Jordan XVII Low Lightning - May 30, 2024

Still no release info. I figured these would be limited because of the price/suitcase. These would sit as a GR. Might be a tough cop unfortunately
Oh yeah, no way these are a GR. Tier Zero has already backdoored em (looking at you Jimmy A Ma BS) and the resale prices tell the story of what's to come. People will enter a bunch of raffles for stock that doesn't exist and be disappointed when there's nowhere to find a pair.

So I know I’m probably gonna be 1 of the 60 people to ask this question but wtf is a Jordan nbhd retailer?
Nhbd = neighborhood. In store only, and only stores with an NHBD account. Basically, these will be limited.

And stores that will put them online, I’d assume there will be a higher shipping cost. With potential tax, and shipping, these might be pushing $400.
If retail was $180, and resell was $300, I’d probably pass, because it’s rare I’m willing to pay resell on stuff. Resell gonna be easy $400+ just so resellers can recoup retail.

Such a trash move by JB. No suitcase woulda made these sub 250, and fly under the radar.
These and Columbia 11s were pretty much at the top of my list as far as releases go for 2024. Was even willing to stomach the $300 retail…. But looks like that won’t even be a possibility. I’m not paying close to $400 after tax and shipping. I’ve accepted my L before release day.
Same here I was looking forward to these too but these look like they will be impossible to get. Also these neighborhood stores will most likely back door majority of the pairs to resellers anyway. JB messed up on this release.
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