Jordan V Laney 2013-Modern Notoriety "Confirmed"

You gotta love the countless number of people who come on here and make a post admitting that they paid above retail prior to release date to secure their pair and then give some sort of long winded explanation for why it was justified. You can think of all the reasons in the world to try and convince yourself and others on this forum that you did the right thing, but at the end of the day you paid over retail for a GR release. Sorry, but you lost.

If it was a limited shoe, it's understandable. But for a full fledged GR release like the Laneys, paying even 1 cent above retail+tax is just an indication that you aren't very resourceful and probably really new to this
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Real talk brother, they are playing with us with those prices, don't believe the hype, bring out your heavy weapons, I mean coupons and WC cards.
I was gonna pass. But after seeing the all over tumbled leather..... Im copping. Ill just put em up til next summer cuz everyone and they mother, aunt, kids etc will be rocking these
I was gonna pass on these, but after seeing more pics I don't think I can resist lol, that tumbled leather 
You gotta love the countless number of people who come on here and make a post admitting that they paid above retail prior to release date to secure their pair and then give some sort of long winded explanation for why it was justified. You can think of all the reasons in the world to try and convince yourself and others on this forum that you did the right thing, but at the end of the day you paid over retail for a GR release. Sorry, but you lost.

If it was a limited shoe, it's understandable. But for a full fledged GR release like the Laneys, paying even 1 cent above retail+tax is just an indication that you aren't very resourceful and probably really new to this
Some people like to pay more. Some people only pay retail. Who are you to judge? Paying above retail is nothing new nor "non resourceful" for a by sneaker head. I payed above for mine cuz have fun copping in my area and I've struck out in the last 2 raffles I did.
Some people like to pay more. Some people only pay retail. Who are you to judge? Paying above retail is nothing new nor "non resourceful" for any sneaker head. I payed above for mine cuz have fun copping in my area and I've struck out in the last 2 raffles I did.
Some people like to pay more. Some people only pay retail. Who are you to judge? Paying above retail is nothing new nor "non resourceful" for a by sneaker head. I payed above for mine cuz have fun copping in my area and I've struck out in the last 2 raffles I did.
No one in the world likes to pay more money for something bruh.
I don't know if they like to pay more, nobody likes spending extra money. But if spending a couple extra bucks can secure the pair he wants without any stress then let him be. It may be a general release but who knows where he lives and even if the stores in his area are getting them. He could have a popular size or a larger size which can be harder to get. Me personally I would try online first before I pay extra and just wait until resell prices drop. But at the end of the day its his money. Instead of criticize him maybe PM him some tips. Only way its a loss is if the shoe sits or doesn't sell out which I don't see happening. But like Isaid everyone has different circumstances my city might get one size 15 and if I dont go get a raffle ticket I'm screwed. To some it makes more sense to spend an extra $25 so they dont have to drive around collecting tickets. 
View media item 637419

No one in the world likes to pay more money for something bruh.
Lol at the pic but yea let me correct myself I would have loved to just pay retail. But I just had no problem puttin out the money for a guaranteed pair. Central jersey everyone and their mom is trying to buy any release and my size goes quick. Couldn't miss out on these
 ... To some it makes more sense to spend an extra $25 so they dont have to drive around collecting tickets. 
Or, just wake up on time and click 3-5 buttons to secure your GR pair, call it a day.
View media item 637419

No one in the world likes to pay more money for something bruh.
Lol at the pic but yea let me correct myself I would have loved to just pay retail. But I just had no problem puttin out the money for a guaranteed pair. Central jersey everyone and their mom is trying to buy any release and my size goes quick. Couldn't miss out on these

My dude, I told a few days ago you need to get out of Central NJ, that's basically the middle of nowhere, farmers & boonies :lol: .. explains why you thought the Bel Airs were so limited ... come up North, more opprotunites to get what you want for retail.
You gotta love the countless number of people who come on here and make a post admitting that they paid above retail prior to release date to secure their pair and then give some sort of long winded explanation for why it was justified. You can think of all the reasons in the world to try and convince yourself and others on this forum that you did the right thing, but at the end of the day you paid over retail for a GR release. Sorry, but you lost.

