or twice a year is permissable be this crap is happening waaaay to often.

Yea maybe once or twice per year but GOT DAMN, one every month? Does JB think my shower sprays out money instead of water? I've got to worry about collegenext year JB!!!
Originally Posted by DIDDYDADAGGER

one shoe......300+....stay tuned........nice surprise awaits

Im not payin 300 for one shoe unless its an OG colorway...especially with the qaulity JB has been throwin at us
stop with the packages JB. i dont want to have to buy a crappy colorway for a colorway i actually want
Originally Posted by GAS BREAK DIP

If 2 PAIRS of III's are releasing in a pack, I expect to not pay more than $250 for retail....considering its predictable quality and original price tag of $100.

u cant compare the original price to the prices now. Different times and different economy, however if this is true i would rather pay say 310 for 2 pairs ofshoes (3s) that i like instead of paying 310 for only 1 pair i like. ex 3/20 pack
f*ck packages, for f*cksake just give us some quality og colorways, thats all we ask for
Originally Posted by lhsblazer4life

Originally Posted by GAS BREAK DIP

If 2 PAIRS of III's are releasing in a pack, I expect to not pay more than $250 for retail....considering its predictable quality and original price tag of $100.

u cant compare the original price to the prices now. Different times and different economy, however if this is true i would rather pay say 310 for 2 pairs of shoes (3s) that i like instead of paying 310 for only 1 pair i like. ex 3/20 pack

Why not? Considering there is no marketing for the shoes, cheaper material is used, I would assume there is a much larger bulk of this material now, and thatthey didn't raise the prices of the '01 and '03 theres no reason for a 50% inflation 5 years later since they didn't need any for the first 10+years.
wonder how this'll turn out...ppl hardly wanna buy the packs now wit one OG colorway...but NONE..ehh
I's, III's and IV's are retro'ed way too much. Every year we see a release of one of these three shoes.
JB is just screwing us even further with these packages. You're essentially forced into buying two pairs whenever you make a Jordan purchase...that'sjust blatantly wrong.
regardless if WE ALL hate em or not, JB is goin keep doing this because they KNOW for a fact that we'll still buyem.

I hate em just as much as the next person. But revenue is the bottom line here.
Originally Posted by w3stchicago

where are u guys getting this information?

Thats why this should get locked....nobody will confirm if this is indeed true, i mean thanks for info in all but it would help if other sources could confirm
Packages seem to be the new retro theme for JB. Personally, I want retros to release individually but it's whatever.

But if the 3's were to release, screw the LS colorways, put in the white cements and true blues.
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