Jordan Brand will be remastering (building better quality shoes) starting in 2015

That's what happens when all your "new" products are based on originals from 20+ years back. And when the face of the brand is a 50+ year old man who hasn't played in 12 years. Either they sign a TRUE frontman and start designing new cutting edge shoes (like they used to) or they gonna start fading into oblivion. You just can't retro the same old stuff over and over again. Plus, the young kids wanna buy what the new stars are wearing on court, Jordan , for them, is just an old player they know from YouTube...and that can't last forever.
Who's buying all these J's fool? It's these kids you speak of. Whether or not they saw MJ play (and I hated the bastard) they know cool sneaks when they see them. Have you seen the Lebron 11 Elites? Are you kidding me? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Tinker probably got better stuff on the cutting room floor...
I love the smell of a price hike in the morning
The numbers don't add up, why a increase in retail price? 

This always boggled my mind.... The Jordan 11 space jams were the first retro 11 to drop in recent years when they originally dropped in 09 right? The retail price was $175 because JB tried to make it seem like the extra $25 increase from the normal retro's they were dropping back then was for the "special" box and packaging it came in... ok cool, whatever I get it...

same thing happened for the Cool Grays and the Concords They came in a special box and packaging right?

The playoff 11's retailed at $180-185 but came in a regular box...  So what is it extra you were paying for in the price increase? 

Reason I ask that is because I don't see why there is another price increase in the retro's like JB isn't making enough money off people as it is...... It's funny how everyone been complaining about quality issues for years and now JB decides to do something about it but for more of a profit increase than a customer satisfaction thing on their part and people will just keep continue feeding the hype... 
I guess I'm the only one that noticed every new "quality" shoe they've shown so far has been tumbled leather :lol:
Who's buying all these J's fool? It's these kids you speak of. Whether or not they saw MJ play (and I hated the bastard) they know cool sneaks when they see them. Have you seen the Lebron 11 Elites? Are you kidding me? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Tinker probably got better stuff on the cutting room floor...
All valid points without the "fool" part, which was uncalled for.
Seems like it went back further than that...I recall the IV releases of 06' getting tons of complaints due to their lackluster quality...Specifically the "Mars" and Military Blue colorways...To me the very last quality retro, at least in terms of being on par with their OG counterparts, were the Black / Red XII's that dropped in 2003...Not saying every release after that was horrible but as far as purchases that I've made that was the very last quality pair...It just seems like everything started, very slowly, going downhill after that...Of course when we hit the CDP's the quality of materials just took a nose dive...
I thought the 03 black/red 12's and the flint 12's (04?) were better quality than my OG Taxi's. Crucify me...
I thought the 03 black/red 12's and the flint 12's (04?) were better quality than my OG Taxi's. Crucify me...
had both of them but never had the taxi's till the cdp dropped. Can't say if your right on that but the quality on the retro's back in 04-05 are top notch. Makes me wonder why they didn't put the 3M in the 13's when they got retro'd again not too long ago..
had both of them but never had the taxi's till the cdp dropped. Can't say if your right on that but the quality on the retro's back in 04-05 are top notch. Makes me wonder why they didn't put the 3M in the 13's when they got retro'd again not too long ago..
lol yeah those 13's are a sore spot. I don't understand it either...
Seems like it went back further than that...I recall the IV releases of 06' getting tons of complaints due to their lackluster quality...Specifically the "Mars" and Military Blue colorways...To me the very last quality retro, at least in terms of being on par with their OG counterparts, were the Black / Red XII's that dropped in 2003...Not saying every release after that was horrible but as far as purchases that I've made that was the very last quality pair...It just seems like everything started, very slowly, going downhill after that...Of course when we hit the CDP's the quality of materials just took a nose dive...
I thought the 03 black/red 12's and the flint 12's (04?) were better quality than my OG Taxi's. Crucify me...

Really? I thought my playoff 12 were really subpar compared to my OGs. I remember people complaining about them when they releases too.

Matter of fact it was around 2003 I remember when dudes really started complaining about retro changing too much.

Then when the 2013 drop dudes were talking about how butter the 2003 pair were. I felt like I was in the twilight zone :lol:
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I honestly think JB is hitting the law of diminishing return...meaning this is about as good as it will get due to demand, quantities, and manufacturing philosophy. 

They need to switch to the made-to-order philosophy like Apple, which is based upon pre-orders. Then just back fill the rest. That is a tried and proven manufacturing process that works. And nothing has higher demand that a new Apple product. The buzz and hype will still be there because of social media. Nothing would change except everybody that WANTS the shoe will eventually receive their pair.
While I think this method would be ideal for the small amount of people who are truly passionate about sneakers, I think it would kill the hype for the average consumer.  Currently people try to buy things that they don't want hoping to trade for the shoe they want, since they can't expect to be able to succeed on release day.  Nike has figured out how to sell you what you openly admit you don't want.  And most people are attracted to the exclusivity,  even if an exclusive sneaker releases every Saturday.  The only way I see this happening is more like Nike ID, with an even bigger upcharge for any numbered retro.
I am interested in how they will treat the post XIV models. Heck, throw in some DVD's and a suitcase.
Another reason for this is simply the cost of doing business in China is going up at an astronomical rate.  GDP per head in 2000 was $949, in 2012 it was $6091, over a billion people this is a big increase (though slowed in recent years).  A stagnant manufacturing wage in China would buy significantly less quality year by year. While I'm not an expert, I've heard a lot of this manufacturing is moving towards Vietnam, the Phillipines, and may be pushing into Africa in the near future.
I am happy Brand Jordan is trying to improve the quality and craftsmanship of the retros, I really and truly am, but I'm still salty over some of the horrendous quality in certain shoes for I'd say honestly the past 8 years really. I mean, this took them almost a decade to get right consistently? And to top that off prices are being raised to possibly $200 for a pair of 4's with 80's tech?

