Jordan Brand Quality

Originally Posted by optimusp517

Honestly we should all boycott JB after the last CDP.

honestly...Most of you sound like naggin wifes in here. It's Simple. Dont buy the damn shoe then. If you're buying the shoe and goin to complainyou're just being a hypebeast. You're buying the shoes because you want to show it off or whatever and then complain about it. You're wasting yourmoney to go on here and complain. You people make me laugh. Get over it. Get use to it and stop complaining.
Originally Posted by Nktran001

This has got to be one of the most brought up topic. Read the stickied before posting.
Also, no one's forcing anyone to buy JBs products. So if you don't like the quality then don't buy the damn shoes....
Originally Posted by kingdomman07

First of all, I know that there has been a million posts about the quality of Jordan brand, but this is what forums are for - for people to voice their opinion, regardless if it's been brought up. Some of you should take the same advice you give out for shoes - "If you don't like the post, don't read it or comment about it".
You just said, "this is what forums are for - for people to voice their opinion" and then you say this, "If you don't like thepost, don't read it or comment about it".

I posted my opinion on what I think about this thread and now you saw don't read or comment on it? Did you just contradict yourself there?
yea quality is one thing.... for example a pair of $ 50 shoes. you can't expect much, cause its $ 50!

quality in consideration with its price is another thing...

by charging top of the line prices and getting $ 50 shoe quality???

i rather just cop some Nikes for under $ 90... cause at least i don't feel so ripped off....
Those days are over...
LeBron shoes are pretty good, well, at least from my ZG1 experience.
Maybe you should think about trying Hyperdunks.

You've seen a lot people complaining about the quality all the time.
Well, here's the irony: I've seen a lot of people, like you, who make threads exclusively for people who complain about quality control.
Originally Posted by optimusp517

Honestly we should all boycott JB after the last CDP.
This would work, but this will never happen. There will always be a sucker ready to shell out 160 or more for some garbage. CDPs are the largestpart of the problem. We've never seen so many low quality shoes in one year.
I don't see JB going back to their old ways of making Jays. if they do, they slap on a "suggestive" title at the end of the name like Premiere orLS. This subject has been brought up so many times. But JB will continue to do what they want to do as long as we are buying their products. Now If everyonesent a complaint letter to the company and stop buying their stuff then they might wise up and give what their customers want because in the end WE are whothey make their products for
I feel you man....most people on this don't know how it is to compare these recent lame retros to others and OGs of the past. I don't waste my time andmoney buying this crappy stuff. Instead I go and use the 310 plus tax that everyone is using for the garbage CDPs and go looking for older Jordans. People saythat they are afraid that they will break or crack or whatever but I have many older Jordans like the cement IV's and they are great. The quality of themare mind blowing and they are def better than any IV's that have come out over the years. I like you and countless other people out there know what JB isdoing....they are cutting their costs and capitalizing on their gain. There is only one thing we can do and it's the truth....either buy em or don't.Spend your time and money on something they throw together quickly or buy some they made 5-10 years ago and that they took their time on and you'll haveinvested your money wisely. Just my 2 cents.
Thats why Ive been buying/looking forward to Nike retro releases.
Originally Posted by optimusp517

Honestly we should all boycott JB after the last CDP.

Actually that would be the pack to boycott. As said, JB is really banking on this pack for end of the year revenue. Face it, the 11/12 pack is going to have!*@* quality. BabyJ even said it himself, that he was dissappointed in the quality of the XI.

But fact of the matter, is that the non Niketalk Consumers see that patent leather and freak out. They will sell out fast, just look at the sixrings.
Originally Posted by El Bro

Originally Posted by optimusp517

Honestly we should all boycott JB after the last CDP.

Actually that would be the pack to boycott. As said, JB is really banking on this pack for end of the year revenue. Face it, the 11/12 pack is going to have !*@* quality. BabyJ even said it himself, that he was dissappointed in the quality of the XI.

But fact of the matter, is that the non Niketalk Consumers see that patent leather and freak out. They will sell out fast, just look at the six rings.
Word. Everybody at my school got the Six Rings... Even the fakes.
wow theres some nice speeches in this thread and i feel what kingdomman07 and tahoefreshies have to really dissapointed in all of jordan brand, butthen again what can we do????stop buying the shoes?i dont think people would want to do that.
sad but true..
you kno all head's gonna get the xi/xiis..
so theres nothin we can do its out of our hands..
Originally Posted by kingdomman07

I've seen the posts hating on Gentry, I've heard all the noise about the shoe quality - And usually I'm one of those guys that says "Hey, if you don't like it, don't buy it". Nothing ever really phased me. But on the real, this bad quality has got to stop. i see the six rings (even got a pair) see the jumpman pro retro (i have the og's) and this is getting out of hand. I "want" to buy Jordan brand products, but this terrible quality of product is making me want to stop. The mystique is fading. I'm an older guy so I remember the real stuff - and to have to "hope" that something is a decent product at $150 or $310 for CDP's is crazy. People are actually excited over the fact that once and a while one of these shoes is a decent product or has decent leather. Air Jordan used to stand for quality and excellence. I remember those 6:30 mornings, in the mall, at 12 years old not caring about dropping $150 because you knew the quality, fit, look, and overall excellence of the product was worth the time and money. I'm afraid those days are over.
its not just jordans. its across the board with nike and for that matter all the major shoe companies.. The true test is when they re-retro theexact shoe that was retro'd previosuly and its like night and day. Just because the colorway is the same doesnt make it close to the same shoe.
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