won my first ever RSVP on twitter for these

was initially going to pass on them but happened to be on twitter on the RSVP started and somehow won 

good luck to all of you 
Wasn't sure about these but it's not as loud as the infrared23 6's which i can't wear everyday. These will be copped X2.
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I thought the white spizikes had the least pairs.? Just speculation on my part cause they are numbered tho.
won my first ever RSVP on twitter for these

was initially going to pass on them but happened to be on twitter on the RSVP started and somehow won 

good luck to all of you 
which spot did you rsvp at?
I thought the white spizikes had the least pairs.? Just speculation on my part cause they are numbered tho.
all the sneaker spots i know are telling me they getting more 6's than spizikes...and i highly doubt they produced less than 30,000 of those 6's
hopefully i can snag a pair. they wont allow us on the mall property until 6 a.m. to prevent camping so im leaving my house at 5. first time ill be copping from a mall
hoh didnt call me today.. 2 weeks ago hoh called me friday afternoon for the 3lab5. i hope i still have the chance tomorrow.
Got a spot for RSVP 

Don't remember the last time I won a rsvp, might be because rsvp was earlier than usual.
i was bein sarcastic, but i know there was no way to gauge that
I've been to the other HOH's in that state.. Not for any hyped released but for most of the lmited ones they had rigged raffles.. But for the Jordans.. they had the campers too..  But for Breavard though, i am amazed to hear its like that out there in the costal town. 5 days for the Cig Champ pack.. didnt they do raffles for those? do you guys even get enough pairs for such a line? I went to Duval once and snagged a pair of Stealth Foams there... Very smooth.. but I hear Jordan release days can get big crowds.. No major issues but wow.. I know not to give Brevard a try if the lines are like how you saying they are..
I went 1 for 6 the thirst was real here in LA. I will try and double up Saturday morning but at least the pressure is off. Since these are a half size down a 11.5 is a ***** to pull off. Good luck to everyone who wants these.
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Wasn't sure about these, but seeing more pics, I'm liking them more. Could do without the green and graphic liner, but whatever.
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