Jordan III REIMAGINED “White Cement” -March 11th 2023


This all started with another block of text you wrote, a page or two back stating "if you get stuck with a swapped out pair on ebay...."

All I'm saying, is that will not happen if you follow the simple steps me and @rainking have been stating.

We do agree though...ebay = the way to go.
You either misunderstood what I was saying or confused me with someone else. It seems like we're saying the same thing lol.

It is possible on eBay to get "stuck with a swappedout pair" i.e. the pair That wasn't in the picture. And not necessarily by nefarious intent. But regardless, eBay provides multiple options on resolving your issue to varying degrees of satisfaction. Again I don't think we should nitpick as much as we are on this release, but if you do I understand why and think eBay is your best place to buy. Again what am I missing? Lol I think we're saying the same thing
My man....our point is, NO IT'S NOT if you follow what we've been saying.

Let's just move on as this is clogging the thread. :lol:
I'ma have to go back and reread this full proof guide on how to make impossible for this to happen lol. I could be wrong on that🤷🏿‍♂️. But I agree. Let's agree to disagree and move forward. The main point we agree on is

Yea I’m gonna wear mine a lot. These things are comfy and it’s just one of those shoes that looks good on foot with anything.
Good day for a restock tho. All the kids have moved on to those Pine Green 4s. That’s their real SOTY

They all thinking of ways to pay resell on those and have forgotten about these 3s. They never really wanted them anyway. It was just the hype shoe of the moment
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