** JULY 09 PICK-UP THREAD: 6 months gone, 6 months left! (NO PIC QUOTING) **...

Couple things that came in today...

Not keeping either one



As far as Xmo goes, i vouch for the dude. 100% LEGIT. **** with that scammer stuff.
kobe4threebang as far as i know u have not dealt with me. i have bunch of refs out here that actually got stuff from me before. ****...DON'T HATE IF UDON'T HAVE WHAT I GOT!
Originally Posted by kobe4threebang

xmocncrds IS A SCAMMER
Originally Posted by kevin2nd

do you have proof? did you report him to the mods?
agreed, I hate when people come with heavy claims and 0 proof.
Originally Posted by UPandCOMING32

As far as Xmo goes, i vouch for the dude.
done transactions in person and I know hes done transactions, for YEARS with NT"heavyweights" via mail/internet.
lol im not tryin to start an argument in the pick up thread but yes u do u had a pair of concords listed for 180 i was gettin ready to send money when i lookedat the listing and it was locked by a mod DUE TO SELLING FAKES and not 2 hours before that my friend was tellin me that they were fake but i was goin to sendmoney because u had all the concords in your profile pic and alot of refs

u should be banned for the simple fact that u tried to scam somebody in my eyes tryin to scam and scamming is just as bad i only have 2 messages from u in myinbox and the emails are long gone but u know what u did i dont care if anybody believes me or not because i doubt u are goin to admit sellin fakes but i willlet everybody know that u tried to sell fake shoes as reals
Lol, X, edit that craziness out.
But I don't see how they would lock his listing for selling fakes and he's here posting. He would have been banned. What's the link to the listing?
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