I'm sorry I always seem to side with Nike/Brand Jordan but not this time, because this is like a gimmick to me. So what they are saying is that all of the retros from now until next summer 2015 are inferior to what they have planned for 2015 retros, and we are still paying $170 plus tax, like thats cheap or sumthin. I know we have an option to purchase or not, and these are simply opinions. I honestly will more than likely still get my fair share of retros, but I'm kinda disgusted that they actually admit to their foolishness and will not make immediate changes.

And most of us in here are straight suckers for getting played and sayin we would gladly pay $200 for some retros. Jus saying somethin like that sounds stupid, and I've read that countless times in this thread alone. These ain't Pradas, or Louis Vuittons, and I can't get into Blue Martini with these. So tell me why are they priced like they are, I mean hey Nike seems to want to weed out a certain segment of consumers, and hell no I will not pay $200 every other release, like I would've had it stayed at the still ridiculous $170.:smh:
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Another reason for this is simply the cost of doing business in China is going up at an astronomical rate.  GDP per head in 2000 was $949, in 2012 it was $6091, over a billion people this is a big increase (though slowed in recent years).  A stagnant manufacturing wage in China would buy significantly less quality year by year. While I'm not an expert, I've heard a lot of this manufacturing is moving towards Vietnam, the Phillipines, and may be pushing into Africa in the near future.

Awesome, they're still charging 200 for a shoe that may cost them 15 bucks to make.
kudos to nike. They found a way to raise prices without people complaining in arms.  They found a great strategy, you want limited shoe pay $500 with another garbage shoe that would have been RTV. You want a quality, limited time only gr, pay $250.  You want a better build quality buy Remastered theme retros for $200.  They took the Lucasfilms strategy of releasing Star Wars over and over again and applying to their shoes.

Unless your are a serious collector, there's no point in collecting and doubling anymore, you are just buying the same stuff and Nike is making them and cycling them much faster. Reminds me so much of sports cards,comic books, and toys being reprinted.  I'm going to stop buying shoes and just buy Nike stock. They are printing money at this point. 
The funny part is kids will be looking at their "collections" now knowing they have the lesser models of each shoe. These "remastered" pairs are like the holographic Pokemon card now :lol: The regular pairs are all trash now.

It's a smart idea. Now they have a "collectors" series so to speak. A built in reason to double up for some people
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The funny part is kids will be looking at their "collections" no knowing they have the lesser models of each shoe. These "remastered" pairs are like the holographic Pokemon card now
The regular pairs are all trash now
they been known that tho, it's always those people in threads complaining about quality comparing to the OGs. Making sure we don't forget 
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We can't just say yeah I'm down just because the High-res shots look good it is about the actual shoe. Cool that they are fixing the jump man finally. Cool about the "better quality" and really I think this price increase is to get their dollars because of how much resale is taking away from them. It is the same shoes no new tech is going into it either so again why the increase. I'm all for the new materials and either way if I gotta pay extra to get em I will. But please lets not all jump the gun and praise them like they did something great just yet. When they make bigger releases at least 6-10 pairs per size even for limited then lets say good job. When they can stop grey market shoes and all fakes then lets say wow cool thing JB. Not saying you have to accept my words but don't take this statement as the truth just yet…we got a long way to go.
It's so many fakes or unauthorized Jordan's that are up to par with what JB is putting out today. I believe the new quality 2015 is a way to show that fakes and unauthorized factories can't compete. Little do they know is the quality of the fakes are going to improve also.
It's so many fakes or unauthorized Jordan's that are up to par with what JB is putting out today. I believe the new quality 2015 is a way to show that fakes and unauthorized factories can't compete. Little do they know is the quality of the fakes are going to improve also.

Hmmmmm....... I'll say this, back from 2000-2008-9 or so I'd say it was pretty easy to spot a fake with one look. Now to be honest (and maybe it's just me) I couldn't tell you the difference between newer retros and fakes without closely examining a pair. They're literally the same shoe minus small details in manufacturing, NOT materials like before
I am happy Brand Jordan is trying to improve the quality and craftsmanship of the retros, I really and truly am, but I'm still salty over some of the horrendous quality in certain shoes for I'd say honestly the past 8 years really. I mean, this took them almost a decade to get right consistently? And to top that off prices are being raised to possibly $200 for a pair of 4's with 80's tech?

I'm sorry I always seem to side with Nike/Brand Jordan but not this time, because this is like a gimmick to me. So what they are saying is that all of the retros from now until next summer 2015 are inferior to what they have planned for 2015 retros, and we are still paying $170 plus tax, like thats cheap or sumthin. I know we have an option to purchase or not, and these are simply opinions. I honestly will more than likely still get my fair share of retros, but I'm kinda disgusted that they actually admit to their foolishness and will not make immediate changes.

And most of us in here are straight suckers for getting played and sayin we would gladly pay $200 for some retros. Jus saying somethin like that sounds stupid, and I've read that countless times in this thread alone. These ain't Pradas, or Louis Vuittons, and I can't get into Blue Martini with these. So tell me why are they priced like they are, I mean hey Nike seems to want to weed out a certain segment of consumers, and hell no I will not pay $200 every other release, like I would've had it stayed at the still ridiculous $170.
its funny how all these years they gave us shabby quality with a pice increase,now they are gonna give us better quality with yet another price hike! so.. did they make more than enough money off of us buying crappy quality,that they can give us product closer to the OG models now? and yes with a 10%-15% price increse,and so-call better tech an quality, they will still sell out,maybe even faster. i to want better quality for my money,but this!
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