Jordan Retro XI 11/11/17

Summer 2018:nthat:
Them Mf's is cold literally!!! has sizes 8-14 for $250 shipped from Poland. Apparently shipping is very fast and delivery occurs in a few days.
Having finally seeing the 96s in person for the first time on feet and having my 82s on while seeing them...the 82s have a slight edge over them...still getting the 96s eventually
Will head up there to check it out tomorrow. Not going to do the raffle though. Grabbing a pair of 72-10s instead.
Traded my DS pair for a "Win like 96" so i could easily double up, then got a size 11 in stock update from Kith this morning and had to snatch for $230. now i feel dumb for not grabbing 3 pair from SNS online, smdh.
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