Jordan XVII Low Lightning - May 30, 2024

Doggone it! I won’t be able to get off work in time! They ain’t picking up the phone either!


There are days I want to quit, these are one of them, working for the post office is getting harder and they don’t make it easy like like it was back then.

They are implementing new stuff that wasn’t there before back when I started in 2006, I get the scanners having GPS for our customers being able to track the packages when we scan them delivered… but the GPS data trackers inside our vehicles is the one that blows my mind and pisses me off.

I’m more than half way through with 18 years of service delving mail so I just can’t QUIT and flip burgers 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I will eventually end up with these sooner or later. All that I care about now is that there’s at least wearable pairs out there.

Couldn’t wear any og lows a month ago.
There are days I want to quit, these are one of them, working for the post office is getting harder and they don’t make it easy like like it was back then.

They are implementing new stuff that wasn’t there before back when I started in 2006, I get the scanners having GPS for our customers being able to track the packages when we scan them delivered… but the GPS data trackers inside our vehicles is the one that blows my mind and pisses me off.

I’m more than half way through with 18 years of service delving mail so I just can’t QUIT and flip burgers 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Do y'all have those front facing cameras that record you while you drive? I could never work for a company that does that.
I feel bad for the real fans of this kick. I learned about these not too long ago and thought this would be a dope pickup and my first pair, I thought it would be easy. Boy was I wrong LMAO
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