June 2008 Pick-Up Thread!!!!


TOUCHE! Nice Taco...

I actually got my license last month and Im drivin a handmedown 06 Access Cab...Only thing is, is that I don't have insurance yet.
A lot of nice stuff for my Birthday today. Sorry for all the pics.

Shorts - The Hundreds and Stussy

Tee - Kidrobot


100% wool hooded sweater - The Hundreds

Tees - Stussy and The Hundreds

Box cutter and free stickers - The Hundreds

All Great gifts

+Bought these for myself. I posted them in Mays pickup post, but on the last page so i thought i'd post em again.
airjordanjack - I was just about to post up my pick ups but then i saw your post. I'll just wait til the next page. You just killed whatwas left of this page.

Happy Birthday bro !!
airjordanjack-I love that Bansky book, also how are those pens you got I was gonna get them for my sketchbook.

Anyway small pickups
Hundreds and some stickers
figuered i'd post a pic of my chelsea since were posting pics of our boxers. she was my inspiration on the dunk IDs, did them awhile back.

picked up the sheed lows from fcny.....shoots

electricbamboo - HIBACHI!!!!! nice lemar and dauleys and gil zero IIs. i picked up the undrcrwns a few weeks back, but haven't posted any pics. i'lltry to post sometime this week.
Getting ready for the summer.
Marvel Tee
Levi's Cargo Shorts
Ankle Socks

Bench V-neck Tee for $1.50

Sandalwood SB's for $45 from a friend. 1st pair of SB's. Pretty comfy. Definitely my summer shoes.
Most recent pickups:

like many of us...
2 White/Red XX3 [$99 each]

another pair for basketball....
1 White/Red/Black Zoom BB 2 Low [$48]

And something a bit different for the summer.
1 Cinder/Birch Mad Jibe [$63]
this signed jersey was FREE, compliments on mycokerewards.com...I'm was kinda surprised to receive an authentic jersey..

you punk, you entered the sweepstakes huh.

Cashmere, how much you pay for the pradas? I need some right NOW. All black.
Ok, i know it's been done by a few in here but here's my humble "custom" job
Props to FLINTGREY, B1LLY HOYLE, and abernja for all their help....shout out to RetroJTino for the deal


Final Product....




CRUSHGRUV- nice sheeds as well as chelsea and ID's
JA OH EN- nice boxer pup
ELECTRICBAMBOO- glad you had a great time in podunk San Anton!
nice pick ups steve

Dope sheeds crushgruve, I have something along those lines coming in any day now...
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