Jordan III REIMAGINED “White Cement” -March 11th 2023

When people date with a large age gap, chances are really good that the younger person is making a “business decision”. :lol:
Tell that to my dumbaxx homegirl who got a dude twice her age yet she still taking care of him and paying all the bills cause he's a bum. Some people, I'd argue most people even, are just terrible at picking partners.
Skimmed through the thread and cats in here gatekeeping other dudes' slabs. Y'all cats weird. If everyone involved is legal, it's literally none of your business.
This thread has gone off the rails unlike any I've ever seen.

...the apoplectic rage over yellow midsoles and inconsistent EP seems like a distant memory.

As a 27 year old high school teacher I'm good on dating anyone who is a teenager or 1 year away from being one.

21 is my cut off.

The really creepy thing is that he’s a teacher too.

There are so many things that are legal but disgusting. Hiding behind “well, it’s legal” is so gross.
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If it’s my daughter it is. You better believe that!
Beat me to it, lol. I don’t have a daughter, but yea, if I did I absolutely would never accept her dating someone 20+ older if she was under 25. And even if she was say 30+, I’d still think it’s weird af.

This whole “if it’s legal it’s ok” business ain’t gonna wash with me. Slavery was legal at one time too.
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Everyone saying “it’s okay if they’re both legal”, would you be cool with your child at the age of 18 dating someone 20 years their elder?
Everyone saying “it’s okay if they’re both legal”, would you be cool with your child at the age of 18 dating someone 20 years their elder?

I would hope my boys are raised so that they don’t ever end up in this kind of situation. But I also suspect people here are talking mostly about females.
Everyone saying “it’s okay if they’re both legal”, would you be cool with your child at the age of 18 dating someone 20 years their elder?

You're right, agreed. Legality is moot for much of this's so much deeper than that. I have both sons and a daughter, and I'd take all of them to the mat for being in this sit'n on either side of the equation.
The really creepy thing is that he’s a teacher too.

There are so many things that are legal but disgusting. Hiding behind “well, it’s legal” is so gross.

He meant, "nah, I'm good on that," as in he wouldn't do it. Not that he was actually good with dating teenagers.
I think it’s equally creepy for a woman 20 years older than a guy to be dating and having sex if the guy is 18-25. I get that a lot of young guys go through their milf phase (hell, I did ) but it’s the same concept. Women can be just as predatory as men.
Everyone saying “it’s okay if they’re both legal”, would you be cool with your child at the age of 18 dating someone 20 years their elder?
People who say it’s wrong are making a blanket statement about the morality of a 40- something year old man dating an 18 year woman, which is what she is at age 18.

And that’s fine. I would say it is a tad creepy.

But you can’t say that it’s immoral or disgusting per se, because every situation is different and whether we want to accept it or not, not all 18 year olds are created equal. Some are more mature than others and sometimes young adults and older people simply find chemistry with each other and make each other happy.

If you don’t want to acknowledge that, then just come out and say you think it should be illegal, regardless of the two people involved. That’s what we do with a 15 year old and an 18 year, even though there’s only a 3-year difference. We say the 15 year old lacks the ability to decide for themselves if it’s what they want or not.

Anyhowz….I don’t hear anybody throwing Leonardo DiCaprio under the Pedo Bus. And he‘s devoted his entire adult life to boning supermodeLs half his age.

Like most of here wouldn’t at least consider it if we had the chance.

…I’m stuck cruising the web for hot gilfs on

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