Jordan XIII Playoffs - February 18, 2023

Some might call me crazy but I might want these more than the 3’s. I’ve never had the playoffs 13 before.

It's not crazy because it's reasonable. Those III that are also releasing during 2023 NBA All-Star Weekend are just a stupidly butchered and screwed up version.

I’m there with you but for me the jordan 13 is my favorite jordan of all time

The XIII are my favorite Jordans after the XI.
What XIII would everyone like to see released after these? I would like to see Wheats or Neutral Grey or Cherry Lows.
Ain’t nothing crazy about wanting what you like.

Exactly! Especially if you want something that is far better than something else that coincides with it.

What XIII would everyone like to see released after these? I would like to see Wheats or Neutral Grey or Cherry Lows.

Good question. I really don't know. I'll just go along with what they plan to put out and make my decision after I see the projected release.

I still have those Wheat XIII from 2004. I seriously haven't worn them since that year they came out.

I think the Neutral Grey XIII came out in 2005 or sometime in the mid-2000s. I didn't care for them back then because they looked too nondescript for me.

No low-top please. XIII in low-top never looked nice. The only low-top Jordans I ever liked were the XI, but never the I.E. version because those always had a fake look to me.

Controversial but you asked and i welcome the boos....
Black n Reds..leather upper.

I can see some peeps liking something like that. Not for me though. The only version of a Black/Red XIII I will ever like is the original from 1998.

Unfortunately, a Black/Red XIII version with a leather upper has a fake look to them. I think I saw fools wearing swap meet Black/Red XIII with a leather upper during the 2000s. I think an actual NFL player wore something like that while he was on house arrest in the 2000s. That fool even had a picture of himself with those fake Black/Red XIII on with his ankle monitor bracelet above them on his leg.
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