If it was a limited shoe, it's understandable. But for a full fledged GR release like the Laneys, paying even 1 cent above retail+tax is just an indication that you aren't very resourceful and probably really new to this

Now that's bs... Been in the game for 15+ years. I've paid over retail before because I struck out on shoes. Usually you pay a lot more after release compare to when you pre-order them before. Depends in your area, different people different scenario. We all know these release won't sit, no matter how GR it is. To some people paying $25-$50 over retail is justifying in a way that they don't have to drive around for raffle tickets waste time and gas. Same thing waking up at 5am in the morning on Saturday to buy online or to camp out for 3-4 hours before release. Dont know about you, but I value my time a lot and in most days I don't have time to waste to drive around or to camp out. It's mostly online or bust for me. If It's something I really want, I don't mind paying over retail for it, as long it's not rape price. If it is, I just move on to the next.
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Now that's bs... Been in the game for 15+ years. I've paid over retail before because I struck out on shoes. Usually you pay a lot more after release compare to when you pre-order them before. Depends in your area, different people different scenario. We all know these release won't sit, no matter how GR it is. To some people paying $25-$50 over retail is justifying in a way that they don't have to drive around for raffle tickets waste time and gas. Same thing waking up at 5am in the morning on Saturday to buy online or to camp out for 3-4 hours before release. Dont know about you, but I value my time a lot and in most days I don't have time to waste to drive around or to camp out. It's mostly online or bust for me. If It's something I really want, I don't mind paying over retail for it, as long it's not rape price. If it is, I just move on to the next.
Thank you! My point exactly. Apparently we not resourceful
My dude, I told a few days ago you need to get out of Central NJ, that's basically the middle of nowhere, farmers & boonies :lol: .. explains why you thought the Bel Airs were so limited ... come up North, more opprotunites to get what you want for retail.
Lol have fun farming in Trenton. But no one has still answered that question. Where were the bel airs at cuz I called all these stores and even footlocker customer service and they said no one in nj was getting them?
The Bay Area gonna go heavy on these but what Js they don't. They'll be a great game day shoe to wear with a matching GS Warriors fitted.
My dude, I told a few days ago you need to get out of Central NJ, that's basically the middle of nowhere, farmers & boonies :lol: .. explains why you thought the Bel Airs were so limited ... come up North, more opprotunites to get what you want for retail.
Lol have fun farming in Trenton. But no one has still answered that question. Where were the bel airs at cuz I called all these stores and even footlocker customer service and they said no one in nj was getting them?

HoH Willowbrook had a few pairs for their raffle not sure about Cherry Hill. But I'm referring to the moms & pops shops and smaller chains like Kicks USA, Mr Sports, Takeover, SneakerRoom, etc .. for releases like that you can't rely on Footlocker or their customer service to provide you with legit info. Had I listened to them, I would've never got my Fear 5s for retail on release day.

And to us up North, Trenton = Philly :lol:
The Bay Area gonna go heavy on these but what Js they don't. They'll be a great game day shoe to wear with a matching GS Warriors fitted.

Yea man we don't play around here in the bay when it comes to hot release... Most of my connects turned in to dark side, and all be came resellers. Before they do it for a favor, and I just slip them a little tip. 1 of my old connect was trying to get me $300 for the 3lab5 and Bel Airs before RD.
Seeing a lot of posts about the leather. I'm pretty sure it's the exact same leather from the Steel X's, no?

There was some crying in that thread about the quality though...that's confusing.

Truth be told, I never understood how people managed to make an opinion on quality based on pics...don't you need to have them in your hands to do that? Wear them around for a few days and such? I seen mad fat ugly chicks look decent in pics...

Retail or bust for all GR's...but really, retail or bust for all sneakers...yall keep feeding the beast and then wondering why EVERYONE is doing preorders and resells...C'mon son.

...and stop coming at Central Jersey!! We get busy too doe...! That farming stuff is south jersey...stop trynna play the 732 damnit!
missed the Twitter RSVP last night because of bad service. I either need this raffle ticket to come through or to get lucky online tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed!
30 now and no longer get up early to wait for shoes.

If I can't simply walk in and get the shoe saturday afternoon, or through ndc.

I'm paying the extra $40 or what have you.

When you simply don't have the time to call up multiple stores drive around you're city ect.

Paying someone who did the leg work for you to me is paying for their service.

Resellers are here to stay; I have better things to do then spend my entire morning running around for a GR shoe.

I'm sure some others agree.
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