sick ride, even if its your parents. dudes in here wildin' out with jealousy and envy, its only natural...
I had to check back in on this one...you got me thinking about what supercar I would have bought 10 years ago and I gotta say the Viper.

Like most on this board I worked and saved for my first car and I'm still feenin for the exotics (which is why I play the lotto), but you all should layoff. That is not a good look. Some of you may be in a position to spoil your kids in the future too. I dunno how he got it but !@*# it he got it. Just playyour $1 tonight and you might be able to cop one tomorrow morning.

Congrats OP...do your thing
good stuff dude
A lot of jeals in this thread. Instead of using this as inspiration to work harder and motivate themselves, they hate and complain about how their life sucksand find a way to blame it on everyone else.

I have no problem with the price tag of the car.....enough kids push M3s on NT which isn't exactly cheap.

What I do have issue is, no way a 17yr old should have the power of these cars, yet. They've been driving for what, a year? And let's be real, when wewere that age (those of us in our 20's +), you feel invincible. Nothing can really happen to you, etc.

Parents should/need to recognize that.

They want to get him an $80k, that's fine...but don't make it a damn race car. It's just a bad mix to me, young and speed often leads to terribledecision making.
Nice car.

But, I agree with LazyJ10 - Nobody your age should be driving that. It's too much power and I hope you don't hurt yourself or someone else. I have seenit over and over again. Foolish parents who aren't thinking about their kids well being.
Let him live, it's a great pickup, regardless

If he's irresponsible and wrecks it, then that's on him and he'll appreciate things a bit more(hopefully)

Appreciate what you have my dude and look forward to paying your parents back for what they have done for you.
Originally Posted by iBlink

This dude newbery got that hate in his system.

We all know different standards apply to different classes fam. If dudes pops can afford to drop 80K on a benz (should've went with a BMW imo, but I digress
), then so be it. That's the man's son; how he rewards his kid is at his own discretion.
no hate man...just don't see any logical reason to give a 17 year old kid a whip like that. since my parents always made me pay insurance,please believe even if they could have I wouldn't have been rollin in that whip...a nice Range tho...
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

I have no problem with the price tag of the car.....enough kids push M3s on NT which isn't exactly cheap.

What I do have issue is, no way a 17yr old should have the power of these cars, yet. They've been driving for what, a year? And let's be real, when we were that age (those of us in our 20's +), you feel invincible. Nothing can really happen to you, etc.

Parents should/need to recognize that.

They want to get him an $80k, that's fine...but don't make it a damn race car. It's just a bad mix to me, young and speed often leads to terrible decision making.
the most well put response so far in this thread, thanks for putting it how I couldn't
I knew two brothers that got Ferrari's when they turned 16....they were the sons of Mr Dart (the name on the bottom of Styrofoam cups and plasticlids)......but why hate on what others have....jealousy is a female trait people.....sure he might end up hurting himself (I hope that does not happen) drivinga car that powerful and being young and making stupid decisions...but who are we to say that its wrong??? We all have tons of shoes, while there are peoplethat cant eat in this world....
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Originally Posted by newbery158

Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

Originally Posted by WallyHopp

Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

newbery158 wrote:
hate it when parents do this...regardless of whether you got the $ or not, you aren't old enough to appreciate something that expensive. Props to the Bill Gates of the world who keep their kids humble, and who have them probably driving CIVICS. On a side note my first car was a 1985 Ford Escort that couldnt even go on the freeway, and I toweled it off better than that after a washing son.

i hate reading stuff like this...if you're parents could by you a GTR @ 17 what would you do? turn it down because you're too young to appreciate it? S T F U

When I was 19 I was pushing a 80k S500 to college and i heard a lot of the same comments this kid is getting on this thread...As soon as I got the car everyone wanted to turn dectective and figure out how I got the car, how much my parents made..Even my friends parents would try to tell my mom and dad they shouldnt have got me such an expensive car.

It's very likely that the car is his. I just met a kid who got an SL 65 for his 18th birthday and he's getting 8M wired into his bank account in a few weeks for graduating high school.

As far as the tags, I'm new to CA so I don't know the laws. But in TX if you buy a used car the plates come with it.

whats wrong with what they said? truth hurts sometimes
Why should people dictate what you can and cant have? I was a good kid, made good grades and my parents were fortunate enough to reward me w/ nice things. What was I suppose to do? Tell them to buy me a ford focus? Those same parents complaining would've taken a free benz too..

Anyways, congrats to the OP on the new car....Be safe.
damn good grades in high school is enough to warrant an 80k car? guess i got played getting a pat on the back and a trip to benihanas...high class scumbag is well put son...let me put it this way: my parents didn't need to buy my love and affection with frivolous gifts, yes an 80k car for a kid is frivolous, making them proud was enough for me. and before you go clowning and judging, I'm 25 driving a 2008 Chevy Malbu that's payed in full and I thank God I've had the ways and means to make that happen. maybe one day I'll own a nice whip like that, but if not no biggie. do me a favor and go back to TX, we got enough ignorant people in CA.


high class scumbag..........i feel every point he has made
newbery 158..............i feel what youre saying too

but..........i feel what high class scumbag is saying more, i mean i knew kids like this.............money from grandparents, well off, etc. theses kids got so much hate in high school i cant lie,
i know damn well i wouldnt turn it down......i dont think its about "buying your kids love" a kid doesnt need an 80k car.......TRUE.
but if your family is in the position to do that............it is what it is, lets be real folks. now if they want the kid to APPRECIATE its up to the parents to make them understand that........they should DESERVE to drive that 80k car, or maybe even work to cover their insurance or something. it all starts at home, you can be a well off kid and appreciate your parents hard work and what you have or you can be the straight up spoiled type.

I'm not jealous bitter like some of these dudes...congrats to your parents for being thiswell off...but what bugs is these kids receiving the cars thinking they deserve. Unless you've been the top student in your classes every since you'vebeen in school, got into extracurricular activities, and got out of high school with a fully paid medical scholarship to Harvard, then I don't think youdeserve an 80k car. You better @#%%*+# be grateful for what your parents have accomplished though! Props to them.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

I have no problem with the price tag of the car.....enough kids push M3s on NT which isn't exactly cheap.

What I do have issue is, no way a 17yr old should have the power of these cars, yet. They've been driving for what, a year? And let's be real, when we were that age (those of us in our 20's +), you feel invincible. Nothing can really happen to you, etc.

Parents should/need to recognize that.

They want to get him an $80k, that's fine...but don't make it a damn race car. It's just a bad mix to me, young and speed often leads to terrible decision making.
That too. I remember at 17, it had just snowed, and I wanted to go to my girls place (30 minutes away by car), but my parents hadn't had thewinter tires installed yet. It took a lot of bugging on my part, but they somehow decided to trust me with it anyways. I didn't think @*%* would happen tome, I thought I was the best driver out there. I was doing 30km/h when I should of been doing 10km/h in a sharp turn in her neighborhood, Car did not turn ATALL, and the front left wheel rammed the side of the sidewalk...and @+$%%@ the axel, or whatever up. All I know is the wheel was crooked, and I was ready tomake a run for Mexico.
I'm callin ducktales too! How you go from almost getting a Supra to a Legend then finally coppin the GT-R?
respect it or checc it

no hate here. atleast your parents bought you a car, even if its better than 80% of what the other NTer's drive.

the benefits of having money FTW
Kid still hasnt even came back to prove he really got it. How hard is it to take a pic from your window if your car in the driveway?
I doubt the car is even his! It might be his brother's or something. He can just take a pic of it in the driveway standing next to it and claim it'shis.
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